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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. Game descriptions are editable via the databases (...\GameEx\DATA\EMULATORS). You can edit the .mdb databases with MS Access, and you can edit the .db3 databases with one of the apps suggested here (or another of your own preference). I believe the .db3 databases are given preference at this point. As far as ratings go, I'm really not sure where that data is pulled from. I've never used the ratings.
  2. Happy Birthday GameEx! Our very favorite frontend, our pride and joy, our sometimes unhealthy obsession, turns 8 years old today. Some of us have been here since the very early days, while others of us came along later. Which ever group you find yourself in, I'm sure we can agree that GameEx is one of the best pieces of software we've ever used. Thanks for birthing this beautiful baby Tom! The stretch marks hardly even show anymore. j/k So I hope everyone will join me in celebrating this day. Hey, maybe a GameEx thong is just the thing to get you in that celebratory mood? Made for a woman but strong enough for a man, right fellas? Don't tell me you haven't considered it guys! ... You mean you haven't considered it? Uh ... I mean ... yeah ... me neither ... of course not. Who would even do that?! Ah well maybe a GameEx shirt for your dog is more your speed? No? You guys are hard to please! Look whatever your choice in undergarments or pet apparel, please join me in celebrating this anniversary of the first public release of GameEx. Happy Birthday!! Edit: Actually I may have jumped the gun by a day. While this event appears as September 1 on the calendar, it looks like the first public release didn't actually occur until September 2nd. All the same, I don't see any reason we can't make a weekend of it. Who's bringing the brew?! Adultery, hold me up while I do a keg stand!
  3. It's pretty rare that I re-post emulation news, but this one had me up and doing the happy dance. After several years of hiatus, the ePSXe team is preparing to release the next version of their legendary emulator. I'm pumped for this release you guys! I've checked out the Android version, and it's pretty good! If you're at all interested in ePSXe, and have an Android device (as well as a spare $3.75) I'd encourage you to do the same. It's a great way to support the development of this project. </shameless_pandering>. Any hoo, I'll let the ePSXe team handle the announcement, since they can probably do it better than I can.
  4. Ooooh ... I also just noticed that the menu appears to be on a wheel type scroll? That's awesome!
  5. I took note of this when Andy announced this release over at BYOAC. That stick looks sweet! Andy Warne is kinda like the Willy Wonka of arcade controls. If I ever get around to finally building myself a cab these are definitely going in. It would be great if GameEx was able to include native support!
  6. This looks really cool Krak! It's a neat transition from your other themes. Kinda going for an understated effect which is looking just great. It'll also be popular with our mac users!
  7. They're all pretty friggin' sweet, but yeah that one really pops. Great job with this one KRC, it's coming along amazingly!
  8. Totally agree there! Here in the States we're having Labor Day weekend (it's a three day weekend, sort of our unofficial tip of the hat to communism - j/k). Any hoo AMC is showing a bunch of Clint Eastwood westerns this weekend. Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Fistful of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More, High Plains Drifter, Pale Rider; I'm pretty stoked. My kids think I'm going nuts, 'cause I keep breaking into loud renditions of at random times. My wife got me into Westerns years ago, so we always enjoy socking in for a good western movie marathon.@Draco: Thanks for giving Clint back some of his dignity with this pic. I was worried the old boy believed he was talking to invisible gnomes or something. It makes a bit more sense now. But only a bit.
  9. I'm thinking it's related to this: Not that I run a mirror cab (or any cab for that matter), but it looks like MESS is necessary to pull it off for C64? C64 on a cab?
  10. You win sir, you win. But hey while we’re at it that Denver International Airport thing has always sort of freaked me out. ... And there we go ruining a perfectly heartfelt sentiment about the passing of an American icon. Ah screw it lets just load him into a cannon and shoot his remains at the moon. If it was good enough for Scotty, it's good enough for him. (totally j/k)
  11. OK you got me, I’m pretty sure I’m being trolled here, but holy crap dude you’re going to piss off Buzz Aldrin! That old man can throw a punch! The thing about conspiracy theories is that they require the implicit assumption that the conspirators are well organized enough to create a unified version of fictitious events. The U.S. government? I’m pretty sure (make that I’m certain that) they’re not that organized. Besides the MythBusters busted a lot of the moon landing conspiracy theories, and those guys are never wrong. I mean you can bounce a laser off the surface of the moon via reflectors left behind by the astronauts.
