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Everything posted by Draco1962

  1. [FEATURE REQUEST] Convert APNG Images to GIF Animated
  2. That's OK. Have been meaning to ask for a while so I can wait a little longer.
  3. Thanks for the assist @Mike_da_Spike! He added them here:
  4. To be honest, I don't think that making the change you are attempting to disable the high DPI scaling by PinballX is the right answer and may cause issues elsewhere. I do not run VP currently but my gut is tellinng me that you probably have a conflict between PinballX and a setting in DB2S for the backglass. I will defer to our resident experts to see if they have seen this or have a suggestion of where to look. P.S. If you find a resolution here or elsewhere, please share here and within your thread on VP Forums.
  5. BTW can you pull up Tempest in MAME outside of GameEx and provide a screen cap of the Input Devices? Need to also make sure that the ROM being launched by MAME is the same ROM being launched by MAME via GameEx.
  6. What you are reporting is very odd so will definitely need to triage after we receive the support files requested. I do not have any encoder board to test against and as noted before, I am not able to replicate the issue as reported as I am able to see both via MAME directly or integrated MAME setup within GameEx and GameEx Arcade Edition.
  7. Maybe this year for Christmas? That would be AWESOME! You are the best!
  8. Please attach (no copy & paste of contents) copies of your most recent gameex.ini and log.txt files when reporting an issue. I run a GRS TS-BSP02 Thunderstick GRS USB Button Hole spinner tadded to my X-Arcade Tankstick. No encoder board, both spinner and Tanskstick with mouse connected directly to my PC with USB. Launching Tempest via GameEx integrated MAME settings allows me to select and use the spinner without fail, as does other spinner games. Have you tried launching Tempest directly from MAME and hitting TAB to see if you get the same results as via launching it from GameEx? We will need to look at the support files to try to assist further.
  9. Did you try changing it for all users?
  10. Can you please attach copies of your pinballx.ini and log.txt files for review?
  11. Within GameEx & AE - is there a setting in the GameEx.ini that can be modified to suppress the mini video in the lower left on the menu under the logo? With the menu and the APNG logo it appears cluttered/distracting to me. Thanks! GameEx_Start.._Steam_60_60_ 2023-12-08 10-32-58.mp4
  12. So far so good so will mark this resolved.
  13. Will try a reboot. There was an nvidia update a few days ago that was followed by a restart.
  14. Good morning Tom - GameEx Arcade Edition 18.55 is crashing from main menu after startup. I reviewed the log.txt file and nothing stands out, but there were some events showing an issue with gameex.exe and .net. log.txtGameEx.iniGameEx_Arcade_1855_Events_Crash.txt
  15. Exactly. Touchplay is optimized to use Sinden Lightgun as the control so would require the border in an "always on state" if I am interpreting the example in the video is correctly.
  16. Glad I got something right today and got you sorted! Enjoy!
  17. In researching it seems that there are mixed results running via frontends for this. I did come across this, however which may be helpful in converting the games into exe's (which can then have lnk files made and use the "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" command line successfully: Utility to create direct-launch EXE files for games
  18. Can you try changing ROMFILE to ROMFILENAME ?
  19. Did you try it with just single quotes "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" or double quotes ""[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]"" as well? Is the issue occurring for all games? I noted in the log file: Running: cmd.exe /c 😧 rpcs3.exe "D:\Games\PS3\Rayman® Legends.lnk" Not sure if the ® may be causing a problem. Is that in all the lnk names?
  20. Hey, would you m8nd attaching both your gameex.ini and log.txt files? Refer to this post for proper command line and ROM filter: Let us know if that works.
  21. Not familiar with that image format but was able to open it within GIMP: Would definitely keep you awake!
  22. You could download and install the latest version of PinballX and follow the well documented setup instructions included with the download, then open new threads for any issues you encounter. This is the best way to learn how to use and maintain the program for yourself. You can also download the latest update from here. Based upon the quoted response, I get the impression that you are really not interested in doing so, but I will encourage you to do so regardless.
  23. I did find one that is similar to what I recall being in the first local arcade that I frrequented in the early 80's: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1289076417/galaxy-rug-space-rug-planet-rug-arcade?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=retro+arcade+carpet&ref=sc_gallery-1-1&pro=1&frs=1&plkey=4bfe9e4d9ac49c7f0c3e1ab17cc9524c64084e5d%3A1289076417
  24. Running Batocera on the VCS is probably the best way to go. I was going to try to stick with Windows 10 for running GameEx on mine but may pivot on that device. For now, the gun will be on my newest Win 11 Pro game rig with GameEx/GameEx Arcade Edition. Hopefully similar optimizations for Sinden Lightgun support found in Touchplay are in GameEx/AE. I don't think that the white border should be needed if the Sinden Lightgun is not the primary control device and, if I understand correctly, should only show up in-game for MAME or other games specifically configured for using the lightgun.
  25. I noticed a while ago that we have an OTA aerial antenna in the attic. It was likely installed there in '87 when the house was built. The flat cable connector is dry rotted and brittle. If I can get to it easily now that the temperatures are dropping, I will inspect it closer to see if I can adapt it to connect to the coax splitter to get better OTA signals to our living room and master bedroom using the existing coax outlets. Thanks Xfinity!
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