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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. Have you verified that Xpadder is still being loaded up and that it's loading the correct profiles? Also, do you load up multiple controller profiles in Xpadder? I've had it happen where all of a sudden Xpadder will decide that what used to be "controller 1" will now be "controller 2" and vice versa. This usually happens after I disconnect and subsequently re-connect one of the controllers in the chain. I think they must get re-enumerated in Windows at that point, and Xpadder just carries on as usual using the "old enumeration". A good way to test for this is to load up an emulator in GameEx that you can use Alt+Enter to change to a windowed state. After reducing the window size bring up the Xpadder GUI to see what profiles are loaded, and what Xpadder is "seeing".
  2. I have been really impressed with RS 2014. I enjoyed the first game immensely, but 2014 has improved on some of the gripes I had with the the original RS. Here are some of my observations regarding RS 2014. Positive Changes RS 2014 has fewer latency issues in my experience. With the first RS there were more than a few users who reported latency issues. For the most part I never noticed any latency save for one aspect. Whenever I went into Amp mode I would get noticeable latency if I played to quickly. If I played slower songs it would be fine, but anything uptempo would really start to lag. In one specific instance this turned out to be very frustrating as I had spent a fair amount of time dialing in the tone Justin Chancellor uses on the Tool song 46 & 2. I finally found a tone I was satisfied with, but once I started playing the song it was simply too problematic due to the latency. I have noticed absolutely zero lag in RS 2014 whatsoever. That's a very good thing too, since some aspects of RS 2014 (like Session Mode) rely on having no latency. Interactive riff repeater in RS 2014 is awesome. I found that as I was progressing through the original RS I relied more and more heavily on Riff Repeater to master difficult parts of songs. It was a great feature, but you were locked in to learning one specific section of a song at a time (Intro, verse 1, verse 2, chorus, outro, etc.), not to mention that it was a bit buried in menus. So I would learn each section well, but then when I played the full song it was the transitions between sections that would screw me up, especially since those changes can involve moving several frets up or down the neck. I always wished I could just define my own sections of a song within riff repeater. RS 2014 allows you to do exactly that. You can bring up the Riff Repeater menu at any point in a song (while you're playing no less) and set the beginning and ending of the section you wish to play. The improvements to Riff Repeater are one of my favorite aspects of RS 2014.. The menu system in RS 2014 is more intuitive that the original game. Among other things you can sort you song library on the fly using one of several different sort orders (alphabetically, by artist, by year, by difficulty, etc. RS 2014 will allow you to import nearly every song of on-disc content from the original RS (as well as all DLC from the original game). Furthermore every song from the first game has been re tracked for the new game. This means that you may have have to re-learn some of the songs from the original game as they will have incorporated new techniques, arrangements, etc. Some songs are actually arranged very differently on the fret board than they were in the original game. To my mind is great because I found some of the songs in RS to have some very odd decisions in terms of fingering and positions. I put this as a neutral since I suppose re-learning songs may turn some people off. You also need to shell out $10 in order to import the older RS songs into RS 2014. I know some people have felt that $10 is too much ask for this service, but the way I look at it I just got 50+ songs worth of DLC for a few cents apiece; especially so when you consider that they've all been re-tracked meaning they really basically are new songs to learn. Confession time: I never really enjoyed the Guitarcade games in the first RS. I put this as a neutral comment because I think some people enjoyed them quite a lot. I played them exactly long enough to rack up a few achievements, and never touched them again. At any rate I've been really enjoying the mini-games in RS 2014. Maybe it's the better graphics this time around, maybe it's that they seem to have put more time and effort into the design of the games this time around, but whatever it is they just seem better. The Guitarcade game selection menu in 2014 actually looks a bit like a MAME frontend! Then when you start a game they even have a screen with "ROM OK ... CPU OK" messages like a lot of MAME games! I'm guessing there are some folks that don't like that (or don't understand the reference), but I think it's brilliant. They just need a "Winners Don't Use Drugs" screen to complete