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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. Hi sonnyps64, and welcome! Are you using custom menus at all? I'm wondering if something hasn't run amiss in that regard.
  2. It sounds like you have it set to use a map file when you should just point GameEx to your ROM directory. Hard to say without looking at your support files. When you have a moment please post the contents of your GameEx.ini (or alternately the emu config that you're using for Turbografx 16). If you are unsure of how to access those files please click the How to Ask For Help link in my signature. Thanks man!
  3. Happy Birthday to one illustrious KRC! Here's wishing you a fantastic Birthday extravaganza and a Merry Christmas to boot! We miss you buddy! Pop in sometime for a quick hello and a nip of the nog!
  4. I'm not sure I even understand the problem. Is it that the Windows task bar displays when VP is loading?
  5. A little nip of the eggnog corretto

  6. The easiest and quickest route would probably be with a .bat script. Just add the separate commands to the script (ordered however you want them), and ... boom ... done.
  7. Yeah this same thing happens to me if GameEx crashes or I have to kill the task. But those situations are exceedingly rare for me. Is this something that's happening on a regular basis? Maybe we need to investigate the cause rather than the symptom?
  8. I believe this is exactly the case. Check it out. I've been curious about how the BIOS would "know" to load the OS from this sort of drive. I'm sure there is dark wizardry involved. Edit: I guess the real question is how does this thing display in the BIOS? Do you need specific features in the BIOS to support it?
  9. I can't put it any more succinctly than tthurman just did. Nicely put! Thanks for all that you do Tom; Merry Christmas to you as well!
  10. Wow, I bet that thing must get heavy ... you know, being as it approaches the frickin' speed of light. Nice one Tom! Edit But ... how fast can it make the Kessel Run?
  11. What's up Austin! Glad to have you on the forums. Those are ... uh ... quite the thread tags you have there! Keep up the great work, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you've got in store for 2016!
  12. Awesome man! I'm glad you got to see it. OK so it looks like we're going there. So yeah if you've not seen the movie and you wish to remain spoiler free (trust me you do), don't go opening spoiler tags from here on out. I have to say that to my eye the trailers made Han look like a bit of a crotchety old man, and I was relieved to see that it wasn't actually the case on screen. I really got a latter day Clint Eastwood vibe from Ford's performance. Not so much the young hot shot anymore as the guy that's seen everything, and has been tempered by years of hard living. I think Han and Leia discussed this very thing at one point (That Kylo had started training under Luke but was lured away)? Maybe I imagined that? Gah! Not the, "I'm not racist, but ... <racist thing>" speech! I thought you were above such cliched dialogue!? Wha? Any hoo ... I really liked both characters. Here's where I'm going to get a far away look in my eyes for a moment. When I was a kid I really got into Star Wars (like a lot of us I'm sure), and in the character of Luke I saw something I could aspire to in terms of strength of character, indomitable spirit, never-say-die attitude and that sort of thing. Luke Skywalker had a crazy dad he didn't understand; I had a Dad that I barely knew. In someways Star Wars informed my world view at a young age. It sounds corny but it's true. So fast forward 30 years (give or take) and I'm a father of twin girls. I can't explain it, but it in some ways I feel like the circle has completed itself. My girls will have a hero with which they can identify over a story in which we share a mutual bond (or at least one of my girls ... the other one could care less about Star Wars). I'm glad that in this set of films they will find a badass, self reliant, take-no-shit, Jedi girl in no need of rescue for which they can look up to. I'm stoked about this particular aspect. Yeah as I was watching Force Awakens I was making comparisons to previous films as well (I'm sure a lot of people have been). Here's where I landed with it. The Original Trilogy was operating on a micro scale. It was very much a character driven tale. The Prequel Trilogy was an event driven story. The characters didn't matter nearly as much as the events unfolding around them (or maybe the characters weren't strong enough to carry the story ... maybe both). It was operating on a macro scale. Force Awakens has dialed back the scope and is once again focusing on characters. In addition to the characters discussed already, I'm loving the character of Kylo Ren. He carries the appropriate level of menace, and restraint, and yet ... he completely loses his shit when things aren't going his way. I thought that was a nice touch in that it showed that in many ways he's still a reckless kid prone to fits of rage. I also loved the new saber. I wasn't sure that I would, but it's jsut menacing as hell. It seems to carry with it a weight and heft that we haven't seen before, and the jagged sputtering edge is just pure evil. Also that frozen blaster bolt at the beginning!? Are you kidding me!? Completely badass. I'm super curious to see where they're going with the whole Knights of Ren business. For me I'd go so far as an 8 maybe even 9. I have a couple of nits to pick, but nothing major enough to get worked up about (R2 waited until the exact moment of Han's death to wake up? Wha? Deus ex Machina much?) I'm equally curious to see where they're taking the Luke story (basically I see him playing the part of a surrogate Yoda to Rei). The ending certainly scored high on my "binge watching scale" (i.e. if I were watching a TV show, and I had the ability to immediately watch the next episode, would I unquestioningly do so?). Oh! So man this easter egg. I haven't seen anything else about it so maybe it's just me. But when Maz Kanata is talking to Rei in the cellar(?) of her establishment, I swear I spotted a decrepit old Dalek in amongst the decommissioned droids down there. Probably wishful thinking, but I'd like to think it was a clever tip of the hat to another long running sci-fi institution. Stranger things have happened!
