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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. Happy Birthday Guys! May your days be long, and your scores be high!
  2. C'mon now Stigz, none of those other games can lay claim to this masterpiece. Live it, love it, be it. (side note: I had no idea the Big Lebowski was ever a recording artist)
  3. And that's without even mentioning the Amazon Digital Games Summer Sale as well as perpetual underdog GamersGate running theirs as well.
  4. Man, so much this! My backlog practically stretches beyond what I might reasonably expect to play within my remaining lifetime especially once I start throwing emulated systems into the mix ... But them deals, man. DEM DEALS! (seriously someone save me from them deals).
  5. Yeah sorry, I meant to say if he's running it as a separate emulator that command should theoretically be fine. Naturally this latest update doesn't apply to the integrated PBFX2 support, NukeLauncher, roll-your-own AHK solutions, and the like. It's more than a bit ambitious to assume that user documentation would be updated within 24 hours of this PBFX2 release, particularly where the documentation in question is a user supported endeavor, but I'm sure we'll get there.
  6. Thanks for passing this important news along Talantyyr! I went ahead and moved your post out of the Enhancements and Feature and Requests thread since, well this is neither, but still and all this is great news! I'm sure it will likely have a big impact in terms of how users launch Pinball FX2 via frontend integration.
  7. I think this command may actually be correct per a recent update to Pinball FX2. It's most certainly something people have been clamoring for practically since the release of PBFX2, and Zen Studios have proven themselves to be very receptive to user feedback. I'm pretty pumped about it! It's definitely a game changer for us frontend users.
  8. I was right on board with it up until WOW. I'm quite sure it's a case "Get Off My Lawn Syndrome," but whereas the other games in that list helped lay the foundations of gaming as we know it, WOW just seems exceedingly modern by comparison. I mean sure, it probably deserves a place, eventually. But really is it more deserving of recognition than Street Fighter II, Final Fantasy VII, Donkey Kong, Grand Theft Auto III, Legend of Zelda, Space Invaders, Pokemon, Sonic the Hedgehog, etc.? Poppycock I say! ... Don't worry I have the same reaction every year to inductions into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Like Deep Purple still isn't in, but The Paul Butterfield Blues Band is?! (Seriously WTF is that, I have no idea)
  9. I'm sure a lot of you guys are already aware, but the GOG summer sale started yesterday. Some great bundles and single games on sale, and as usual it's all DRM free. On the horizon, the Steam summer sale might be starting soon as well? A few days ago 'Mysterious Card' sets began appearing in user badge lists. Traditionally this has signaled the first shot across the bow that the Steam Summer Sale is just around the corner. Is it possible ... could it be ... that the GOG sale and the Steam sale will wind up running concurrently and head-to-head!? Good lord we're on the edge of full scale summer sale armageddon here people!
  10. Not to cross threads or anything, but regarding your DaemonTools issue you'll also probably want to take a look at this thread: Anyone else having problems with the new Daemon Tools Lite? I hate to say it but DaemonTools has kinda gone completely off the rails with their latest updates. I'm not even sure I can confidently recommend it as the 'go-to' virtual drive for emulation any more.
  11. I've got three things for you to check out. By all accounts this emulator requires double-quotes around the emulator. So just as Draco noted you'll want to modify your command to match the following: "WinKawaks.exe" [ROM] -fullscreenSecond make sure that your ROMs are located here (you've likely already verified this part): And further that your ROM names match the ones in the map file you're using (found here): Good luck dude, and hopefully that sets you on the right track.
  12. My question is whether it will be a lateral upgrade? In other words, will my Windows Professional editions upgrade to Windows 10 Professional, or will I be trading away Professional features for a shiny coat of Windows 10 Standard Edition paint? I haven't clicked through on the notification yet, so maybe that's all explained as part of the offer. OTOH I've not seen that clarification made anywhere else (in the brief time I've had to investigate)
  13. Just remember, your first instinct is going to be to go after your monitor. Don't do that, it's a classic rookie mistake. If you really want to bring the pain, you'll want to go after that tower. Just kidding man. We've all been there, and it sucks, but you'll eventually get it dialed in. Don't worry.
  14. Hi JoeyH In addition to your log it would also be helpful to take a look at your PinballX.ini. Here's some info on how to access your settings file if you're unfamiliar with how to do so. Just as a wild guess but this looks like something graphics related. Have you double checked that your monitor config is setup properly (i.e. each monitor is setup to display what it's supposed to (Playfield, Backglass, DMD, etc)? Along those lines have you updated your graphics drivers recently? Sometimes Windows Update can make updates to drivers without a lot of user intervention, so it would definitely be worth looking into.
  15. Glad to hear that you got everything figured out Gamepimp. Happy gaming!
  16. C'mon dude, don't pretend our bro-mance isn't real. j/k Happy Birthday to one of the coolest dudes on the GameEx scene! To the type of fella that goes out of his way to help friends, may all your good deeds come back to you in spades on this day.
  17. Thanks Tom! Your speedy response time is one of the things that makes GameEx so awesome!
  18. I believe this is the note in question (relative to MAME 0.162):
  19. zoom ... ZOOM ... ZOOOOOOOM!
  20. I'm fairly certain that the database(s) don't use bracketed text as part of the matching criteria. If you take a look at some of the other databases (I'm looking at the N64 database right now for reference), you'll see that the matching columns (GameBase, HyperList, GoodTool, NoIntro, etc), don't actually include any of the bracketed information common to each of those individual naming schemas. This makes sense if you think about it, being that if the database did include bracketed info as part of its matching, there would need to be separate DB entries for every dump in the GoodTools set ([!], [a], , [h], [o], etc) multiplied by the number of country codes associated with each dump. It would make the databases exponentially larger! My advice would be to take a look at one of the existing databases, and see if you can tweak your custom database into something that will work for you (which will likely involve removing the bracketed text from your matching columns). Failing that a map file might also be a valid option for you, although in this case you will lose the extra metadata provided by the databases, which might be a deal breaker (I know I love seeing all that extra data in my game entries!)
  21. Apologies alondero and Draco, I actually advised to start a new thread for Snes9X. Feeling jerked around yet alondero? All the same I was interested in taking a look at the Snes9X log, and didn't want to end up in another "are we talking about SSF or MagicEngine" type of thread.
  22. Great catch. Yeah I'm wondering the same thing. When you get a sec, take a look at the Full Screen Windowed setting found on the Display Settings screen in the Setup Wizard. Make sure it's set to Disabled and see how you get along. Hopefully that's it, otherwise we can continue to have a look.
  23. Hi alondero, and Welcome to the GameEx forums! Will you please try the following, and report back with your results? Launch Nestopia the way that you normally would through GameEx (i.e. Select a game, Launch it, etc.)Let it do whatever it does, exit the game, and then exit GameExNow go to: Start > All Programs > GameEx > Utilities > Run Last Game and click thatIf you get the same error when using Run Last Game, will you please post the contents of your runitgame.bat (see here for details)? If you don't get the same error using Run Last Game would you post your log (before you run GameEx again). Please feel free to post any issues regarding Snes9x in a separate thread (along with applicable supporting documentation - Emulator Config, Log after running Snes9X, etc.)
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