the effect!Neutral Stuff This is bass specific, so do with it what you will. I found the slap components of the first game to be problematic. My 'slaps' would register just fine, but my 'pops' were often a 50/50 shot as to whether they would register or not. I was pretty disappointed in that, being that slap is a style that I enjoy playing, and was hoping to improve my skill. I think even the developers must have realized it was problematic since to my knowledge there was only a single song released for RS that actually used "slap note symbols" in game (Higher Ground - RHCP). Subsequent songs were released as DLC that should have included slap techniques, but instead used normal "finger plucking note symbols" where there should have been slap & pop notes (such as Give Up the Funk (Tear the Roof off Sucker) by Parliament - blasphemy!). I put this as a neutral comment since I haven't actually tried slapping in RS 2014. I'm still in the honeymoon phase with it, and I don't want to be disappointed! I'm really hoping I can move this one into the "positive Changes" column.Negative Changes I really liked the way that RS structured advancement in the game. I thought it was great the way the game had you practice for the gig, then perform the gig. I liked the venues a lot, and even though some of the modeling was wonky I liked being able to clearly see the audience. It was great to see the audience respond to how well (or poorly) you were playing a song; it was something that at times really game you that "rock star" illusion. This "practice-then-gig" structure is gone in RS 2014 and has been replaced by "mission-based" guidance. From a learning perspective it's great, because the mission goals can be very specific, but I do miss the in-game event of a full blown concert. There are audience members in RS 2014, and there are unlockable venues, but it's all sort of hazily defined graphically. It's a bit of an odd effect because it does look better graphically (since the older audience member models could be a bit wonky), but it doesn't look as exciting. Ultimately I think this change reflects the fact that RS 2014 is a bit less "game-y" than the first game, but at the same time is probably the better learning tool.So based on this I can highly recommend RS 2014 to fans of the first game, and for those interested in learning guitar or bass (I'm not a representative of Ubisoft I swear! ). Having said that, I have trouble convincing myself to spend $60 on any game. I made an unusual exception for RS 2014, but normally I probably would have waited for a sale (hey the Steam Holiday Sale is just around the corner ...) So wow, that was probably more editorializing than anyone would have cared for!
  3. Congratulations on this richly deserved promotion guys! Thanks for your contributions to the PinballX community, and for making these forums a fun place to be.
  4. The Morning Sun has Vanquished the Horrible Night

    1. Adultery


      Ahh, I miss Simon's Quest... Time for a replay! :D

  5. Great work Draco! I agree with you - I like the new one better. It a little less busy, which in turn allows the scan line effect to come through more clearly. Good call!
  6. Wow! Truly a herculean effort. Thank so much for your work on this Circo!
  7. Hello jsrougier and welcome to the GameEx forums! Sorry to heat about the trouble you've been experiencing with your new machine. When reporting an error with GameEx, please attach a copy of you GameEx log and your GameEx.ini. That way we can take a look at your settings exactly as they are, and potentially determine a solution to your problem based on that information. Please refer to this thread for further details. Thanks man!
  8. I'm totally with you, Bioshock really is a fantastic game. Having said that, I'm currently at the part of the game where you start using the research camera to level up your abilities, which can get a bit tedious at times. I believe you're absolutely correct about the break down of the series. Bioshock 2 returns you to Rapture, whereas Bioshock: Infinite takes place in a completely different locale (although I believe at least one key character in that game is closely tied to the characters in the first game). Bioshock: Infinite actually does appeal to me quite a lot, but it appears to have a vastly different tone than that of the first two games. It looks like they've done away with the "horror-like" elements of the first game, but I do like where they seem to have gone with this "old-timey Americana gone horribly wrong" vibe in Infinite. To be honest it was one of the very first trailers for Infinite that really piqued my curiosity. I'm a sucker for mockumentary crap like this:
  9. I'm really not sure either (although it does seem likely), so it may be a bit of a hands on process; especially so if there have been a lot of changes. I think rockyrocket is still around from time to time, so it might be worth sending him a PM since it sounds like he did this very thing (started with the Misfit MAME map and converted it for HBMAME using Map File Maker).
