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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Nice job millerbrad, and welcome to the competition! I'll let it slide this time since it's your first post, but in the future, please make sure you submit a screenshot showing your initials, rather than just a grab of the scores. We use this as a method of authentication, to make sure you didn't just find the screenshot somewhere on the internet and took it as your own. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  2. I like it, wouldn't mind having one, but I probably wouldn't buy it. If I ever got one, I'd probably side-load Kodi onto it and use it as a Media Center that can play games.
  3. I was originally an AMD fanboy. I liked the idea that I was somewhat supporting an underdog. I built 2 systems with AMD, and swore by them for years, telling all my friends that AMD was where they wanted to go. That was back in the Athlon days as well. Since then, I have built 3-4 systems with Intel and nVidia. I will never go back. While the AMD systems were good, they weren't exactly stable. I blamed it on the OS (Windows ME, 1st gen XP days). But we had a bad lighting strike that burned out the boards, and the local shop had a sale on Intel, so I decided to give them a try. Intel has been rock solid stable for years. I've not had a single problem with Intel EVER. Can't say that about AMD.
  4. I like it. Makes me want one. But I still need to build my first arcade cabinet and a PinCab first.
  5. Nice job! I definitely need to come back and play this again some time. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  6. MUWAHAHAHAHA!!!! Awesome! Damn I really wish I had a next gen console, or a PC better than 2005ish components. Anybody care to hook me up with an early Christmas Present?
  7. If it is fan made, it really speaks to the availability of todays technology to aspiring creators.
  8. Darn! After I posted that message, I had some stuff to do, then ended up vomitting and not feeling like playing. Turns out I got the flu. Went to the doctor and he gave me some pills to knock it out, but they're killer horse pills that knock me out along with it. I'm half asleep writing this. Any chance one of my HS Mod buddies can take over for a few days maybe and update the appropriate threads with the GOTM winner, etc? Thanks guys! And congrats to the winner, ExedExes!
  9. It's crunch time! T-Minus 3 hours and 3 minutes on the Eastern sea board. Will EE take another win? Not if I can help it!
  10. Thanks for reposting with a screenshot! I can accept it now Updated OP, DB, RSS
  11. Wow GC! You put a lot of work into that thread, looks amazing!
  12. Thanks GC, I knew you had some things going on and didn't want to really bother you. I knew you were still kinda lurking around though, that's why I mentioned ya. As for you Dazz, you're a tricky one to figure out! You're willingness to help is admirable, I think you just need a kick in the pants to get going. Anyway, thanks Gimme for getting this ball rolling for the Halloween Comp. Hopefully we'll get some more players participating than we did the last couple of months. Maybe with the weather changing and people spending more time at home where it's warm will help? Who knows. We'll just have to wait and see.
  13. If I didn't already have a lifetime subscription, I'd definitely take this offer! If there's anybody out there trying to decide whether or not they want it, now's the time to get it! Grab the free version if you want to give it a try, but it's a good bet if you even get this far you're probably going to love it! Tom is always coming out with new updates all the time, and the next major release in the (near?) future "GameEx Evolution" will knock your socks off. Get your license now!
  14. I hate to say it, but we haven't discussed it yet. Seems like I'm still the only one here. GC and Dazz are just kinda off doing their own things. GC specifically told me through PM a while back that he was going to have a much lighter presence on the forums since he's got a lot on his plate IRL right now. I'm not sure what Dazz is up to though. So being solely responsible for keeping the comps running, I can honestly say that I don't think it's possible this year. At least not without some help. Maybe one of my other Compadres will chime in and give you more details.
  15. I wonder if my scores would improve if I had a joystick. All I got is a gamepad. Wish I had more money, I'd buy one. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  16. Wow! Nearly doubled your score. Awesome! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  17. Nice job EE! You bested your previous score, and took first place! Wolfman won't stand for that! - Updated OP, DB, RSS
  18. Sounds pretty cool. But to be honest, if I went I'd probably be completely lost. I know OF Pink Floyd, but don't KNOW them. I might recognize a song on the radio, but wouldn't recognize it was them. I'm kinda a music newbie. Don't really listen to much.
  19. If you're talking about the TP Link, there isn't any SSID to change. It's paired through the power outlets. If you're talking about the Wireless on your Xbox, the SSID could be changed and wouldn't affect the TP Link. Unless I'm not picturing your setup correctly. Are you running the Xbox completely wirelessly, or is it wired to another device (like your computer)? If it were me, I would run the Xbox wired directly to the TP Link. If you NEED that TP Link for your computer too, get a small little switch (4-5 port maybe) and just let that be plugged into the TP Link.
  20. Yeah I still need to play it. Maybe later today or tomorrow. I finally have some free time.
  21. With data duplication and redundancy, I really only have about 8tb storage right now. Currently, it's hosting HD versions of about 75 complete TV shows, and another 25 that are just SD. I also have about 30 BluRay's backed up so I can protect my disks. That's where most of my storage is being used. I also have a complete digital archive of all our photos, scanned in uncompressed high resolution, as well as new photos from digital cameras. When Dad got married, we added all of his new wife's photos too. Then we've got our entire CD collection ripped in 320/CBR (about 200 CD's give or take) along with a huge amount of downloaded music from iTunes and Audible audiobooks. Then we have a folder where we store all our eBooks, which includes a digital version of (almost) all our books, which is over 1,000 now since Dad married. I also keep a backup of all my disc based console games so I play them without worrying about scratching/damaging all my originals.. Lastly, I use the server for client PC backups of the other computers in our house, so whatever data they have are also being copied and taking up space on the server.
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