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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. I can confirm that Alt+F4 works to close Fusion, and I agree that this might solve your issue. The [Mapping Off] Exit (Alt+F4) Advanced Config is even included with GameEx by default. On the Advanced Emulator Setup screen please refer to the Advanced Config entry. Select [Mapping Off] Exit (Alt+F4) from the dropdown selections. This just means that when you press your exit key it will use Alt+F4 to exit the emulator rather than whatever it's doing now. Give that a shot and see if it helps.
  2. Awesome thanks for the update Adultery! Support for ROMs in subfolders is a fantastic addition.
  3. Hmm ... maybe it's a version thing? I see you're using 0.2a and for some reason I think I'm using 0.8a. I'm away from my gaming rig, so it's entirely possible that I'm not remembering that correctly but it sounds right. (Or maybe you are using 0.8 and the Supermodel team neglected to update the text in the ini). At any rate, yeah I say go for it. Back up your config file and have a go at adding the lines described above. The worst that can happen is that it won't work, and if that's the case just revert back to your previous settings.
  4. With Supermodel, I actually had to tinker with the Supermodel.ini before I could get any appreciable change to resolution settings. Check the Config folder in your Supermodel directory: ...\Config\Supermodel.ini And make your desired changes directly to the config file (remember to back up the file just in case!). XResolution = 1280YResolution = 1024FullScreen = 1ForceFeedback = 1I don't do the whole stretched resolution thing, so I'm not sure if Supermodel locks the aspect ratio or not. This thread seems to indicate that it doesn't.
  5. Hi Stu! You might try altering your command line to the following as some have reported better success using [VIRTUALDRIVE]:\ SSF.exe [VIRTUALDRIVE]:\If that still doesn't do the trick, I'd recommend giving Adultery's Virtual Drive Loader plugin a try. The plugin will grant you a more granular level of control over how images are mounted in DaemonTools. Among other things it will allow you to specify whether you're loading to a virtual DT or virtual SCSI drive.
  6. Probably using Launch Before (to open Xpadder) and Launch After (to close it). Adultery's plugin greatly simplified the process, but back in the old days before the plugin that's how it was done (often via a .bat file).
  7. Man that apple II logo sure takes me back. Anyone remember the mostly-text-sort-of-graphical adventure called Transylvania? I played that like crazy on the Apple IIe. So badass. My first exposure to adventure games. Great work KRC!
  8. Basically the CRC is a code value generated via a common algorithm based on the data within a ROM (or other) file. So if you have two ROMs both named Super Crazy Awesome Bros. (for instance) if there's even one bit of misplaced data in one of them, the CRC will be different for each of them. That's how ROM auditing software can determine whether a given ROM is good, bad, or misnamed. Groups like No-Intro release DATs containing CRCs for known working ROMs (according to the standards of their group), and the ROM auditing software takes it from there. Always good to be cautious regarding the discussion of ROMs, but discussing ROM auditing is generally considered fairly safe. The de facto assumption is that you're either running public domain ROMs or own the ROMs in your possession.
  9. Hi Stigz! Not to question your motives or anything, but are you sure you don't want an auditing tool to match on the CRC? Most of the tools you mention go beyond simple renaming to verify that the ROM itself is valid (or at least as valid as the source DAT). The renaming is a nice side benefit, but most ROM auditing tools are used primarily to verify that a ROM set is complete and valid. Matching only by name could get very ugly. Consider a GoodSet for instance. The Super Mario Bros set alone probably has at least 100 component ROMs, and many of those are going to be named Super Mario ... Something. I'd hate to have all those bad dumps and hacks renamed to something I could mistake for being valid and runnable (or good ).
  10. What are the general specs on this system? What OS are you running? What are the general hardware specs? What .NET frameworks are installed and are they up to date, etc? Are you running any sort of nLited (or other) "streamlined" installation of Windows?
  11. Hi aikido2u A few of questions for you: Are you running the most recent version of GameEx? Is this for a newly installed version of GameEx, or had you already been running GameEx on this same machine without issue? And one last oddball question: does the version of your GameEx executable match the version of the Setup Wizard you're using (i.e. you're not mixing and matching executables are you)? Does Windows produce an error when the application crashes? Do you get the standard Windows, "This application has stopped working ..." message or something similar to that?
  12. These are cool Sokurah! I always enjoy seeing what you've been up to. Thanks for keeping us posted!
  13. While we're (sort of) on the subject of retro-styled 2.5D sidescrolling beat-em ups, Fist Puncher is another game that looks like it could scratch that RCR itch (insofar as it's definitely a loving homage to the genre). I haven't played it yet, but it certainly looks like a hoot.
  14. Niiice! I only wish that were coming to a bar near me! I was hoping the video would show a bit more 'table action' (table porn?), but still very cool.