  13. What do you mean dude? That was a selfie from last week.
  14. You can download them from the official repository in the downloads section. You can also download them through the Repository Manager for GameEx (Start > All Programs > GameEx > Repository Manager), which is probably the preferred method at this point for installing any missing databases. I'm surprised that these weren't included as part of your install, but I'm pretty sure it's a selectable check mark item in the install wizard. Perhaps the box wasn't checked?
  15. No worries man, I'm like the frickin' spoiler locker. I kept a huge Harry Potter spoiler secret from my wife for years. She was always bugging me to tell her the ending since a) she didn't want to start the reading the series all over again to get caught up again and the final movie(s) hadn't yet been released. Then the final movies were released and she finally got the whole story in that way (although despite the fact that while the final HP movie(s) are awesome, they still don't pack the same emotional wallop of the books). Now she's milking me for details about The Force Awakens, and it's just like ... nope. So yeah if anyone posted actual plot details about the movie in this thread I'd at least abuse my mod powers to put it them in spoilers. I actually have a question about an easter egg that I think I spotted at one point, but I'm even sitting on that question until I can talk to people who have seen the film (even though I'm dying to tell someone to keep an eye out for it, I'll probably wait until I see it again).
  16. I'm at this very time doing a new build with this exact processor (heh, I moved the guts from my HTPC into a new case and I just couldn't leave an empty case sitting around right? ). Unfortunately I had to RMA the motherboard for which I've not yet received a replacement, so I don't really have any feedback other than to say, I had the same thoughts regarding this processor. I'm using it for HTPC and light gaming, but yeah for the price it can't be beat AFAIC (hopefully the build bears that out) The motherboard I RMA'd was this one. Kinda weird; the mobo would POST, but then ... nothing. No BIOS, no OS, nothing. Full on zombie mode. Seemed to me like it could have been a bad BIOS or something, but I wasn't about to screw around with it to find out. Back to Newegg she went!
  17. BBQ was good! He was out of brisket by the time I got to the food, but the pulled pork was delicious! Awesome! I hadn't realized before our group got to the theater that "XD" translates as 3D so I watched it in 3D as well. I even sprung for a pair of "collectible" Kylo Ren 3D glasses, LOL. But yeah, I thought the 3D effects were great, you definitely won't be disappointed. The only other place I've seen 3D effects of the same quality was at Disney World ... which totally makes sense I suppose. (Although admittedly the last time I watched a full length 3D feature film in a theater we were still wearing red and blue tinted glasses ... ugh). j/k. I can't wait for you to see it and hear your thoughts man. Heck I can't wait to see it again.
  18. Just got out of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. As a fully grown-ass man I feel absolutely no shame in saying ... ... frickin' nerdgasm ... I dug it. This one's a keeper guys.
  19. Hey! I resemble that remark! Ah well, while we're at it let's not forget these Holiday classics Just south of the North Pole: R.I.P. Dave Brockie : Always kinda liked this one. Best described as "Drunken Bela Lugosi singing a Mexican carol" (and yes I totally stole that from the comments) Might as well top it off with a legitimate classic. Shane MacGowan demands that you take a shot of Jameson to commemorate the Holidays ... or the fact that it's Thursday ... or that the clock just changed to 11:37 ... or you know whatever, he just wants you to drink whiskey. Merry Christmas everyone!
  20. Hi cnells2K Does this same thing happen if you run GameEx as Administrator (like specifically if you right click on GameEx and select Run As Administrator)? Does the log you posted reflect an instance of you attempting to launch this game? It doesn't look like you launched anything during that run.
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