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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. I'm afraid I don't have much advice on Visual Pinball, but I would make a small request by way of forum decorum (heh, 'forum decorum' ... I'm a poet and I didn't know it) Rather than making several forum posts, sometimes only minutes apart, please edit your previous post for the purposes of adding additional information if (and only if) your thread hasn't had additional replies in the meantime. Making multiple posts like this is known as 'thread bumping' and has the effect of constantly driving your thread to the top of the topic list. This is great for your purposes(!) but unfortunately has the a residual effect of reducing focus on the threads of other folks. If your thread has received additional replies in the meantime please feel free to make new posts to your thread. FWIW there are no steadfast rules related to thread bumping on the GameEx forums, but following this generally accepted etiquette will make you cooler, increase your sphere of influence, and improve your complexion. Who doesn't want that? Thanks man!
  2. I split out RetroArch conversation from the parent thread (found here), since I had already locked the thread and I wanted to talk some more about RetroArch! (while still leaving the conversation open for anyone to reply). Interestingly enough, that's the part that's working great. It's the configuration of RetroArch settings that's throwing a monkey wrench at my face. Here's what's happening in a nutshell: First I enabled RetroArch for Core Specific settings (I'm away from my machine, but it's the universal setting you can change with no other core loaded)Next I grab a new core (we'll say Nestopia for our purposes here), and load up that core.Setup the core specific configuration for Nestopia (mainly shaders and control config)Check the config directory to make sure a new config was created. It was.Repeat steps 2-4 for a different core (Let's say bsnes).Reload the Nestopia core and start a game.My F%#!ing bsnes settings overwrote my Nestopia settings So at the moment I'm trying to figure out how to make RetroArch recognize "core specific" config changes so that they are actually core specific. This is outside the purview of "making it work in GameEx" since that part actually works swimmingly. I have my command setup so that it loads the appropriate core specific config at run time and that part actually works great. (Yes I broke the cardinal rule of "Set it up outside of GameEx first" , but technically it is more or less setup ... just not the way I want it). So here's what I think I need to do (or at least what I plan on trying next, but haven't yet had time.) Rather than start RetroArch from the GUI, I'll start it directly from the command line loading a core specific config. Then I'll make my config changes, and see how it goesIt's possible that when you load RetroArch from the GUI it maintains some sort of hook to the universal config, and thus when you make config changes they actually have an impact to the universal config rather than (what you think is) the core specific config. I figure starting RetroArch specifically using a custom config might just forego this hook to the universal config. But that's all pure conjecture on my part ... all the same though it makes some sort of sense ... to my twisted little brain at any rate ... err, doesn't it?
  3. Thanks man! Yeah I've used RetroArch in the past for a few systems and it really is great. Probably one of the most significant things to have happened to the emulation scene in the last five years. For this HTPC build I think it will be the only 'emulator' I install (although there may be a few weirdo stragglers like nullDC I suppose). My main remaining hurdle is convincing RA to recognize core specific configs, rather than just loading the one that was used last. I've been doing some homework on that one. Much like RetroArch, this won't be my first HTPC project, but I'm hoping that it will be the best one, as its giving me the opportunity to incorporate lessons I've learned over the years. The trouble with HTPC pictures is that they don't have much sex appeal, LOL! (Unless we're talking full on home theaters with projector setups, stadium style seating, inbuilt sound systems and the like ... but that sort of thing definitely exists outside my my wife's budget :-D)
  4. It's a good question. Despite the many platforms for which RetroArch is available, I've only ever used it on Windows. As a result I'm not sure if the emulator cores available on Windows are the same emulator cores available on other platforms (I suspect not ... but maybe?). Having said that, my general strategy with RetroArch is "find the emulator cores that most closely match the standalone emulators I've always used and just go with those". Beyond that it gets into experimental try-and-see territory.
  5. Well happy news, I've resolved this particular issue. It was one of two things that fixed the issue, and I'm not sure which one it was (and in truth I had to do both anyway). In a completely unrelated issue I was setting up RetroArch on this machine and I wasn't getting any audio output. Boo! So after some scouring of the internet, I resolved that particular issue by way of installing some missing DirectX libraries (from here should anyone else be experiencing that particular bit of weirdness - seems to be a Windows 10 thing). RetroArch problem solved! "Hmm ..." I thought to myself, "I wonder if those missing DirectX libraries would have an impact on my GameEx thing?" So I ran the GameEx installer again ... and GameEx still didn't show up on the Programs page in Kodi. Drat. But! I looked in the list all installed plugins (in Kodi, System > Add-ons > My add-ons > Program add-ons), and lo and behold there was the GameEx plugin! Now ... I swore I had done this before ... but maybe not? At any rate from that point it was a simple matter of manually adding the plugin to the Programs screen (If you're using the default Confluence theme System > Appearance > Skin > Settings > Add-on > Home page programs submenu). Bada bing. Works perfectly. fuckyeah.gif. So if you're having this issue, run the GameEx Installer with the "Add to Kodi" option checked. Then look in Kodi to see whether the add-on was installed but is simply not displayed. If the add-on really wasn't installed then install the missing DirectX libraries linked above, and re-run the GameEx installer. Hopefully that should do it. Now back to fiddling with RetroArch!
