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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. That's much more in my price range. When I finally get around to do anything, it's going to require some research. As for tools, I have none. I mean, I have a hammer and a manual screwdriver with different bits. I also have a soldering iron and dremel. That's it. No drills, saws, etc. I also don't have room. So my priorities before even considering something is spoken for already. Get that raise I've been waiting for (done), save for a car (in progress), move out and get my own place (future endeavor).
  2. Thanks again! I actually subscribed to his channel so I watched this last night before you posted it.
  3. Unbelievable.. I really need to build one of these. Would you recommend a "from scratch" or "from kit" approach? The links @tthurman posted are all way out of my price range for the time being. But if I get a starter kit and build on to it, maybe it would be cheaper than just starting from a complete blank slate. Like maybe get something that has the playfield and backglass boxes with flipper buttons to start. Then save up for the displays. Then save up for the extras. Make it a real project and not just a "unpack and plug in". Just thinking about my options. I have other higher priorities right now, but it's good to toss around ideas.
  4. Nice job Pat! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  5. Yup... you improved your previous score by about 30k. So by next post, you should be in that 100k range. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  6. So how is Star Fox 2? Is it any different from the version previously only available via the ROM underground? Nintendo never released it but a game called Star Fox 2 is available on the net. I'm just curious if anybody has compared the two and can say anything about them. It's the one game on that entire system I'd actually love to play. And I agree 100% with what @RIP-Felix says.. emulation is ok if you have the original, but playing on the original is the best way to go. I mostly emulate games and systems I own. It just makes it easier at this point to play them, rather than having to dig out power cables and low-quality video cables, hope you have a good controller and a working game. 99.99% of the time, I'm playing the same games over and over anyway! It's like when you're growing up, you recognized the gems and still continue to play them today! The SNES Classic is an interesting piece of hardware I'd like to own (as is the NES Classic), but seeing as how the RPi3 is perfectly capable of doing the same thing plus more for 1/3 the cost, it wins the day hands down.
  7. I just don't understand. They can't compete with what is already available. They have a Flashback console already, that plays their old games. If the cost is really going to be where they're saying, everybody would rather buy a current gen A-List game supporting system. If they want to dabble in the open-source market, they have to compete with the much cheaper Shield. There's just no way to understand their thinking. The brand isn't that good anymore. They're like 6 generations behind, and living human generations are either grandparents or great-grandparents now. They could care less. Atari needs to bring on full A-List game support, lower the cost, or offer something that's not already available. I still can't believe they don't even have a working model yet, and are expected to create a crowdsource income in the next month or so with plans of releasing to market a complete system in Spring 2018. Yeah right!
  8. Yeah I saw these new details. $250-$300? That's Xbox One/PS4 territory, but this is an Atari machine that will play their old games (probably emulators) as well as NEW games. But these new games are only going to be those open-source low-level type games like Minecraft and Terraria, not A-listers. It can do streaming and web browsing? Whoopdeedoo. So does my Raspberry Pi. So far, it sounds like a brand name bloat. They're saying it may not even come with controllers, so you'd have to buy those separately. I'd rather by an XBONE/PS4, or an nVidia Shield to get Steam Games at 4k. By running Linux, they may even be promoting hackers. Hearing this, and the price, just killed it for me. Unless Atari has some secret dev team hiding in their sleeves making dedicated Atari games, I'm out. The thing isn't even built yet.. they need to crowdfund it on IndieGoGo because they don't have any money. HA!
  9. Wow you almost tripled your previous score! Was Galaga'88 just too much? I'm impressed buddy! Just making sure; you ARE on the hardest setting right? Updated OP, DB, RSS
  10. You're killing me Red! I'm gonna have to quit my job and go work for the government so I can afford to built a table. The desire is so big. ARGH! Keep up the good work too lol.
