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All my products and services are free. All my costs are met by donations I receive from my users. If you enjoy using any of my products, please donate to support me. Thank you for your support. Tom Speirs



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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. Hi jmoceri, and welcome to the GameEx forums! Our standard advice for troubleshooting is to post a copy of the emulator config that seems to be giving you issues, and a copy of your log after having experienced the problem. You can refer to the How to Ask For Help Thread for instructions on how to do that. Problems like these can be caused by a whole multitude of issues, so looking at your specific configuration will help us to tailor troubleshooting advice to your specific situation. Otherwise we're just shouting out random advice which can sometimes be worse than no advice at all. Thanks man!
  2. Hi Damon and welcome to the GameEx forums! Sounds like you've got a pretty sweet rig there. Yeah, MAME Plus! should work just fine with GameEx, so I'm thinking there may need to be some additional configuration in GameEx that needs to take place. Hard to know without seeing your GameEx.ini. I'm a bit confused given the title of the thread whether the problem is that you see your games but cannot launch them (as the title seems to indicate), or whether the issue is that you cannot see your games within GameEx (as your post seems to indicate). Seeing your GameEx.ini and log will help to determine which scenario we're attempting to troubleshoot. Feel free to report back in the meantime to clarify. Yes there are a number of ways to accomplish this depending on what your goal is. If you really want a list of All Games, GameEx does provide a list of All Games (which I believe appears under Emulated Games in the menu structure, but I'm away from my machine ATM). If you have several emulators all emulating the same system (let's say ePSXe, pSXFin, and Xebra) and you want all of those games to appear in the same list, you can group all those games under the same list using the Emulator Groups function. If you're displeased with the menu structure altogether, you can always concoct your own using the Custom Menus tool (potentially using any combination of any of the above). Choices!
  3. Whoa! Yes I can duplicate the behavior you describe here. What's funny is that if you open up one of the European or Japanese games from the main list there are no playable games listed within the merged set (where the set consists of only that one game). Seems to me like you've uncovered a minor bug in the system. It would probably be worth elevating this to Tom's attention, or at least documenting it as a feature request.
  4. Hi Crylen, Sorry it took me a day to get back to this. OK so here's how I had everything setup prior to injecting your ROM filter into my settings. Note that for the purposes of this exercise I turned on 7z support. Naturally Nestopia wouldn't normally need that feature, but I don't think it matters here one way or another. I already had Merge Sets turned on. Settings with No Filter: Those settings yielded the following results: So then I added your filter to my settings. I adjusted the filter slightly to eliminate redundancy, so I ended up using this: *(*USA*)*;*(*World*)* Settings with Filter: So those settings yielded the following results: The one item of note here is that I'm using a No-Intro set in this example, so each zip contains only one ROM.
  5. Happy Birthday Circo! Thanks for all you do for the community man!
  6. Hmm ... the 7z thing seems to be working for me when I plug your rom filters into my settings, but it's entirely likely that I'm not creating an exact duplicate of your scenario. As far as the BIOS files go, it will probably be easiest to manually exclude those files from your list(s). One way that you can exclude ROMs from your game list is by pressing delete on that item within the GameEx interface. If the setup wizard is giving you issues, it might be worth while trying to remove them that way.
  7. Hi crylen It might be helpful to have a look at your GameEx.ini to see the bigger picture (or you could export the config for the specific emulator(s) you're working with), To that end, have a look right here. I'll do some testing with this as well. In the mean time, do you have any driving reason to keep the Japanese and European releases in the same directory as the games you want appearing in GameEx? I ended up moving the ROMs I didn't want into a separate directory, which worked pretty well for me. Another option would be to use a map file to create a list of only the games you'd like to have appearing in your list (there are a couple of very good utilities to help you in that endeavor if that's what you choose). So there are a couple of different options here. In the meantime I'll do some testing to see what happens if I combine those settings. Are you using GoodSets by any chance?
  8. Thanks a lot guys! Chinese food and a new USB port for B-Day. Hooray! Birthdays are an opportunity to pause and consider the events of the previous year. It's been a crazy one! I was wondering if I'd I'd still have a job at this time last year. My company wound up landing a new contract, so now I'm working 60 hours a week with plenty of time spent traveling. Come October I may be wondering again whether there's any new work available, and whether I'll still have a job at this time next year! Any hoo, throughout all the chaos, this forum has been my sanctuary. I come here and things seem normal again, if only temporarily. Kinda like my favorite pub. Sometimes I stop in to throw back a quick one, sometimes I can buy a round for the bar. Either way, it's all the wonderful members of our community that make this a fun place, and the reason why I consider this forum my online home away from home. Thanks again for the well wishes guys.
