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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. That's a nice improvement! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  2. Wow, way to improve your score before I had a chance to enter it! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  3. Heh, you're just as good as I am on this game. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  4. I still love this game. Never made it to Earth. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  5. I tell ya what. Seeing these games reminds me I need to play some more! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  6. Heh, another one better than GC. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  7. 7 MILLION.. Sounds like a big number. But compared to some of our guys, that's pretty low. But it's still better than GC (I like taunting him lol) Updated OP, DB, RSS
  8. Not a bad 1st entry! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  9. ...yeah I still don't like this game. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  10. I still need to submit my own score for this game. Haven't even played it yet. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  11. Do you pronounce it KICKS or QWICKS?! LOL I think officially it's kicks, but I always called it qwicks Updated OP, DB, RSS
  12. Heh, at first I was going to ask you to re-submit your score where you have your full initials entered instead of just A. Then I realized that was a 2nd attempt, and your best score was already there. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  13. Better than mine, that's all I have to say. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  14. Wow 4 million? That's insane! Your "little score" ain't that bad. Most of these games require dedication to learn, or dumb luck (I'm pretty much hoping for dumb luck!). Updated OP, DB, RSS
  15. Now you're just being silly! I'll accept your score, but you should know that it won't affect your overall Leaderboard placement. Anything 10+ gives you 0 points. But if you don't care about that (I know I don't really) it's still nice to be on the boards officially. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  16. A great game. I know you can do better though wolfman24! Updated OP, DB, RSS PS -> My internet is taking a nose drive right now, going EXTREMELY slow. Not sure why. So I have to take a quick break and reboot everything. Gonna grab some lunch too. Be back in an hour!
  17. The theme song to this game is almost as unforgettable as the one from Bubble Bobble! LOL Updated OP, DB, RSS
  18. This was a fun game, but hard to get good at. The constant scrolling makes it difficult because you can't control how fast it goes. Nice entry, you knocked both the other mods down a notch! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  19. Sorry for the delay! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  20. So... they're used? Or they come pre-stressed? Still... I'd like a few of those myself!
  21. Tee-Hee! If not for Han Solo, Deadpool would be my favorite character. This kind of thing is just like him. Though he didn't mention Mexican food, that makes me sad.
  22. GC was the one who actually came to me asking if I would like to partner with him to make an OFFICIAL high score forum. We tossed around ideas years before he even joined the forum, but nothing was ever set into stone and the idea just kind of faded away. With Adultery coming on board to help with the backend, writing the awesome program we use to catalog the scores, we really got going on a lot of adrenaline. But I still feel the whole "project" belongs to GC as the president. Even though I was wanting to do something like this for a long time, HE was the one who really pushed and got the bulk of the system working. So in that respect, I really feel that any kind of decision making should fall on the authority of the Founder. I do appreciate your kindness to offer me the trophy, but it is true. We provide the cut off time to that of Hawaii, the farthest west timezone. Of course, you could argue anything EAST of the International Prime Meridian IS technically going to be even later than Hawaii (like China, then India, then Germany, etc). We chose Hawaii because it was at the time the farthest west of our userbase (we didn't have anybody east of Greenwhich till you hit the USA). If that changes, we may change to Greenwich Mean Time, or +/-0 on the clocks. So officially, Yung-Jedi did ninja sneak in and snipe the score. Unofficially, I would get it simply because I made a joking raise hell about it. As for the countdown timer, when GC added the game, he probably just forgot to do that this time. Typically what we do is edit a pre-existing game's OP and copy/paste to a new thread, making the appropriate changes. He probably just did that to a game that didn't have the timer. We'll be sure to add a timer to the next GOTM. It doesn't really matter, since that time is usually like 5-6 hours after we all go to bed anyway, so there's no real way to check unless we're awake when that last score is submitted.
  23. Put's you right snug in 2nd place! I'm actually surprised I haven't played this one yet. Gonna have to get on it! Updated OP, DB, RSS
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