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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. Hi morgoth Honestly I think it's a lot easier to make your ROM names match the database, than it is to try it the other way around. First and foremost it needs to be mentioned that the GameEx databases do receive updates, and when that happens they are pushed out with GameEx updates. If you're not paying attention to release notes and the like, there's a good chance your custom databases will be overwritten without notification. Secondly it's just a lot easier to update your ROM set(s) to an established naming convention that will subsequently be recognized by the database(s). Basically you just find the DAT that matches your set and use a ROM auditing tool like ClrMamePro or Rom Center to analyze your set (it's good to make a backup just in case). The tool will rename all your ROMs for you according to your selected DAT file. It bears mentioning that the database supports most of the major naming conventions including No-Intro, TOSEC, and GoodTools. So long as you pick one of those you should be in good shape. Personally I prefer I No-Intro, and they have a wonderful tool called Dat-O-Matic which will help you find the DATs you're looking for.
  2. Generally this is configurable under the Video Options menu settings within MAME itself (accessed in-game with the Tab key by default).
  3. I totally agree that this is a great idea! I will say that in the linked post the OP was pretty clearly either not reading or not taking the advice that was being offered as it was repeated on multiple occasions. Heck, he's still not following the advice that was offered. (Horse ... Water ... Blah, Blah )
  4. Nope. I posted above that your unmount command was wrong and it still is. Your dt parameter in your mount command is also wrong if you're trying to mount a scsi drive. But now that you've updated your "unmount all" settings in DaemonTools you should be able to erase those settings entirely from the plugin settings. As Adultery explained, the plugin will automatically detect and execute the proper commands without those settings.
  5. That's actually what I mean though. In the "mainstream" Flash has widely been usurped by HTML5. Flash has so many vulnerabilities and security flaws that no one really wants to mess with it anymore. It's like a hot potato on the floor that no one wants to touch. In the case of the OP I can't help but think that Flash is being blocked at the OS (or maybe Anti-Virus) level This article might provide some assistance to the OP, but OTOH it mostly restates what Draco already said. Flash - it's like the Edsel of web technologies.
  6. Have you validated your ROM set using ClrMamePro, Rom Center or similar ROM auditing software? If you've not taken an opportunity to do so, I think I would recommend that course of action. If everything checks out, awesome, that's one less problem to consider. If there is a problem with your ROM set however it will quickly reveal itself through the ROM audit. Hey just out of curiosity what is the last game that appears in your list after rebuilding in GameEx? (Also remember that you'll likely want to rebuild your game list against your newly compiled version of MAME, or anythime you make MAME configuration changes in the Setup Wizard for that matter).
  7. In firestarter44's defense ... he actually did. In truth I've been wondering the same thing as Draco. Flash has been on it's way out for quite a while now, if not widely regarded as being dead and buried already. There's less and less support for it at the browser level which (I believe) has an impact for GameEx in terms of compatibility as well (in other words GameEx relies on external factors for Flash rendering).
  8. Here's the command line documentation for the latest version DaemonTools Lite. Among other things it looks like you no longer specify the enumeration of the drive to unmount but rather the letter of the drive. But ... I don't think you need to specify the mount and unmount commands at all in the plugin configuration. If you leave those fields blank, I'm pretty sure Virtual Drive Loader detects your virtual drive software appropriately and automatically supplies the proper commands. The configuration fields are only used if you want to provide custom commands. If you're not doing anything "unusual" I think you can leave them blank.
  9. There's a pretty good chance that all you need to do is install LAVFilters, which are the recommended video rendering solution for GameEx. You can find the appropriate download via the LAVFilters project repository, or alternately you can also download them from the PinballX home page. Let us know if this resolves the matter for you. If it doesn't, please refer to the GameEx: How To Ask For Help link as seen in my signature, being that we'll probably need to take a look at your support files in that case. Thanks a bunch and good luck!
  10. How comfortable are you with the command line interface and/or batch (.bat) scripting? I'm not familiar with the intimate details of how VBA handles this, but I think it would be achievable via a fairly simple wrapper (assuming it can all be launched from the command line at any rate - your bonus question seems to indicate that it's possible). Mainly I think you'd just need to pass your "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" into the a batch script as a parameter, and have the script handle running any subsequent commands. I don't think it could be accomplished through GameEx without the help of a wrapper though. Edit: This post describes how you can pass a file path as a parameter into a batch file. If you can figure out the commands to run and the order in which to run them, I could probably put it all together into a wrapper script (assuming that passing parameters into the script was proving to be difficult)
  11. Hi firestarter44 Please post a copy of your log after this error has occurred. I'm not sure if it will show the details of the error, but it sure beats taking blind guesses in the dark. It also probably wouldn't hurt to see your GameEx.ini as well. Please refer to the the GameEx: How to Ask For Help link in my signature if you're unsure of how to access those files. Thanks man!
  12. HI Capnstoobie and Welcome to the GameEx forums! Glad to hear you solved your problem, and thank you for sharing your solution! In the future when requesting some troubleshooting assistance, it is very helpful to post some supporting files which may provide indication of what's going on. Please refer to the GameEx: How to Ask For Help link in my signature for details. Thanks again!