  6. Hi Gang I'm in the midst of setting up a new HTPC setup on Windows 10. On other machines I have used launch GameEx from Kodi and have been extremely pleased with the functionality. The installation wizard allows you to add GameEx to the Programs page in Kodi, which I have used in the past without issue. It's probably noteworthy that this is the first time I've attempted this under Windows 10, but during my installation process this function has been non-operational. It's also probably noteworthy to mention that this happening under Kodi v15.2 (Isengard) in combination with the GameEx 14.42 installer. I've re-ran the GameEx installer as Administrator a few times, but to no avail. I've also run both Kodi and GameEx itself as Administrator, but nothing has coerced my precious little GameEx launcher to appear in Kodi. Has anyone else had any issues with this on Windows 10 and Kodi 15.2? Has is worked for anyone, and were there any special steps involved? I can post any necessary supporting information, but my Kodi log makes no mention of GameEx. Likewise I know that Kodi plugin information is not logged to the GameEx log (of which I've observed a few in my time ) nor does it display in the GameEx.ini. I noticed that this issue was also reported a few months back, but there were no responses at that time (and at that point I hadn't encountered the issue myself ).
  7. Congratulations RedDog, and thanks for all that you bring to the GameEx community!
  8. Not to be a grumpy old curmudgeon, but I would advise against this as it would be a violation of forum rules (copyrighted material)
  9. Happy belated birthday my good man!
  10. Matt straight-up Suuuuuucks! Man, I dunno I thought Force Awakens was great. It's probably sitting in my #3 spot as far as movies in the franchise go. I mean even Episode 4 wasn't exactly breaking exciting new ground in terms of narrative structure or anything.
  11. Explanation: It's just that ... you have all these squishy parts, master. And all that water! How the constant sloshing doesn't drive you mad, I have no idea...

  12. What happens when you run via Run Last Game (Start Menu > All Programs > GameEx > Utilities> Run Last Game)? The only reason I ask is that this smells more like an emulator issue than a GameEx issue to me. We can still try to help you troubleshoot if it turns out to be an emulator issue, but it's important to figure out which component is being problematic.
  13. Happy birthday Flash! Enjoy your day man!
  14. This was my thought as well. If you would prefer not to unzip your ROMs you can also enable the Zip/7-Zip/GoodMerge/RAR setting found on the Advanced Emulator Setup screen in the Setup Wizard. This setting will prmopt GameEx to extract the contents of the zipped ROM prior to launching the emulator. Ultimately though the best plan might be to figure out how to utilize unzip32.dll with Ootake.
  15. "If you're ever sad, just remember the world is 4.543 billion years old and you somehow managed to exist at the same time as David Bowie." - Dean Podesta There was always something that was just so cool about Bowie, and yet at the same time unknowable. There'll never be another one like him; a true visionary to the end.
  16. I don't know why, but I can stare at this for a long time. You're welcome.
  17. Ya know for all the guff that Rob Liefield gets these days, he really had a nice eye for character design in the 90s. Although it's certainly trendy to kick dirt on Liefield, I think it's a bit of revisionist history to discredit his contributions to the medium. I think both Deadpool and Cable are pretty amazing characters, and both of them were (basically) brought to life by Rob Liefield. At any rate, I'm really looking forward to the Deadpool film and I hope that it does well. Is the general public ready for a hard-R superhero flick? Time will tell, but I sure hope so!
  18. I notice that you have the following setting enabled (meaning GameEx will start and login to Steam when a game is launched): If Steam is not running at the same time as GameEx, it's possible that GameEx is not 'seeing' your Steam games. What happens if you start Steam before starting GameEx and leave it running? Does the same thing happen? Do you have a fairly sizable Steam library? It might be worth while to explicitly running GameEx as administrator to see if that makes a difference (i.e. specifically right click on GameEx and select "Run as administrator").
  19. Convert-It is a pretty great set of tools developed by Spesoft (i.e. Tom Spiers developer of PinballX). If not Convert-IT, then my recommendation would go to the tried and true Handbrake, which is another wonderful video conversion tool.
  20. Some pretty interesting thoughts in that article! To be honest, I do have a kind-of-sort-of soft spot in my heart for the prequels. There's definitely some good to be had, it's just that the cringe-worthy moments are so cringe-worthy at this point that they get a bad rap. My main concern at this point is that Disney is setting up the entire world for an acute case of Star Wars fatigue. Can you imagine a world in which the release of a new Star Wars movie isn't a guaranteed recipe for an immediate blockbuster? It's an entirely possible scenario at this point. OTOH, Disney are the unequivocal masters of marketing, so if anyone can successfully pull off the planned release cycle it's the Big-D.
  21. I'm not sure what season it's in, but if you were to find it in your heart to do Gorgar I'd love you forever.* * Too late, I already do. Marry me.
  22. Good advice Would you mind checking your system clock to verify that it is accurate? Sounds like a dumb question I know, but I've done it before which is why I ask. Could you also verify the accuracy of the following information? If that information is incorrect, would you please verify that you only have one installation location for GameEx?
  23. I'll take a re-hash of Empire over Jar-Jar and midi-chlorians any day of the week.
  24. To be honest, I think any criticism George Lucas lobs at the new film has to be taken with a huge grain of salt. "Oh what, you're disappointed that they didn't go back and alter the original films for the umpteenth time to yield the 'Dolby Enhanced 3D 4k Director's Cut with Never Before Seen 30 Seconds Of Additional Footage' version?" I have huge respect for what Lucas accomplished, but I think his capacity for iterative improvements and creative input into the series started hitting the point of diminishing returns quite a while back. It was time for new creative vision to be injected into the series, and I think the new film accomplished that. "White Slavers" indeed ... more like "Get off my lawn"
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