  10. Heh, yes with some rare exceptions I almost never buy anything on Steam unless it's on some sort of sale (Rocksmith 2014 being one exception to this that springs to mind immediately ... since the Lords of Rock wait for no man). Luckily their sales are plentiful and fairly frequent (well ... not so lucky for my wallet ). Heck if it weren't for Steam sales, I might not even play current gen games. I'm too cheap! Speaking of which the Holiday sale is just around the corner now ...
  11. I believe HBMAME used to be Misfit MAME if I'm not mistaken? If that's the case you might be able to use fReq's Misfit MAME map as a starting point. To that end, you may also be able to apply one of the map generation utilities to assist in the process. Map File Maker Map File Magician To that end, it looks like rockyrocket may have done something very similar using Map File Maker (see the edit). I'll also keep my eyes peeled to see if I can turn up a ready-made file in the meantime.
  12. This is very, very good advice, and it's something I neglected to mention. Above all else you'll want to make sure that the version of your ROM set matches the version of MAME you run. ROM auditing tools can help somewhat in this capacity, but if you unwittingly run the tool against a ROM set that is a very poor match to your version of MAME, it's going to completely work your ROMs over so that they might not work with any version of MAME. Always pay attention to the audit process, and any dialog messages that may appear, but even more importantly, remember to back up your ROM set before doing anything.
  13. What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse

  14. Hi Jeromebechaz I took the liberty of editing your post to better conform to our forum rules and guidelines. When you have an opportunity, please do take a moment to reacquaint yourself with the content therein. OK! Now I can remove my moderator hat for a moment. How you download MAME will likely depend on your experience with MAME, and emulation in general. If you're just starting out, it would most likely be sensible to simply download MAME through the Setup Wizard. If however you'd like to be sure you're keeping up wiht the latest and greatest version of MAME, or particularly if you plan on compiling your own version of MAME, you'll want to download directly from mamedev.org. Validating your ROM set can be a bit tricky, but if you plan on constructing a "seamless gaming experience", it's a rather important part of the process. There are tools available which will help you determine whether the version of your ROM set matches your version of MAME (this process is known as auditing your ROMs, and accordingly the tools typically fall under the umbrella of ROM auditing software). For new(ish) users I tend to recommend ROMCenter. It’s a great tool to have in your arsenal. Here are a couple of tutorials to help get you started with ROMCenter: Romcenter 3 tutorial ROMCenter Wiki Another great tool to be aware of is the venerable ClrMamePro. ClrMamePro is not nearly as user friendly as ROMCenter, but it’s got a lot more history behind it, and often times you’ll see the grizzled old emulation veterans using CMP over ROMCenter. Here’s the complete guide to using ClrMamePro. Let us know how you get on with this, and feel free to report back if you run into any problems.
  15. In keeping with the spirit of the thread, I figured I would point out that Steam kicked off their Halloween Sale today. There are quite a few games on sale that have been mentioned in this thread. So has anyone else been playing spooky games and/or horror based games during the month of October? As I mentioned before, I opted to kick off the month with the Walking Dead. It is a fantastic game you guys. It can feel a bit on rails at times, but the writing, storytelling, and world-building are some of the best I've ever seen in a game. If you manage to make it through the game without becoming emotionally attached to some of the characters, your heart is stonier than mine my friend ... and this is coming from a guy who very rarely has an emotional response to game characters. Aeris? I could really care less ... So after finishing the Walking Dead I launched immediately into the 400 Days expansion for the game. And well ... it's not nearly as satisfying an experience as the core game, but it is entertaining for what it is. I'm guessing 400 Days serves as a bit of a prologue to the next "season" of episodic game content Telltale is planning for the Walking Dead. I wouldn't necessarily call this one a must play, but after finishing the first game I wasn't ready to walk away from the Walking Dead! Most recently I've dived headlong into the first Bioshock game (I guess there's a bit of a pun to be had there ). This one's been on my backlog for quite a while and it seemed like a good a time to get a feel for the game. While it's not targeted as any sort of paranormal horror experience, it really nails a cool sci-fi / horror / dystopia vibe. This game has atmosphere for days! I've also been marveling at the masterful use of ambient and environmental noise in this game. It really keeps you on edge the whole time! Also I'm not much of an Ayn Rand fan, so this game really hits on all cylinders for me. Take that Objectivists! The world building is also fantastic here (possibly even better than the Walking Dead since Bioshock was starting from a blank canvas). So that's my October game wrap up. I was a little light on retro titles ... but I'm definitely going to make some time for something in the Castlevania series. It's a Halloween tradition for me!
