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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. It sounds weird but I kind of like the ROM boot info because it makes me imagine countless arcade operators throughout the ages seeing the exact same screens when they plugged in arcade machines.
  2. Hi nightscreams and welcome to the GameEx forums! You can disable this feature on the Enable / Disable Features screen in the Setup Wizard. It's enables or disabled using the Enable Panel Viewer setting. There's probably an app out there that can stay resident long enough for the ROM to load completely. I always seem to miss someones app when I start listing apps like this but you might investigate one of the following CPWizard, Game Info Plugin, Marquee Magician, or an application along those lines. Most of those are designed to run on a secondary monitor, but you might be able to get them to run on the primary monitor while the ROM loads. Be aware that some ROMs take longer to load than others though.
  3. Hi zeenon, I can't speak to your first question, but the second question is related specifically to the Setup Wizard in that it doesn't correctly reflect the current value of your performance setting. When you change the value in the Setup Wizard, the selection will still be saved to your GameEx settings.
  4. Yes pretty much. I believe GameEx allows for some degree of file names that are "close enough," but especially where you're in a position of manually renaming your artwork it only makes sense to make an exact match. If you're looking at a fairly sizable task of renaming a lot of artwork, there are tools available to assist you in the endeavor. Perfect Match written by our very own Tempest is one of the best.
  5. Hi Damon Always great to see enthusiasm from our new members! Keep those questions coming So you'll want to make sure a few things are in order. First you'll want to make sure that GameEx knows where to find your snaps. If you're using the Mame\snaps\ directory to house your artwork, you'll want to use that as your Snap Path on the MAME Settings screen in the Setup Wizard. Next you'll want to be sure that the name of your snaps match the name of the ROMs they represent. After that you should be good to go. These images are related to your theme settings. I'm away from my GameEx rig at the moment, but you should be able to root through the directory containing your applicable theme, and find/replace the images that are causing you to rage. One of our theme wizards will likely be able to provide more explicit details. If you're looking for more aesthetically pleasing replacements, several of four members have applied their formidable artistic talents towards the creation of all manner of suitable rep[placements for the default icons. KRC and Draco1962 are two extremely accomplished stalwarts in this regard.
  6. This functionality has been discussed before. I think you can construct a very close approximation of the menu structure you describe using the custom menu tool, but may not be able to create the exact structure you're after. Having said that, I think it's a perfectly valid feature request, particularly where this exact same functionality has been discussed previously.
  7. Hi BN1_Soldier Normally the safest way to migrate your GameEx intallation is to copy the entire GameEx installation directory to the target machine, and then install GameEx over the top of that directory. As noted here:
  8. Hi buzztinbaloonknotz Sorry to hear that this continues to be a problem for you. Now that GameEx has bumped up a few versions from your previous log, would you mind posting an updated version following a crash? Thanks man. So a couple of questions: Are you running any codec packs on your rig? If so which ones? Are your graphics drivers up to date? Remember that it's generally best to get drivers from your Video Card manufacturer rather than directly from Nvidia (and remember that Windows Update can be out of sync with the actual most recent version).
  9. Hi WayneNewton and welcome to the GameEx forums (or should I say Danke Schoen for stopping by? ) Any hoo, there's an important distinction to be made here. Namely GameEx doesn't include any sort of virtual controller components. Enabling touch screen support should enable you to use your touch screen within the GameEx frontend, but you may need to track down some third party virtual controller software to enable the type of functionality you're looking for. Some emulators may also include direct support of touchscreen controls, but naturally this will vary from one emulator to the next. Danke Schoen and good luck in your endeavors WayneNewton!
  10. Oh yeah! I almost forgot about that. It appears at the bottom of you MAME menu in GameEx. Assuming a default menu structure: Mame > (Scroll all the way down) > Update List Regarding the problematic ROM, I'd be much more interested to see what happens when you follow the troubleshooting instructions adding a pause to runitgame.bat (especially if the console contains any additional error information). Auditing your ROMs is a very good habit to get into because it helps you rule out a whole plethora of issues before you even attempt to run games in MAME. In this case it does seem like your ROM is probably in good shape for your version of MAME, but it never hurts to verify. I'd try the runitgame.bat thing, before auditing your ROMs though, particularly if you've never used ROM auditing software. Learning the ropes of the auditing software can be a whole separate project.
  11. Hi DJ Infinity For registration issues like this Tom has requested that users contact him directly via email. I'm sure he'll have you up and running in no time. Thanks!