  11. Don't forget to add me to your friends list! http://retroachievements.org/user/hansolo77
  12. I just downloaded the episode yesterday after watching it on Sunday night so I could watch it again. The version I downloaded starts with the NETFLIX logo, so it's apparently available on there. I imagine Amazon won't be too far off getting it to. I Amazon Prime, so that's a bonus for me if it shows up there. Of course, it's also available on their dedicated CBS-All Access streaming service. I was pissed when I learned that they were doing it that way a year ago. But I got over it. It's available for free in other countries, and because of that, it'll be available for free online too. You just gotta know where to look. I'm not going to say how or where.. just that if you were interested, it's available. I'm totally going to buy the BluRay's though if they ever come out. I've got everything on BluRay I can buy, and DS9 and VOY on DVD. I'm with you though about them thinking it's Game of Thrones quality out of the gate and they can get away with having it online only. I mean, they should offer an online option as a supplementary service to watching it on regular TV, not require a monthly subscription fee as the only way to see it. They have 15 episodes (14 completed, #15 was supposed to be filmed this week). One a week means at least 3 months of service. No thanks. The only other shows I watch on CBS are Big Bang Theory and Price is Right. Not worth paying for. Especially since CBS is a broadcast network and not a cable network. I get the channel for free OTA. If the show were on a cable network, I might consider it. But free local broadcast? Nah.
  13. No rush! Nice thing now is we got 2 months time to submit.
  14. So did you guys watch it? Are you going to subscribe to CBS's online service to continue watching it? I myself am delighted they finally came out with the show. It's been in development for years, and delayed a number of times. I'm pissed about their release scheme of presenting everybody a teaser on TV then requiring you to PAY to watch the rest. Especially when other countries are going to be able to watch it live on TV for free. I'm gonna just sit back and wait for the internet underground to release it, then I'll buy it on BluRay when it comes out (if it does.. still waiting on DS9 and VOY). I gotta say though, the acting was a bit stiff and emotionless. The science officer alien guy was better at emoting than the actors with nothing on their faces. I'm not sure about the Klingons either. But, this is just the start. Every version of Star Trek always has it rough starting out. I just hope it last longer than 3 seasons. I'm also not sure I like the special effects direction. It's supposed to be 10 years before the original series, but the special effects make it look like it's further in the future than Voyager. I've had this gripe with the new movies too (Chris Pine). They're good movies for an alternate universe or something, but according to the makers, THIS show is in the same PRIME universe as the rest of shows. I just can't understand how their 280-degree view screen is older than the 4:3 50-inch screen the original series had. LOL. But that's trivial. I gotta look past it and look for the stories and acting. Hopefully they take the show in the direction of re-interpreting today's issues like classic Trek is known for, rather than just making a special effects sci-fi epic that would be better suited as a movie. Most websites are saying it is a single story arc per season, so I doubt current issues will make much impact in the long season. The preview bit at the end of the 2nd episode has me hopeful. And Jason Issacs as the captain? Will have to wait and see!
  15. I'm still very active there as well. I've not set up anything for GameEx yet, just my NESPI.
  16. When I first started out, I had a really hard time figuring out the best way to navigate around the enemy fire. I was dying all the time. Then I actually had a good hour of free time and spent the time to really watch how it's working. Now I am getting a lot better. Still not as good as our top players, but I'm getting there. This game (like most) really is a money grabber. If your intentions are to get really good at the game, you'd need a LOT of money to keep pumping in quarters at the arcade to learn the nuances. Thank goodness MAME is here. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  17. Not true. I loved those books when I was younger. The first book published as part of the official series was published in 1979. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Choose_Your_Own_Adventure_books#Choose_Your_Own_Adventure
  18. Thanks for the heads up. I think I'm safe though. I'm using a 64bit version. And I've not updated in a long time. Just checked... I have v5.07.5261. They say the version infected was v5.33.6162. According to my app though, I can get v5.34.6207. I think I might get it just to be on the safe side.
  19. There are no special rules or limitations over at TG that says you have to use just 1 fighter. So for our little friendly comp, feel free to use 2 if it helps. I also noticed, that for me the warps happen after the bonus stage if you have 2 of the blue orbs. If you have 1 or 0, it won't work. If you have 1 though, it does launch it. I'll have to remember to watch the score to see if you get any bonus for having it. But it looks like if you don't have 2, it launches the 1 you DO have to make you reset your allocation.
  20. Here's my attempt for now... Score: 88,310 Stage: 2-8 Initials: HAN UPDATED OP, DB, RSS
  21. Sad to hear/read. Peaceably Rest.
  22. That 40k might be a typo from TwinGalaxies. I just cut and pasted it. If you go into your dip settings, and toggle the one for test mode, it will let you access the settings to verify when you reboot the machine. Unless you went in here in the past on this machine, these default settings should be correct. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  23. Not gonna get drawn in again to the BS we live in... Good score RSK, whoever that is. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  24. Nice! I'm a bit sick today. Hopefully when I'm feeling better I"ll post a score. Updated OP, DB, RSS
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