  16. Taking the above into account, there still might be a way ... are you able to exit Project Tempest via some key combination? Like Alt+F5, Esc, or something similar? If that's possible you could probably setup an advanced config in GameEx to properly exit Project Tempest. Sorry, this is not an emulator I use, but if there is a way to exit it via key presses, you can probably configure GameEx to make it happen.
  17. I'm glad to hear that you're doing alright KRC and that West Mids are in the clear! With any luck our GameEx community will come through the storm unscathed.
  18. I hate to say it, but this sounds like an issue with the wrapper more so than Project Tempest or GameEx. Remember that when you use a wrapper for the purposes of launching an emulator, the wrapper actually is the emulator as far as GameEx knows. It's the wrapper that needs to be in charge of both launching and exiting the emulator (otherwise the emulator is only half 'wrapped' ). So it sounds like GameEx is exiting from the wrapper just fine, but the wrapper isn't closing Project Tempest upon exit. It might help to contact the author of the wrapper ... but if we're talking about this wrapper, I'm not sure the chance of a getting a response is exceedingly promising.
  19. Hi Scott On the Advanced Emulator Setup screen, you'll find a setting called Scan Sub Folders. Changing that setting to Yes should allow you to configure your ROM directories in the way you describe here. You would set your ROM directory to be the 'parent' directory which houses all the sub-directories (which in turn contain your disc images). Good luck!
  20. Have you verified CHDs with chdman? I would agree that it's odd that several users seem to be experiencing the same problem, but it doesn't seem to be across the board either. It's considerably tougher to troubleshoot the problem for those that can't can't recreate the issue.
  21. Glad to hear it's all sorted out. Happy gaming!
  22. Rise From Your Grave ... Necro Thread! Dudes. Rocksmith 2014 just came out this week, and I am absolutely stoked! Ubisoft has really gone a long ways towards improving some of the gripes I had about the original game. The menu system has been (vastly) improved, they've included more varied techniques (the first RS did not address tapping at all), plus a host of new features and various other improvements. The set list for 2014 is frickin' epic (IMO). It's been accused of being a bit lopsided in the Metal department, but honestly I'm fine with that (and TBH the classic and indie stuff seems to be every bit as strong as the included Metal tracks). My listening habits have been undergoing a bit of a "Metal revival" anyway so I'm looking forward to playing a lot of these songs. Mastodon here I come! \m/ \m/. So I was going to hold off on purchasing this game, since ... well I don't know that I've ever actually paid $60.00 for a game. I'm all about the used market (and Steam sales) - translation: I'm too cheap LOL! But just last night I was cleaning our guest bedroom, and found an unused $25.00 gift card for Amazon. "This b**ch is mine!" I exclaimed to no one in particular. Fast forward 30 seconds and I'm purchasing the Steam code from Amazon. The Download finished this morning. Tonight the game room in the nullPointer household will be formally dedicated to the Gods of Rock! So yeah I'm pretty pumped. Wow, sorry I never answered this. I've heard that it's possible to play the game without the official cable, but it may require some fiddling with configuration files and the like. YouTube has several videos on the subject (Google 'Play Rocksmith without a Real Tone Cable' for more info). So it appears that some users have done this very thing. I'd love to hear if anyone else is playing Rocksmith, and their experiences with the game! Now ladies and gentlemen, I hope you'll excuse me ... while I kiss the sky.
  23. As Adultery mentioned, I believe the trick actually involves the nullDC.cfg file found in the same directory as your nullDC executable. I believe you'll want to ensure that your nullDC.cfg file contains the following settings (they probably won't be right next to each other like I'm showing here): Emulator.AutoStart=1...LoadDefaultImage=1These settings will work in conjunction with the ImageReader:DefaultImage="[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" parameter of your command line, which will set the loaded image as the default image and will forgo the need to select an image from the menu (i.e. the game will be launched directly via the command line)
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