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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Yeah, another attempt at trying to be cutting edge, again with a new kind of controller. I honestly feel Nintendo has "lost it". They should just do what Atari did and become a software company.
  2. The hammer through is just too difficult for me. I tried playing it a bit last night, using the cheat to let me start on the hammer stage, just so I could get some practice. After about 10 tries, failing 3 out of 3 times each, I just gave up. I'm gonna try again to post up a better score before the month is out, but I doubt I'll get anywhere near you guys. Nice score Cyn! You've got the lead (for now!). Updated OP, DB, RSS
  3. Did you figure out the hammer throw? I need pointers! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  4. Nice! I'll probably never get to visit Vegas with my budget, unless I get lucky and win Publisher's Clearing House lol.
  5. @rtkiii - I know what you mean. That hammer throw stage is hard. You gotta be spinning so fast to get any kind of distance, and it's too fast to know when to throw. ARGH! @patrickfx - Wow man! Way to go! You've taken first place, but will you remain in first? We still have 2 weeks left! Thanks again guys for keeping this month's competition active. It really does mean a lot to me to know that my time moderating and maintaining these boards isn't just a waste of time. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  6. Wow you just keep getting better and better! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  7. That's true, and I thought about that. The problem is, remembering to to shutdown from within the program.
  8. I saw some pictures when I googled that image with the eyes glowing. Maybe it was a limited edition feature? The eyes on MY helmet aren't thin enough to allow light to pass through. I'm still spitballing ideas. Trying to research the best method for powering the system. You don't want to keep the power on all the time, and you don't want to just completely pull the plug when you're done playing either. You need to have an option to do a proper safe shutdown, otherwise you'll run the risk of SD card corruption. http://mausberry-circuits.myshopify.com/collections/frontpage/products/shutdown-circuit-use-your-own-switch This looks like the best option. The circuit will detect if a switch is toggled (works on a momentary or full toggle) and sends a signal to the Pi via the GPIO pins to run a shutdown script. Once the circuit detects it's fully shutdown, it disconnects the power to the USB. Toggle the switch again, and it connects the USB power, then sends another signal through the GPIO pins to turn the PI on. Looks like the perfect option. The hard part is going to be deciding if I really want to do it. The Pi3 gets very hot incase you guys didn't know. So having it buried inside this helmet is not necessarily ideal. Then there's the problem with actualy mounting the switches. It'd be an interesting project for sure. But don't forget, this is a PI-ZERO project thread, so I don't want to hijack it too much lol.
  9. @stigzler I don't know anything about the upscale. All I know is that it looks great and seems to be running full speed at pretty much console FPS. It's not AWESOME.. I mean, I run it at the native resolution. I suppose you can probably increase that if you wanted. I've also seen some stuff with shaders to improve things like antialiasing, but that's getting into technical stuff I'm not good with. @Draco1962 Now THAT's a great idea!! I don't have that one, though I wish I did. When I was standing in line at GameStop waiting for the midnight release of Halo 4, I got randomly picked for a free prize: It's similar in design, meant to house the Collector's Edition of Killzone 3 for PS3. Apparently it was left over or something. All it's doing now is sitting on top of my bookcase in my bedroom collecting dust lol. I never even owned a PS3, let alone this game. But it looks pretty cool. I wouldn't mind figuring out a cool way to install a Pi in there and have it running all my emulators. I was actually just looking on eBay a little bit ago to see if anybody was selling any "gently used" and "non-functioning" NES consoles. Sure, they exist, but they're EXPENSIVE. Especially considering they're not working. I can understand paying that for a working console. If somebody is crazy enough, I can see buying the "brand new never opened factory sealed still in plastic wrap", but I'm not going to spend $70+ for a non-working console just to get the case. So I started looking at other consoles. The Sega Genesis sells pretty cheap, but I don't know if I like the mechanical switch vs a push button. The Sega Genesis v2 is a push button but I didn't like the looks of the cases themselves (scratched, etc). There was a guy selling some Atari 2600's which might be cool, but again they're toggle switches. Maybe a toggle switch would be better? I dunno. I like the idea you're going with Draco, because this ugly thing is just sitting there doing nothing. Would be nice to put it to some good use. Tricky thing is going to be finding a place to put it next to the TV, since the TV stand is already full heh.
