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Everything posted by Adultery

  1. Adultery


    So I finally got RetroArch where I'm satisfied with it. Took a while to set up all the core settings, filters, save paths, etc. It's also pretty nifty that there's a filter to make GameBoy appear in its old school black squares! Now I'm working on doing some bezels. I'm actually pretty pumped how well it works out once everything is in its proper place, and I don't have to stare at the black bars on the sides anymore. Check it out: Needless to say I think it's time to start offloading as many emulators as I can to RA. Anyone know how well the ppsspp core works? I see there's also a Dolphin core and a Jaguar core, and even a Vectrex core. Anyone have any experience with these? I'm looking forward to seeing some emulators I never had working run on the ol' cab.
  2. I prefer the DSU but others may disagree. I keep all my art in the sever add bit really concerned with setting my own paths, but the internal downloader likely uses the same code but allows that. My artwork is all solely based on the downloader, someone else may come in about trimming down your shiz.
  3. Just to quickly comment on that video, I think some of these bugs have been patched already. I'll let you know as I get through it.
  4. Just go download the installer at gameex.com and install it. Your settings should be fine, but not a horrible idea to back them up just in case. If the path isn't valid then something that doesn't exist is attempting to load. Maybe the theme is corrupt or your startup video if you use one. It's def related to the imaging though.
  5. Looks like a video card issue to me, but I don't know for sure. Did you try and do an offline install over the top?
  6. I'm not sure where tut got that Intel, but the artwork downloader actually does a fabulous job. If you're basing your sets off No-Intro you really should not have any issues.
  7. We chained about 9 of those sets together when I was younger. Good times, at least until one jumped the track and smashed on the hardwood floor!
  8. What I did was created a map file of what I wanted to keep (US mostly) and then ran the file builder option in Map File Maker. That way I keep the full set for archiving and can manually sort out what I didn't want and then copy over only those files. No matter what it's gonna require some labor... Unless of course you grab a HyperSpin set which are usually pretty clean. /my 2c
  9. I just don't have the time, sorry... :'(
  10. Well I have a degree and make more than that... It was the best decision I ever made. Without the degree I'd still be selling gas for the family business. No thanks.
  11. Gonna need that ini and some examples that are on the list and still show up.
  12. Do you have verify roms turned on?
  13. Weeellllll happy birthday ya old fart! One thing I can always count on is that your older than me.
  14. Hmm... That's disheartening... It looks like I'll have to revert the code and drop quickstart support if it's not passing me the proper data using that mode. I'll of course see if I can fix this, but it seems like it's doing more harm than good.
  15. Is there any reason why there are three separate threads which are for the exact same thing, all written by you? I would merge them but I'm on tapatalk today. Just curious why one might do that, especially since two of them have the same answer by different people... It's quite confusing.
  16. Well I use the Game Info plugin in conjunction with GameExtender and it's pretty cool. I developed it to do lots of things, it integrates your jukebox with Last.FM, adds Hi-Score comp functionality to MAME, can show a CP for a system or game, shows play times and game bios, manufacturer info, and can display whatever artwork you like in game if you have a folder set up in the Game Extender artwork path for the emulator. It's also fully skinnable to match your theme. /end shameless plug
  17. Wait, Deep Purple isn't in? That is truly a fail!!! Love that band, especially the album Fireball. Great piece of rock awesomeness! I have to listen all the way through every time I put it on the turntable. Not a lot of albums meet that bar. /Side Note: Ian Gillan as Jesus in the Superstar rock opera is absolutely untouchable. He did some things vocally on that soundtrack that still blow me away today. The man deserves the recognition. As for WOW, they revolutionized the MMORPG genre the same way Super Mario Bros revolutionized the performer. I think it's a fair inductee. Although I don't play it. I get the 'too modern' angle, but the genre is modern on the whole. Sure there were a few lesser known ones before, but if you play one today I guarantee they look at WOW for inspiration. /my 2c
  18. I had this issue when I moved my Steam library to the NAS. I had to: 1. Uninstall Steam and games 2. Clean up the registry 3. Run GameEx without Steam 4. Reinstall Steam 5. Point it at the new library location 6. Install games again 7. Run GameEx Then all my games worked. It's documented somewhere around here. It was a pain in the ass but I hadn't had an issue since.
  19. Did you try changing [rom] to "[rompath]/[romfile]" ? I'm unfamiliar with this emulator but that's typically what I use to pass a rom to an emulator. Also try enclosing the exe in quotes: "winkawaks.exe"
  20. This will, er should, do it but let me know before I release if it works for you. QuickLaunch.zip
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