Okay you're not following me. The error in the log is not an error. It is what is displayed in the log when there is no game specific profile. That is expected if you aren't setting up a profile specifically for that game and does not do any harm. I am changing the log entry wording for next release to avoid confusion. I repeat, this is NORMAL OPERATION if there is NO GAME SPECIFIC PROFILE set up. If you have an error message taking focus from GameEx I need a snapshot of it because it is not related to the 'errors' in the log. Chances are that you either moved Xpadder.exe and that message is telling you to put it back where it was initially or something is wrong with a profile path that you may have changed and not updated in the plugin configuration. You need to help me help you here, so I will ask yet again: Open the plugin configuration Navigate to the GameEx Interface or the emulator with your profile Click the Xpadder button (the button with the Xpadder icon on it) next to EACH PROFILE, one at a time to make sure they are properly loading. Repeat for all your integrations. If you are using blank profiles for each, Xpadder should open and show the blank profile each time. Then post your Xpadder plugin settings.xml in GameEx > Plugins > Xpadder Thanks.