  13. It looks like there's one available through No-Intro. (Good ol' Dat-o-Matic! I dunno what I'd do if that resource went down!)
  14. Final Burn Alpha. It's an arcade emulator supporting a few different platforms (and apparently console emulation now as well?). @Uber: It's been quite a while since I've done anything with FBA, but IIRC doesn't it just use an abbreviated MAME set (albeit possibly an older one)? If that's the case, yes you should be fine running it against the MAME database. Maybe I'm remembering wrong though.
  15. You don't seem dumb at all man! Some times in order to appease the vengeful gods of emulation you must first feed their awful gaping maws with your blood, sweat, and sweet, sweet tears of frustration. They're just kind of a PITA like that. We've all been there. Hopefully GameEx will actually simplify things for you. First things first though, do you plan on using WinVice through Gamebase (and subsequently through GameEx), or are you going to be using WinVice directly and on it's own?
  16. I dunno, the WiiU gampad is a pretty sweet piece of kit and not something that was available for the original Wii. Is it a bit of a gimmick? Sure. But so were wiggle-waggle motion controls on the original Wii, and that seemed to work out OK. It's also backwards compatible with the Wii for both games and peripherals. In this day and age in which Sony and MS seem hellbent on making gamers pay for things they already paid for in previous generation(s), backwards compatibility is a feature I'm highly in favor of, and am more than willing to support with my wallet. The above sounded a bit like a fanboy rant and I'm really not (don't own a Wii or a WiiU), but the WiiU really is a pretty sweet system (I've got a few friends that have them) and I'd definitely consider it were I in the market for a new console (my backlog is pretty long as it is, so I'm usually at least one generation behind in terms of console gaming)
  17. All's well that ends well I suppose! Guess I should have suggested an outright reinstall much earlier in the thread! Happy gaming man!
  18. It also might be helpful to go into the GameEX/DATA directory and verify the existence / contents of EMU_2.map (or whatever number corresponds to your SNES emulator at this point - in the most recent log it appears to be _6). When or if you find that file, I'd be curious as to whether 1) it exists and 2) what the contents look like. You don't necessarily need to post it or anything; I'm mainly interested whether it shows the contents of your ROM directory as it should.
  19. Well thanks for your patience Dal1980. I'm really at the point where I'm just taking shots in the dark based on what I would do in this situation. Does the same thing happen if you change to a different view? The list based view is the most straight forward, so I would suggest trying that one. If you've not done this before it's simply a matter of clicking the change view a few times. If you're in a "icon based" view (as in the video) you'll want to click the icon that looks like a computer monitor displaying stars. If you're in a "text based" view it will simply say <Change View>. You may need to change views a few times to find the list based view.
  20. Hey before moving on would you mind posting your log file for the run in which GameEx booted you from the game selection screen?
  21. Yeah man I have to admit I'm a bit stumped on this one. Just to recapitulate though (especially since we jumped to the next page), within GameEx you can see an entry for SNES in your emulators list, but when you attempt to view the games it's an empty list. Does that all sound right? The only other thing I might suggest is to try temporarily removing your ROM filter to see if it makes a difference. You could also build a map file which would (or should) force the issue, but to be honest I'd rather figure out why it's not working in the conventional sense.
  22. As far as that goes, the wiki is a good place to start, although admittedly there's not much documentation in terms of the interface for the frontend itself. Did you try using an alternate ROM folder (purely as an experiment mind)? I'm just trying to pin down whether there's an issue with the directory or there's still something else going on. I'm also wondering whether the fact that the directory starts with a non-alphanumeric character might be having an impact.
  23. This part is very strange. If Windows Explorer is being weird about granting access to your ROMs directory, it's a pretty sure bet that GameEx won't be able to access it. Are there any permissions set on the directory which might be preventing access? (Right Click on the Directory > Properties > Security tab) What happens if you run GameEx as Administrator? (i.e. right click on the executable and select Run As Administrator) Wanna try another experiment? Create a new directory, copy a single ROM over to it, configure GameEx to use that as your ROM directory, and see if that makes a difference when you run GameEx.
  24. I can't duplicate the issue with Pinball FX2. I was thinking that with the switch to invoking each table independently it might have introduced the need for a wrapper, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I'll be curious to see the logs and runitgame.bat as well to see if we can spot an incongruity. Interestingly enough I can duplicate the issue with Super Meat Boy. I don't think it's an issue with GameEx though. If you run the game from the runitgame.bat the same thing happens. I'm wondering if it's not a bug that's been introduced within Super Meat Boy itself preventing it from launching successfully from the command line. This post may shed some light on a potential fix. I may have a play with that to see if it might get it running again. ... Or I may not. That game drives me right up the wall.
  25. I'm wondering if GameEx is hanging on to the emulator cache for the demo settings. You can force GameEx to rebuild the cache files for an emulator by deleting the 'cache' files in the GameEx\Data directory. Try going into that directory and entering EMU_2*.*cache into the search field. You can delete any of the results that are returned. Next start up GameEx (which will now be forced to rebuild your cache files), and see whether this resolves your list issue. Also just out of curiosity, where do you have GameEx installed?
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