  12. I think Adultery's on to something. It would be good to run your ROMs through a ROM auditing tool (like RomCenter or ClrMamePro), to make sure all the components are in place per your version of MAME. It may also be helpful to try the troubleshooting steps described here: One way to troubleshoot a problem is to add the word "Pause" at the end of the Runitgame.bat file. When Windows asks "Do you want to save the changes..." Click on "Save". Next, double click on the "Run Last Game" Icon in the Start Menu. This will send the commands again, but the command window will remain open. It may show an error that will help you to understand what is wrong. If you get this error: 'Emulator name.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. It means that either you have the incorrect name specified for your Emulator.exe, or your working path is incorrect. If it gives an error that you don't understand, please let us know that you tried this method, and let us know what the error is.
  13. Hi Damon. Please attempt to run the game through GameEx, as that will generate the runitgame.bat. Thanks!
  14. That is correct. If you're not interested in displaying artwork within GameEx, you do not need to adjust the artwork directories. It's OK if they point at invalid directories. If you felt like being thorough about it you could nullify those paths, but it's up to you. Correct. If you're only interested in MAME you only need to configure the MAME section. This is just part of the GameEx screen flow. Basically it asked you if you wanted to download any emulators, and you said no. It would be poor design if GameEx required you to download emulators, in order for you to configure anything, so it still navigates you to the Emulator Setup screen so that you may configure any emulators you already had prior to running the Setup Wizard, or which don't appear in the Emulator Selection list. YOu can ignore that part. So far so good. OK, so let's get back to your first question. You configured your MAME directory, but it doesn't sound like you configured your ROM directory on the MAME Setup screen. You'll need to do that before GameEx knows where to find your MAME ROMs. I imagine that should get you some results. Good luck man! If you continue to have any issues, upload your GameEx.ini and I bet we can get you the right track.
  15. Thanks for being on top of things Tom!
  16. Holy crap! There's a lot to love in this update Tom! Thanks for all your hard work.
  17. Wow, this a really cool idea headkaze! Thanks for putting this together!
  18. Thanks for the share celly! I had seen various reports of progress being made on this emulator, but I had no idea it was progressing so nicely. I'm definitely going to take this one for a spin.
  19. ... This looks pretty badass to me. Capcom Is Bringing DuckTales Back Or at least as badass as Scrooge McDuck is capable of looking I suppose. Growing up in the late 80's / early 90's I was rather firmly in the target demographic of the Disney Afternoon block of television shows consisting of DuckTales, Darkwing Duck, Rescue Rangers, TaleSpin, and for a brief time the completely out of theme (but completely rad) Gargoyles. Any hoo, as brilliant as the shows were this was also the day and age in which Capcom could do no wrong with their NES releases, and some of the best of the bunch were their licensed Disney games. And of those games the absolute pinnacle may have been DuckTales (and it's hard to find sequel). So yeah I'm not ashamed to admit I'm kinda pumped about this HD remake. (I mean ... uh ... I can play this with my daughters ... yeah). So if you've never checked out the original, and you enjoy inventive cartoon based platformers you should seriously check out the original on NES. That is all.
  20. Hi buzztinbaloonknotz, and welcome to the GameEx forums! Sorry to hear about the issues you're experiencing. It will be helpful to take a look at the entire contents of your log to see what was happening before the error occurred. Likewise it may be helpful to look at your GameEx.ini to see what your settings look like. The How to Ask For Help thread will provide details on how to access all of that info. Just out of curiosity are you using any codec packs on your rig?
  21. I'm intrigued! Any chance you'll provide details of the overhaul for us tech-dorks? Are we talking purely schema changes, or are you using different XML parsing techniques, or something different altogether?
  22. Wow man, this is quite an epic update! Thanks a lot for all your hard work on this Adultery. I've tooled around a bit with the tool, but haven't yet begun to even scratch the surface of what's possible. Awesome!
  23. Sweet! Glad to hear you got it sorted rtkiii. The other thing you'll start to notice is that some games will allow you to crop the bezel artwork from within the bezel settings in MAME. It sort of reduces the "in your face awesomeness," but it does increase the play field for games like 1943 with large bezels
  24. In order to get game specific bezels enabled in MAME, you'll want to go back into the Setup Wizard and set Use Bezel back to Don't Use Bezel (a bit confusing I know). Essentially you're telling GameEx to let MAME control your bezels rather than letting GameEx assign the default one.
  25. Hi rtkii. You can enable a generic bezel through GameEx, but generally game specific bezels are enabled through MAME itself. You can locate the appropriate settings in game via the "Tab" Menu > Video Settings. Also note that not all games have bezels available (and it's all dependent on the artwork you have stored locally in your MAME artwork directory).
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