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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. In a mature bromance sort of way.. I love you guys. We get along so well, we all lived life through similar experiences, have the same interests, and can truly relate with one another. I'm so glad I'm still a welcome member and participant in these forums. You guys are great.
  2. Just a heads up, the OP link to the anniversary remake is gone. Nintendo sent them a "stop that" letter.
  3. Lol.. so I should see a doctor about it eh? Actually, I was thinking about checking up on the Retro Achievements scene, since I too was a big fan of the idea. Not sure what's happened to it and if it's still in the works. Would be brilliant if it could work with my pre-existing set up. Though I don't know how that would be possible. Like with the XB/PS, I'd need to some how map a button to bring up the achievements list while in game. To me, that sounds like something that would require a special emulator so you could map that function. Unless they're using some sort of launch-before to watch for the keypress, and it runs in the background to popup when triggered, then a launch-after to taskkill it. I'm actually feeling too like there's SO MUCH to play, I don't know WHAT to play. The random feature of GameEx is nice, but a lot of time it's pulling up stuff I don't want to play (like games in a foreign language). I know the solution to that, go in and filter those games out, or completely remove their ROMs from my console emulators. Trouble with that is, I'm OCD on wanting everything so I can't bring myself to spend all that time to filter. So when it comes time for me to say "I think I'll play something", I'm usually drawn to just my favorites list, which consists of games I've owned in the past and would want to relive. Finding new stuff to play is difficult for me. My biggest hurdle though is just getting to the "I want to play" mode. Since I have a seedbox and no cable tv, I do a lot of TV show downloading. I keep it legal though, only getting broadcast stuff and not stuff that would have been bought (like a DVD or BluRay). Trouble is, I'm stuck in another rut here where I do so much downloading and putting it onto my server, I'm finding myself doing THAT instead of actually watching it. LOL. So what good is it doing me? I do the same thing with eBooks/Audiobooks, and Music. I've just about finished ripping all my CD's to FLAC, and have digital copies of nearly every book I own. So I'm spending more time acquiring than I am utilizing. eBooks/Audiobooks I'm slowly getting into again, because I have a Kindle Fire now and spend a few hours reading before bed (when it's too late to watch TV). I keep telling myself that I'm doing it all in an effort to prepare myself for when I finally move out because I won't have cable and probably won't have internet. Once that happens, I'll be stuck with using what I have. I guess I'll just have to live with it and see where it goes. I'd really like to build a cab machine. But I think honestly I'd build a pinball cab first because I like pinball a lot more than those arcade games. Trouble is, they're probably more expensive too because of the displays. So money is a block for me too. <sigh> It's probably all coming down to my depression, causing me to lose interest in things I once loved (like that little bouncing head guy in the Zoloft? commercials..).
  4. Hey guys! So I'm sure we all get into the rut sometime. You're playing games then all of a sudden you're like.. "I don't really want to play this". So you go do something else. Then you do something else again, and before you know it, you're months out from the last time you played something. This is especially true of me right now. I've been so caught up in trying to get my server up and running/stable and reading books, I've not really looked at gaming. I haven't turned on my X-Box 360 in over 2 years (I know, because the X-Box One hadn't been released yet (all my friends were talking about getting it) and it came out November 22, 2013). It's been a few months now since I even booted up GameEx. I'm stuck in a rut. I'm thinking one reason why I don't really do much emulation anymore is because I've teased my interest too much with the work of reaching goals (Achievements on the XB, Trophies on the PS). All my emulation gaming just seems drab and pointless. There's no goals really to reach for other than just beating the game. The High Score Competition we have here is a great influence in trying to get me to play more (and has actually gotten me to do just that, albeit for MAME) but our players are really good, to the point where I feel like "why bother even trying". Does anybody else feel this way? Like, there's all these games we have at our fingertips now, but the desire to play them over something more recent is missing because of these extra things to work on getting while you play. Or am I just loony?