  10. Yeah, we've increased the difficulty and limited the ability to play through multiple times. So pretty much NOBODY should be getting anywhere near 100k. I'm officially disqualifying them, because if you really are THAT GOOD, you should have TwinGalaxies and Guiness World Records beating down your door for proof and recognition. Nice entry patrickfx! It's nice to see your progression as you worked to get an awesome score. Double what I can do. And it's better than MO's score too, so you KNOW he's going to come back and try to beat you! I'm going to try and play this some more before the competition is over. Also... welcome to our competition! This marks your very first entry! Let me or one of the other high score moderators know if you have any questions. We keep it simple, and it looks like you got the idea. Lets keep those scores coming buddy! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  11. My PI3 does excellent PSX emulation in RetroArch using the PCSX ReARMed core. It's a modified version of PCSX that has been compiled to run especially well on ARM processors, which the PI line is. I highly recommend it. I had some difficulties getting it to run on a PI2, but PI3 runs perfectly. N64 seems to run very well with Mupen64Plus core. The only difficulty I've had with it is the controls, which is always hard to emulate if you're not using the original controller. The RetroArch/LibRetro staff are actively working on making better PSX and N64 emulation, but having it cross-platform to include ARM/PI devices is few and far between unfortunately. The same can be said for other systems as well. I'm eager to get Atari computer systems (800 and ST) to work, since those were the machines in my house when I grew up. Hatari and "Atari800" cores exist, but they don't run on Pi, or if they do I've not found out how to make it work. There are other obscure options too. Like, the ability to run Doom wads and Quake. RetroPie also has Duke3D, Quake 2, Quake 3, and DosBox. I've not been able to figure out DosBox on my installation yet. If I can get DosBox to work, that would let me run other DOS games I'd like to play. The cool thing about RetroArch is that it is an emulator system, not just a frontend. GameEx doesn't run games/roms, it's just the frontend that launches external emulators. RetroArch is different, in that it is an emulator with a frontend built in, and you add different cores for each console you want to run. The beauty of that, is that everything is all internally contained. And updating is easy if you have your system connected to the internet. Just go into the "online updater" menu option in the main screen, and update various things you want, including newer versions of the cores. It's a nice system, and I like having the ability to easily update without having to go out and find the webpage of an emulator to get the latest version. Especially when you run the risk that the emulator isn't being updated anymore, or the website/host disappeared. With RetroArch, everything is just THERE. I was thinking about this whole NES cart thing, and while I like it, I really think I need something beefier than the Pi-Zero for my tastes. I love the super small form factor and the fact that it runs so many systems out of the box, but I'd like to run more, and a Pi-Zero is too underpowered for that. Unfortunately, I think a Pi3 or even a Pi2 might be too tall to fit in a cartridge, so that's out of the question. Going and gutting a CONSOLE though, that's more feasible. But who wants to gut a perfectly working console? I'll have to look on eBay and see if I can find something NOT WORKING, and mod it. Maybe get an actual NES console. Though that's going to require some serious tinkering to make it work. It would be awesome though to some how get a way for the console's power button to actually boot up the PI (shouldn't be to hard to solder a switch to the incoming power, it would require some research). And then I'd have to find some way to run an HDMI cable out the back. It would require a lot of research. But sounds like fun. I'll have to spend a few hours at night reading up about it.
  12. I love RetroArch (and RetroPIE) for it's ease and capabilities. But.. IT'S NOT GAMEEX.... I know the Pi's aren't very power hungry, would they be capable of running a Linux version of GameEx? I wonder if somebody could go in and make a Pi, and include a USB powered 2.5 inch hard drive that is say 1tb, and include all the games, artwork, videos (from Emumovies) and fit it all inside an NES cart like that? That would be friggin sweet. Have to wait and hear what (if any) plans Tom and the gang have for porting over to Linux and LibreELEC..
  13. Lots of good competition this month. I really like it, thanks guys for keeping at it this time! Yeah I forgot to post up a reply that Tom "fixed" it. Not sure what it was, but he sent me a reply asking who couldn't do it, then when I tried to log in to tell him the site wouldn't even let me connect to the inbox. Then it went completely offline for a bit before he replied back and said he fixed it. We'll keep an eye on it though and let him know if anything else happens. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  14. No harm no foul. You like the game, we get that. You already know that nobody can beat you, so whatever makes you feel good lol! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  15. I just tried to create a test reply with an attachment and was also unable to do it. I sent Tom a PM.. we'll figure it out. Keep working on those scores!
  16. At first I thought maybe patrickfx was doing something wrong, but if rtkiii is also having trouble uploading, there probably is something wrong with the site. I'm actually on my way out the door for work right now so I can't test this. Maybe it'll be working again by the time I get home. Maybe send a memo out to Tom and see if there's something he can do?