  9. Right on, thanks for the update Tom! And on a personal note, thanks for all your work on the HDHomeRun piece!
  10. Wow ... just wow. Remapping that custom controller via NES cart is an absolute stroke of genius. Thanks for the share Han! I'm curious to see how this project continues to develop.
  11. Hi Ptinolv Just out of curiosity, what Steam settings do you need to change in 12.98 that you can't change in 13.02? If your GameEx config is preventing you from making changes, it seems like your problems may extend well beyond issues with the Xpadder plugin. Maybe it's a separate issue, but it sure seems like it could be related. Just a thought.
  12. Perfect!! Tested on both standard def channels and HD. Works like a champ. Live TV in GameEx! This is awesome! Tom you are the MAN! Well done.
  13. Yes you should be able to add non-Steam games into Steam and have them recognized by GameEx. There are some exceptions to this rule, which can occasionally require that you get a bit more creative, but for the most part the process should be fairly seamless. Be aware that some games will require a wrapper in order to be launched successfully through GameEx (typically this applies to games that have some sort of precursory "launcher" window), while others may require a config (which typically applies to games that require the use of an alternate watched process). Long story short, most games should be recognized and work without an issue. The ones that don't should be able to work with a little ingenuity.
  14. You sir are a genius! That seems to have done the trick. The only mystery now is that the picture seems to be zoomed in and offset to the right so that only a portion of the video displays. All the same, I'm pretty amazed and delighted. Well done! I've attached my most recent log if you're interested.
  15. Steam support is a fantastic addition to this already great plugin! Thanks Adultery!
  16. Ooooh OK ... Now I get the whole URL business. So here's the entry for Fox Television: hdhomerun://Digital Antenna/ch515000000-2/21-2 FOXThe numeric channel identifiers are a bit of a mystery to me, so I'll pass along the entire playlist for good measure. Thanks again for looking into this Tom!
  17. Hmm ... Still experiencing similar results as before. I've tried a few different main application settings in the application tab of the HDHomeRun Setup, but thus far have been unsuccessful in striking upon a working combination.
  18. That's a great touch saterium! I'm really liking this theme. Keep up the good work.
  19. Ok now I get to look like a bonehead ... I'm not sure how to test the URL string for 'playabililty'. All the same, I'm thinking this might play a part: Could it be as simple as replacing 'CableCARD' with 'ATSC'? I'm sure that's a drastic oversimplification, but in this case ATSC is the type of broadcast signal rather than CableCARD. Here's that log.
  20. Progress! All of my channels are now displayed in the TV section. None of them will play though. It brings up a black screen for a few seconds then returns to GameEx. When I set up NextPVR to connect to the HDHomeRun it was very finicky about decoder settings. Perhaps that sort of thing may play an issue here as well? Here's the combination I'm using with no issues (I don't know if this helps at all, but in the interest of providing info about my setup)
  21. Yep the TV selection does indeed appear in the Multimedia section.
  22. Ah ha I see what you mean now. Currently GameEx doesn't have 'placeholder values' for the resolution for the active monitor. I suppose it's within the realm of possibility though. It certainly couldn't hurt to make a feature request! It's also likely that this functionality could be supported through a plug-in (and it might actually be better as a plug-in since it seems like it might serve a small core of users). We also have several talented plug-in authors lurking about, so who knows someone may pick this up and run with it. If you're coding chops are up to par I think the plug-in system is relatively easy to pick up (I'm not speaking from personal experience though), and we have a core of experts who would likely be willing to provide advice where necessary.
  23. You bet! Thanks for looking into this Tom! I'm feeling kind of bad since GameEx news threads aren't typically meant for troubleshooting ...
  24. I sure do! Inside that directory is a file called Digital Antenna.xml which looks like this:
  25. Hi llarsw and welcome to the GameEx forums! I honestly think it just depends on the emulator. Several emulators also let you set the desired resolution as part of the configuration too, so you wouldn't need to worry about command variables. It really just depends. Is there a particular emulator you're attempting to configure in this way?
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