As a matter of fact, it was on my nas box. I should have been more specific. I keep my games on a nas4free box and I was using an alpha build of v10. This last weekend I wanted to set up OwnCloud with my DDNS and my jail wasn't working (ddns was not reporting properly either), so I reverted my nas box back to 9.0.3 to set that up. After that my network speeds seemed to increase substantially, and after I reset the group and user permissions the problem went away. I have also switched to minidlna since I was working with jails anyways, so it was one of those things. My educated guess is that the alpha 10 build was having some type of negotiation issues, but it may well have been the integrated dlna I was using. No changes to the Windows Server, so that rules that out. In the end, I'm using Windows Server less and less and may just free up the machine that runs on and use the nas box instead. I'm still not fully decided on that. In all honesty, running the Windows Server just for outlook, users, sql and remote access seems futile for my setup. Haha, well that wound up being awfully wordy! :-)