  15. If we're going into editing mode, I wanted to point out that CHD actually stands for Compressed Hunks of Data, rather than Chunks of Disk. Regarding Shark007, can't you opt out of the adware from within the installer? It's been a while since I installed it, but as I remember you simply had to pay close attention during the install process. From there you could unselect the option to install any crap-ware. Has this changed?
  16. Dude, you've got to check out River City Ransom Han! It's one of the baddest games available for the NES. I'm aware of no other game in which you punch a dude and he literally says, "BARF!". I mean you punch the guy so hard he literally throws up! Mortal Kombat ain't got nothing on that! In all seriousness though the game combines a solid Beat Em Up with RPG elements and bakes it to perfection. Without laying it on too terribly thick, I'd definitely consider this one of the unsung masterpieces of the NES era. Actually RCR is part of a much larger series of games called Kunio Kun in Japan. The larger series includes all sorts of disparate games from Renegade to Nintendo World Cup. But RCR is a real jewel in the series crown. You should check it out if only for the legacy it spawned and the memes it's generated over the years. BARF!
  17. Dude - don't wait until you're frustrated before posting. We're all here because we enjoy the hobby, and we enjoy sharing knowledge. If we didn't enjoy talking about it and doling out advice (good, bad, or indifferent) we wouldn't be on the forum. The only unwritten request is that you pay that knowledge forward to some other struggling noob when and if you have the opportunity. Don't wait two days before posting! It will only increase the frustration and eventually burn you out on the hobby. Glad to help out where and when we can! Also don't look now, but you're pretty much well on your way to becoming a "regular and experienced member" yourself there bud!
  18. That is one beautiful cab! Thanks for the share Zallax.
  19. I can certainly understand some degree of hesitation on this. After all codec packs have earned something of a bad reputation over the years. I honestly believe that Shark 007 is the best of the bunch though. It's actually very easy to install and uninstall should you want to do that (you actually have to uninstall the Shark 007 codecs when you update). The settings for the Shark 007 pack are deep and comprehensive. If you're making adjustments, you'll want to know what you're doing. BUT ... the default settings are excellent and will probably be all you ever need. You just install the pack and let it do its thing. No muss, no fuss. I think I may have adjusted my codec settings once, but it was only once, and it was long enough ago that I'm not even sure whether I'm making that part up. Mainly you'll just want to follow the installation instructions carefully, but it's not difficult. Basically it boils down to this: Select the proper codec pack for your OSInstall the 32 bit components (regardless of 32 bit / 64 bit OS)Install the 64 bit Components if you're running a 64 bit OSThat's all there is to it. It's worth taking for a test drive. If you don't like it, it's easy to uninstall without adverse effects to your system. I'm guessing you'll install the pack and never look back.
  20. Hi Stigz! So first thing's first, I need to ask the obligatory question here. Are you using a codec pack, and if so what codec pack are you using? I'm pretty sure you've mentioned at some point in time that you're using Shark 007, but if not that's what several of us here recommend. It's weird that it's only happening with the one set of videos, but if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck ... It's a codec issue. If you're pretty sure your codecs are in order, go ahead and post your GameEx log. It may contain some information about the non-functioning videos. You could even be extra thorough and post your emulator config for Neo-Geo Pocket as well.
  21. I've had something similar to this happen so many times it would make a fully grown draft horse cry. Glad to hear it's working!
  22. Yeah when you first get into pinball emulation/simulation you're thinking, "OK great just another emulator - no big deal" Then you realize it's a whole separate subset of knowledge and tools within the broader realm of emulation. In the end it's definitely worth the journey, but it's not the easiest journey to take especially if you're looking to have everything "just so".
  23. Hi Stigz According to the o2em help documentation you need to place the file first in your command string followed by any command options. (And for the sake of completeness): Try putting the -fullscreen switch after the "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" and see how that works out for you. Not sure it that's the problem or not, but it's certainly something to try. Also regarding the spoiler tag thing, don't forget about the "Special BBCode" button found in the posting tools (It's on the top row third one from the left). Just click that button, select "spoiler", and enter your text. Easy-peasy done.
  24. Yep this is very true. Additionally you'll want to consider your performance needs vs. your space needs. Essentially this means that the higher performance you need from your system, the more cooling you'll need which in turn means you'll need a larger case. Cooling fans, and higher performance video cards will take up more room. FWIW I use an older version of this case (It's this one), but it's pretty large by most HTPC standards (about the size of a small subwoofer). OTOH I also have it overclocked at 4.0GHz and run a GTX 460 video card with no cooling issues. Basically you just need to figure out what your priorities are and work from there.
  25. Great advice Stryker, I couldn't have summarized it better myself. Thanks for taking the time to respond!
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