Yeah, I REALLY, REALLY, would like to use GameEX or Evolution (in the future) for the software lists and hope Tom can add some kind of support at some point, at least for simple consoles that use carts and CDs would be very nice. The core features of MAME like HLSL/GLSL, load/save states, Fast forward, easy way to map inputs, have me so hooked that I don't even use stand-alone emulators anymore. There's no way I'm also adding stuff one by one and so I've never really done that. MAME is so incredibly simple to get up and running from scratch. As long as you have your rompath pointing to the correct folders of ROMs, CHDs, root folder of all softlist stuff, It's as simple as executing "mame64 nes" then you can TAB into MAME's own internal file manager and softlist load whatever you want to play. With a popular site hosting so much [FREE] stuff. It literally takes minutes to have tons and tons of systems and thousands upon thousands of games all ready to be played. Perhaps GameEX could have a software lists sub catagory and would be able to generate the game listing based off of the appropiate XML file or machine chosen.