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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Sorry I missed this, partner. Been kinda hectic around these parts lately. Hope it was a good one!
  2. "They don't make 'em like they used to!" Updated OP, DB, RSS
  3. That doesn't sound good for me. I haven't played yet. If a good player like you says it's hard, I'm sunk! Way to take 1st place! I'm sure Gimme will be back to beat ya though! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  4. Wow that was surprisingly good. Excellent quality work. It even sounds like James Earl Jones.
  5. I think you guys are taking it the wrong way (not the fat princess way either). I image they're planning on actually developing a story and going through the motions of reanimating. If it really is just a cut/paste job of the game I'm all with you guys. But I hardly doubt they are looking to acquire funding so they can do that.
  6. "Come on man, you show that turd who's boss!" Haven't seen that movie in a while, think maybe I should! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  7. //Sticks fingers in his ears, closes eyes, and yells "blah blah blah blah blah"// LOL
  8. Long as you improve your OWN score, that's impressive enough! Good job! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  9. Sorry I feel behind on this guys. I've been working on upgrading my home server and just got a new SAS Expander. Installing it caused all kinds of issues that I've been working on trying to fix, and haven't really had the time to update this board. Consider these received! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  10. Gotta be completely honest here. Yeah it's nice to see new footage, but I think the official US trailer was a million times better.
  11. Don't forget the E!! And B was already in Generations.. A movie about C would be cool to watch. Have it pick up right when it goes back through the time vortex from Next Gen, with Tash Yar on board.. then watch how that whole plot line panned out with her Romulan daughter!
  12. The problem I had with the new movies is that they changed the time line. There was no reason for that. They could have just as easily made the movies, called them Star Trek, and just not had the Kirk crew, and I would have loved it. By having the original crew and then completely re-writing the timeline is what killed it. What I would like to see, is for this to all pan out and have it actually be the birth of the Mirror Universe. Then it would all make perfect sense. But I doubt those writers are even aware such a universe exists.
  13. I feel the heat, and not from those rings of fire! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  14. No! Stay away! No actually, bring it on! LOL! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  15. Dammit! Beat me to it! I have a few comments to say about it though. Love the idea of a new Star Trek. We need it after Enterprise was was cancelled once it started to get good. I hate the idea of Kurtzman and Orci being anywhere near involvement. Their take on the universe is what killed my enjoyment for the movies. Sure, you can blame Abrams, but the fact is - these guys WROTE it, and Abrams just told the guys where to stand when they say their lines (and paid the bill as a producer). That's why I think Star Wars 7 will be ok - Abrams didn't write it he's just directing. The fault falls on the writers. If the same guys responsible for the reboot movies are involved in the new show, my expectations are below zero. Now when you tie in the "pay to watch" requirement, I feel like this show will get cancelled after 2 episodes. If I have to pay, I should get a free copy of the BluRay release to go along with it. I'm not gonna double dip.
  16. And they're off! Scores are coming in already. Awesome! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  17. Wow Mo! Added another 500k to your best score, making 1st place even harder to beat now! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  18. Never heard of this one. Looks like a fun game to play!
  19. You just keep adding those hard to reach scores Cynicaster! I didn't really get to play either. I've been so busy with work, and then on my days off I've been struggling with my new Raspberry Pi toy. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  20. Don't feel bad! I'm still in the +10 group also! Updated OP.
  21. Thanks for understanding. And nice job besting your last score, that's what we like to see! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  22. I can honestly say, I've never heard of Dizzy. I've heard of SPINDIZZY though, another fine classic I played on my Atari 800. Beats the crap out of Marble Madness.
  23. Slightly off-topic: When I was at my computer store shopping for parts years ago, I saw a demo machine setup, showing off Episode 1 Racer with a Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback 2 joystick. I thought to myself "eh, why not" and gave it a shot. I was instantly hooked! I loved how the graphics looked, the game play, and the Star Wars! So within a few weeks of saving, I bought myself the joystick and the game. I loved every minute of it. Then things moved on and I got bored with it. Didn't have much use for the joystick so it went back into the closet. Then the Jump to Lightspeed expansion came out for Star Wars Galaxies MMO, and it had full Force Feedback support. So I dug it out of the closet, and the next thing I knew, I was flying around in an x-wing with my awesome joystick, feeling the G-Forces pulling the stick, the rumble of the tractor beam locks, the shocks of the lasers and torpedoes being fired. I loved it even more! Then BLAM! Fire. I saved the stick, but not the friggin power cable! I didn't even know at the time. If you've ever had a fire, you know during the "clean up before rebuild stage" you pretty much call everything lost and pick through debris and ash and crap looking for stuff to salvage. I saved the stick, and a bunch of cables, just none of them fit my stick. So I'm a very sad person now. Seeing this post reminded me of the joys I had with the game and the joystick. Ahhh memories. Anybody know of a place I can maybe buy a replacement power cable? I'd like to at least power it up and make sure it still works. That thing wasn't cheap!
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