  5. Like I said, I never played it. My exposure to the NES was limited to my brother's friend growing up. He only had SMB/Duck Hunt/World Track and Field (Not sure if that's what it's called, but it came with the floor mat), SMB2, SMB3, Ninja Turtles, Marble Madness, and Top Gun. We would come home from school (they were 3 years younger than me) and while I was in the kitchen doing homework, they would be back in his room playing NES, and it was typically their mission to beat the game before we had to go home. My mom and his mom worked together as child care providers, so once the kids they were watching got picked up, it was time for us to leave. They would get about half way through a game (different each day) before we had to leave. Fridays were special because we would sometimes spend the night and get to finish the game. Sometimes they would get games from BlockBuster or the grocery store's video rental section (whatever happened to those?!). Usually it was something like Battletoads (90% of the time). But we never got/played Zelda. So to me, I never played hardly ANY NES games. Now that emulation is possible, I'm still finding myself playing those same games rather than expand my horizons into something else. I've yet to give Zelda a try. Final Fantasy is another game I'd like to try, but I'm actually trying to play it on the remastered PlayStation version (Final Fantasy Origins). Should I opt to give Zelda a try... does it SAVE, or is it a "never turn your NES off or you'll have to star over" kind of game? Or does it use passwords/etc? I guess if you have the right emulator, you can probably save your position directly even if the game doesn't have that feature.
  6. I pre-ordered from Amazon. Didn't pay for the expedited shipping. Got an email from Amazon on the 5th saying it had shipped. Clicked on the tracking link and saw it was in my city already but being handed over to the post office for final delivery, expected Sunday. Went to work and saw it sitting there on a big display ready for sale. I was pissed. Spent the whole day complaining about how I had PRE-ORDERED it and was going to have to wait until Sunday. Then I get home, and it's sitting there inside a bubble envelope waiting for me to open. Only downside, it would have been cheaper to buy where I work. Amazon sold it for $19.99, but with shipping it cost $2 more than if I bought it here. Then again, TAX probably would have added more to it, and I probably came out ahead. Still haven't watched it yet. When I saw on Facebook that there were different versions out there, I was steaming.. piping hot furious. When I was talking about the double-triple dipping as was common with Star Wars films, and the idea that whatever version you get might not include everything because it would be in another release.. I was just BS'ing. I investigated it and learned I was correct, that it was Star Trek / Paramount that had done a multi-region with different bonus features. So when I saw that the Star Wars 7 release was the same way, I was screaming. How can they do that? How can they have a special 20-minute documentary only available to Target? And who buys from Target anyway? LOL. I'm waiting for it to get leaked online so I can watch it. That just makes me mad. I paid good money for what I got, why is it incomplete? Would be nice if they included that documentary as a BD-Live extra, but I've actually noticed not many things even USE that technology. And those that do, the features they offer only lasted a short time. The only time I actually used the BD-Live was when Pottermore announced there was going to be a live-streaming commentary with Daniel Radcliffe to those with BD-Live enabled players and a copy of the Ultimate Edition Blu-Ray for Harry Potter 1. I was able to get logged in and watch about 20 minutes of it before I had to leave for work. THAT was pretty cool. But they never use that tech, and those that do, like I said, either disappear/stop working or are so slow they're pointless.
  7. I feel like there's content missing. Like games that are missing, and even longer clips from the ones they provided. Like doesn't Moe offer the DDR game before going to the "Low Blow Boxing". Still, it's a fun clip to watch.
  8. Still, it's available on TwinGalaxies... and I added Moon Patrol which doesn't have an ingame table either.
  9. I suspect they'll come in greater numbers and faster (and you faster as well) the farther you go. Thanks for the submission! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  10. Got 'em! In fact, I'm surprised Frogger isn't on our available games already. Maybe it was mentioned before and GC opted to not include it for some reason. Does it not have an ingame HS table?