  12. The trouble with getting your Drivers signed and verified by Windows is that it costs money, and it’s a revolving fee. So the above quote relates to Vista, but I would imagine that there’s an equivalent cost for Windows 7. You’d think that EMS would be able to swing that cost, but who knows what their overhead looks like. Maybe their having a rough go of it financially? OTOH I couldn’t believe it when MotionInJoy finally got their drivers signed, so maybe there’s still some hope for EMS. By the by, I just ran across this, which may provide some benefit to you. Please note that I’ve never tried this software, and thus cannot give any sort of endorsement; it’s merely something that I found. Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider
  13. You can do this to a certain extent via the aggregation fields in the database(s) for a given system. This method will allow aggregation on the following fields: Publisher Developer Category NumPlayers Having said that, the ability to create ad hoc custom lists has been a very popular feature request in the past, so there’s always the chance that this will be implemented at some point in the future. Naturally there are a few workarounds to accomplish this (custom map files for an emulator occupying multiple emulator slots comes to mind), but for the most part custom ad hoc lists are not native to GameEx functionality.
  14. The nullDC.cfg file discussed in this thread is located in the same directory as your nullDC emulator. This will definitely be a case of needing to get the emulator setup correctly outside of GameEx before you will have any hope of running it from within GameEx. If you feel like you’ve correctly configured the emulator outside of GameEx (i.e. it’s running just fine outside of GameEx), but you're still experiencing problems within GameEx, the next step will be to post your emulator config, and possibly your log (check here if you’re unsure of how to do that). If you feel like being extra thorough you can even start a new troubleshooting thread as it may receive more attention than posting in an older thread. Let us know how it’s going for you, and we’re here to help if necessary.
  15. Ah man, I hadn’t heard that he’s passed on. Definitely a giant from a bygone era of heroes and legends. Really cool coincidence regarding the blue moon. Thanks for passing along the news Draco, even if it is with a bit of sadness that I say so.
  16. I'd definitely second this suggestion. I browse the forum on a relatively regular basis from my tablet when I'm on travelling (and on those rare occasions that I can pry my wife away from Angry Birds long enough to do so )
  17. Hmm … I notice that you’ve got some of the networking features turned on. Is your cabinet capable of connecting to the internet (or otherwise connected to your network)? Here’s a thread which bounces around a few different ideas related to a similar report: Slow exit from game It’s a bit old, but I don’t see anything in there that doesn’t apply equally today (well other than MAWS being gone)
  18. This is probably a stretch, but let's try to eliminate some of the circumstances that may be unusual to your setup. As you've probably noticed the log doesn't show any error messages. Technically nothing is going terribly wrong with GameEx, but there may be something going on with one of its ‘satellite’ systems. 15:29:44.2 8/30/2012: Loaded Plugin:"Cursor Hider" Version 1.01 By Stu 15:29:44.2 8/30/2012: PlugIn: "Cursor Hider" Initialized OK 15:29:44.2 8/30/2012: Using Plugin System Version: 1.3 15:29:44.2 8/30/2012: Loaded Plugin:"LEDBlinky" Version 4.0.0 By Arzoo 15:29:44.7 8/30/2012: PlugIn: "LEDBlinky" Initialized OK 15:29:44.7 8/30/2012: Using Plugin System Version: 1.3 Do you still experience the problem if the above plugins are disabled? How about themes? 15:29:44.7 8/30/2012: Using Theme: OmegaMame 15:29:44.7 8/30/2012: Checking for alternate Image Directory for Theme: OmegaMame Do you still experience the problem when using an alternate theme?
  19. I hate to ask, but would you mind posting the entire contents of the log? If this issue turns out to be related to hardware, the full log may be able to provide some hints.
  20. u-man is definitely on the right track there. Just a brief note (or is it an endorsement?) in support of our good buddies over at EmuMovies. Signing up for a paid membership is easy, (relatively) cheap, and a great way to support the hobby. You also won’t have to worry nearly as much about the download limit (you may not have any limit at all depending on your membership level). To my mind that makes it highly worth it, but OTOH I can be a bit impatient about that sort of thing. When I want my artwork I want it now, rather than slowly building up my set.
  21. These look super cool KRC! I’m kind of a sucker for this style of box art. Keep up the fantastic work!
  22. I'm trying to think of a use-case that would support this functionality. You're booting up your machine, but before GameEx loads you're prompted to update some other application? Sounds like it could be useful.
  23. Hi KRC I hadn’t chimed in yet to say how great these are. Really cool concept. It’s always fun seeing what you’re going to come up with next!
  24. Thanks! Yeah in my office it goes like this Monday: Business Casual Tuesday: Hardcore Bondage Wednesday: Business Casual Thursday: Casual Business (it’s a world of difference) Friday: Favorite Sanford & Son Character (Excluding Fred) I never thought about it, but I guess it’s kind of an effed up office. I’ll tow that company line though. For the record it’s ‘Fillibuster’ Word up on Tina! Although it would have been the best scene of all time if she had faced off against Ike in the Thunderdome. Missed opportunity that … Any hoo … yep ... gas panics are just the worst.
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