  17. I here ya. It also helped you become an elitist god to those games you owned too lol.. We were lucky to some point. Dad was a big Atari fanboy. When he was my age, he bought an Atari 2600 (we talked about this just last week so it's still fresh in memory lol). He had 4 games for it. Then he got an Atari 800 computer. It had the cartridge slot so he could play games with that, and it also had a floppy drive. Because it was a computer, that opened up more capabilities than just being a gaming console. He had a database program on there he was using to keep track of high scores between him and his buddy he grew up with. He also had a program that allowed him to use an external 400-baud modem to digitally send in his tax returns, although the state government still required a paper copy for verification and safety sake. The modem came with it's own terminal software, and he was able to connect to a local underground pirate BBS and download games for free. See, with the floppy drive he could store about 15 cartridges to 1 disk. Some games were larger, but that was the average. We had about a hundred floppies, so just about EVERY game. Some cartridge games required a special "cart-key" that was a hardware hack that tricked the software into thinking there was a physical card in the slot. It had an on/off switch and a light to let you know it was running. Good times back then. My brother's friend had an NES, and surprisingly it was years ahead of the Atari 800. So far in fact, that when Dad upgraded to the Atari ST computer, the games on THAT were already available on the NES (games like TMNT, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, etc). But the ST had a higher resolution monitor than a TV set, so they looked great, and were in stereo. Of course, Dad did all his underground work with that too so we had a whole bunch of games for that as well. But it wasn't until we got the Sega Genesis that we finally felt like there was something special to call our own. The Atari's were Dad's computers. We weren't allowed to play on them unless he was there babysitting. The Sega Genesis was OURS. Shitty thing was, the Sega was meant to be a Christmas present for both of us, but the stores were sold out and we ended up getting it on my brother's birthday instead (January 9th). So, being a stupid kid, he would always argue that it was HIS Sega, and kept it hooked up in HIS room on HIS TV. Never let me play on it unless he wasn't home or if we played a 2-player game together. Mom and Dad didn't like it because games like Sonic the Hedgehog would take hours to play, and we'd hog the TV from the time we got home from school until dinner was ready, and then we had to turn it off so we could watch TV while we eat. But the whole 1 game a year was true in our house too to a point. Although it was more like 3 times a year, his birthday, my birthday, and Christmas. I was older though, so of course I got the better and more Mature games (Mortal Kombat comes to mind). We loved that thing. Upgraded to the SegaCD when that came out, the 32X after that, and we had the Sega Channel for a while. What a joke (by today's standards) that was. It was basically a flash cart with cable modem, but the speed to download the games was sooooo slooooow. Seriously it was slower than dialup. A game like ToeJam & Earl took about 10 minutes to download, even though the filesize was no bigger than a jpeg. Still, it was cool that the technology existed and we had a new selection of games to play each month that the cable company offered us to download for a small extra fee (like adding Disney Channel or HBO). Those were great days. Then the Playstation came out. I was fed up with not having the ability to play a game when I wanted because my brother was still hogging HIS Sega. So I bought the PSX, and that changed the game. Next thing I know, I come home from my first job one day, and find out he SOLD his Sega Genesis, SegaCD, 32X, all 4 controllers (including the Menacer light gun), all 17 games (including MINE that I bought), and used it as a way for him to get 20% off the purchase of a USED Playstation for himself. I mean, he sold MY games and my controller I bought (had rapid fire and programmable buttons) without asking me, and he still had to pay 80% for his own PSX, just so he could play games in his room. He never even bought any games, just used mine. What a jerk. Fast forward a few months, I get a mod chip and install it, then make binders full of games. He takes my legit-bought games from Squaresoft (now worth LOTS of money) and loans the disks to his (now ex) fiance's best friend. They broke up, she's no longer in contact with him, and I have about 10 games worth about $200 each with just the jewel cases and no disks. He still refuses to replace them. That's the story of my respect and taking care of things I had. Spend money on things you want and take care of them, then have your snot-nosed-brat brother sell them for pennies or loan them off to somebody.. all without asking. Ok, so that was extremely long winded. I'm half asleep and I ramble when I'm tired. lol
  18. I don't think the MAME version is important, but it IS important that you adjust the game's DIP settings to match. Those are our rules. By default, the game is set up much easier than we are all playing at, and you have to be set up the same way to be fair. Check the first post in this thread for the settings to change.
  19. 1 button or 2, doesn't matter to me. But the use of foreign objects to aid in the superhuman capabilities is NOT ALLOWED.. There, I made it official. In fact, there is an alternative high score board on Twin Galaxies FOR that, but we're keeping it fair and simple here. Like you guys had to even ask.. lol Nice entry there RTKIII!!! Glad to see you on the board finally. <snicker> Updated OP, DB, RSS
  20. You guys suck with your real life full scale arcades. When I grew up, my family's limited income crippled my gaming capabilities. My first real exposure to an arcade was the one in a movie theater that had like 4 games in it. And you know me, I was just standing there moving the joystick around and mashing buttons like I was really playing, but it was just the demo. That is the extent of my "fond memories". The first machine I put any money into though was the Star Wars Trilogy game (again at a theater). Emulation of it still isn't up to par with the machine though sadly.
  21. He's waiting to pull out a 100k score and prove to the world that it's possible to get it in a single play through.
  22. I just noticed, we completely skipped adding this score to the board. When I just checked, we had your previous score listed (1,101,700 ). Sorry buddy! All good now. lol
  23. I can't wait to try this one out. I think we may have rented it for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, but that was a long time ago. Doesn't really matter though, because according to the wiki entry, the 2 games are only similar by name. I a bigger fan of these beat-em-up games than I am of the shoot-em-up games we mostly have in our competition. That's why I was so excited to play the July 2015 GOTM "The Punisher" It's funny, nobody even officially updated the OP to say who the winner was with the RED LETTERS. That's gonna change now! Updated OP, DB, RSS
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