  11. Not sure if this link will work, but I saw this while browsing through my feed today:
  12. I called it Cerebro.. and have it's Desktop Wallpaper set as the door to Cerebro from the X-Men movie. Basically this:
  13. Wow lucky break you found that it was memory. What made you think to even check that? If you're ever in the mood to upgrade, go BIG like I did. Custom install of Windows Server 2012 Essentials (basically the next upgrade to WHS2011) Norco RPC-4224 Case (link) Corsair AX760i PSU (link) ASRock Rack E3C224-4L (link) - I went with this because of it's ECC RAM, Xeon Processor, and the PCI slots I needed for TV Tuners. Will probably upgrade this some day. INTEL G1820 Haswell (link) - It's a Celeron, only bought it because it was cheap ($48) and I wanted to make sure all the other parts worked before getting beefy. KINGSTON KVR16E11/8 8gb ECC RAM (link) - Top of the line on the Certified RAM list for the MOBO. Only have 1 stick right now, will be getting more as money permits. Currently my BIG drives are 4x4tb Seagate NAS drives. Have only ever had these drives in this server build. The first drive I bought around 200 days ago was showing signs of failing with Bad Sectors, so I just got the replacement drive yesterday. The rest of my drives in here are 500gb-2tb of various sizes and manufacturers (mostly Seagate, like 3 WD's, 2 Hitachi, and 1 Toshiba). My oldest drive currently is 6 Years 27 Days old (according to StableBit Scanner). I have 5 drives that are 1 year old or newer, 12 that are pushing 3 years, and the remaining 4 are 5+ years. Still have 3 drive spaces open! OS is not included, on an internal SSD next to the power supply. My SAS controller is connected to a SAS Expander which can drive 36 drives internally, and patch out to another controller externally and drive up to another 64 drives (I think that's what it was, pretty large number in any case that I'll never be able to fill). Total storage available is 30tb, but this is always changing. AVAILABLE storage right now is only about 700gb. (heh.. only)
  14. I wish RetroArch was available easily for the Raspberry Pi. Then I could hook it into my Kodi installation. Of course, in the future, I'd want to build a Pi just for GameEx Evolution, and use RetroArch as the emulator. But that's a long ways off. Currently if you want RetroArch on your Pi, you have to download a special compiled version from a 3rd party. If you go to download RetroArch officially, I would assume you want to use Linux (duh) but then what? The Pi uses the ARM architecture, which only available under the nightly builds (without installer/folder structure). Sigh..
  15. My OCD would require that too.. but then there's also the "that's not how it was in the REAL arcade"... so I'd probably just leave it, and remember that for contest rules that's how it is. Maybe you could make a copy of the ROM with a 2 on the end or something and name it "Jumping Jacking Hard/HS Mod". Not sure how that works but it should be easy enough. Then you can have your special bezel (which I love!) with the correct score card separate from the original. Personally, I think that's too much effort, and would rather just live with it. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  16. Oooh fancy. Don't' really see the benefit of having a switch under the control panel though. I'd have to hack mine and run some wires out to a button on the side or something.
  17. BEN! (reverberating echo) You know, I could have downloaded the full ISO image of both BluRay disc's like 2 weeks ago, but I've decided against it. A pre-order will do me just fine. I can wait like everybody else. Although, a bootleg would go great with my other bootleg collections... Nah not worth it. I just hope I don't have to double-dip when the 3D version comes out because they'll have more bonus stuff previously unreleased on it.
  18. It's been a while since I've played this, so I'm not sure how critical the control is. It makes me wonder, should I ever build my own cab.. do they make sticks that can be changed? Like twist it one way and it's 4-way, then twist it the other way and it's 8-way? I'm not looking now, just curious. And it's way off-topic, so... Updated OP, DB, RSS! As a >>snicker<<..... Your score booted one of our top players off the board! Where's MO's score? TIF is pretty close to getting booted too.
  19. This was my mistake.. I didn't know there was a sequel. The original Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (link) was just a Beat'Em Up. The sequel, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs: The Second Cataclysm (link) was a full-motion video Rail Shooter I had on the SegaCD, so I thought that was the game that was recommended. I stand corrected!
  20. Wrong hand. @tthurman - I have those tapes. Heh. Trouble now is, I don't own a VCR anymore! I also only have the original release DVDs (which were the re-edited Special Editions). I think the re-release DVD's came with both versions but I too decided not to double-dip there. I probably saw those specials on the DVD. Though I read somewhere that some special features were cut from various home releases depending on the version you got. Apparently, depending on what region you live in (1, 2, 3, etc) you would get different special features. The same would be true for what store you bought them in (Best Buy or Target/Walmart exclusives). This angered a LOT of people because you spend good money expecting to get EVERYTHING (especially when you buy the Complete Trilogy Box Set) just to find out that you're being shafted content because of where you live/bought it from. It was (in my opinion) just another marketing ploy thought up by Lucas to bring even MORE money in because people would buy those other versions just for the missing bonus features. I love Lucas for his creation, but hate him more than the Emperor for the crap he started pulling later in life. Change the movies for every release even though everybody hated it. Jerk. I'm glad Disney bought him out and kicked his butt to the curb. It's just funny that Lucas originally went to Disney to get producing funds but they turned him down, then 30 years later buy the whole franchise thinking how great it is. Lucas should have been a jerk to them and not to the loyal fans but no, he's in it for the money. Not for the art.
  21. WOW! That's such an unobtainable score for me. Great job! Updated OP, DB, RSS
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