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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. I'm creating a new topic because this is getting off topic.
  2. I found the problem, I didn't have 7zip installed. Silly me. All works now!
  3. hansolo77


    I prefer to use GENS. Does it support bin/cue files? I know it supports ISO, thats why everything is automatically in that format.
  4. Thats a hard thing to diagnose. I have a C: drive, but my ROMS and EMULATORS and GAMEEX are all stored on D:. When I'm running GameEx, I'm never accessing anything on C:. So if I'm reading your problem correctly, you shouldn't have any problems, as I do not. I run the screensaver all the time. It gives me ideas of some new games to play. I don't have it set to play the videos though. I have all the videos for MAME, and they play fine, I just don't like having them in the screensaver because they're usually LOUD and too short. So, what could your problem be then? It might be a codec problem. Or maybe your files got corrupted. It's hard to say. Sorry I couldn't be of much help, but it's further narrowing down your problem by process of elimination.
  5. I've noticed similar problems with GBA (if you're using VisualBoyAdvace). I've narrowed it down to a resolution issue. If you're display isn't set to at least 800x600, VBA won't run. It may flick on for half a second or so then exit. This is true with a lot of other emulators as well. One thing to try (and this may solve your FUSION problem as well) is to exit GameEx and try to run the emulators outside of it, through just plain Windows. If it works there, then you have a config problem in GameEx. If it doesn't, you have driver issues or bad hardware, or an out of date version of the program. I've been able to fix all my problems by just sitting down and taking a few minutes to really figure out the problem. Use the debug mode and make sure the command line GameEx is creating is appropriate and correct. 9 times out of 10 the problem is there, and its something stupid like a typo or a forgotten quotation mark. I mention this because it sounds like Fusion is loading up, but not running a rom. This is usually an indication that GameEx didn't send any rom information into the command line for the emulator. So basically, the emulator loaded and thats it. Good luck!
  6. hansolo77


    I'm still working on setting up my stuff. It's been months, but I'm only available a few hours a day. So whats the best method for SEGA CD games? I've touched on this before, but thought there might be some newer methods now that it has been a few months. If you were to start from scratch, scour the web for individual games, download from IRC, Newsgroups, or torrent sites; all of the games come in the same format. A zip file, containing an ISO file (the actual game rom) and a few MP3's that are the music tracks. Now, the ideal thing to do is make a /roms folder and just copy all your .zips to that location and be good to go. GameEx will find these .zips and recognize them. However, there are no emulators that currently support zip files that I'm aware of. I know for a fact that GENS and any of it's hacked/3rd party version like FUSION and GENS32 don't. So what can you do? Well, you have to extract the zips. The first time I did this, I extracted all of my zips to the same folder (ie; /roms). This was all fine and dandy. It worked great. Configure GameEx to look for the iso's and you're set. The downside to this is that you may have tens of thousands of files in that folder, and most computers don't like that. So the next ideal thing to do is make a folder for each game. Here lies the problem. Although GameEx has an option in the configurator to have roms in their own folder (IE; the "Roms in Folders?" option), this feature doesn't work. I don't know why not, and I don't know if Tom has plans of ever returning to fix it. So to get around this, you have to write BATCH (.bat) files. You make a folder /roms and a folder /bat. Then tell GameEx that the rom folder is in /bat. You have to (painstakingly) write out a seperate batch file for each and every game you have. This task is way too complicated and time consuming. However, now we have GoodMerge support. Is there perhaps a way to use this to our advantage? So here we are. Our options (that I'm aware of) are only of 2. Unzip everything to one folder, or unzip everything to their own folders and write batch files. Does anybody know of any other methods? I'd really like to be able to just keep the games in their original zips, but since the BEST emulators don't support that (and probably never will since the projects are closed now), we're stuck. What do you think? Can something else be done? Tom, can you readdress this?
  7. Go into the configuration program. Under "Advanced MAME Settings", the second line is "Ingame CP View VK". Either take out all the information on this line, or change it using the proper code found in "C:\Program Files\GameEx\CONFIG\EMULATORS\VKCodes.htm" (or wherever GameEx is installed).
  8. No I had the extension field blank. For all other roms, leaving it blank seems to work best as it takes ALL the files.
  9. Hey Adultery.. how do you have your GoodMerge setup? I tried to use GameBoy for starters. I downloaded the GoodName version from a torrent site. When I setup GameEx to look for the roms while still zipped, GameEx didn't find any roms at all. I had the option enabled to use GoodMerge. The only way I was able to get it to work was by unzipping everything.
  10. hansolo77


    Well, I've never used ALT+TAB, but what I can tell you is that there is a feature now that rotates the screen when you press TAB.
  11. I couldn't really tell by looking at the webpages, but the stick may only be a 4-way. If thats true, there's no way to do diagonals. If the stick isn't 4-way, then you can configure it to go diagonally. While in a game, hit the [TAB] key and go to the option "Input (general)". Once in there, go to "Player 1 Controls". The diagonals you'll want to set are: P1 Right/Up P1 Right/Down P1 Left/Up P1 Left/Down Hope that helps!
  12. I second that... After taking time to build a spinner (cause I'm cheap), I only play like 3 games that I know work with them. Arkanoid, Cameltry, and Tempest. I know there's got to be more games than that. I don't have a trackball, but the only games I can think of that would use that (off hand) would be bowling games, some golf games, and missile command. Sorting using those controllers would be awesome. Something else you could sort by, along the same line, would be joystick (4-way vs 8-way) and maybe the number of buttons. I seem to recall a message from people asking how many games support 3 buttons, 4, 5, 6, etc... If you could sort by that, it would make it easier. I make the suggestion of the 4/8 way because some people only have 4 ways, and to play an 8 way game with it is impossible.
  13. The GameEx extender is the feature that uploads screenshots of what you're doing to the web so people can see what you're doing. Look Here: http://tomspeirs.com/gameex/Live.aspx
  14. Download XVID. Then configure FFDSHOW to use the XVID codec rather than it's libracodec
  15. You can only have a 1 picture on the screen. If you want the marquee, just change the option of SNAPSHOTS to point to your MARQUEE folder. That will show only the marquees though. And if you have the movies for any of the games, I believe they'll take over everything and always show, unless you don't have them enabled.
  16. I emailed the original collector/website author about the screenshot archive and asked if he had plans of updating any of the lists with newer stuff. Mainly I was interested in getting like GBA games, and some Atari ST screenshots. He said, however, that he's done with that project unless a larger demand comes for an update.
  17. Turns out there probably won't be any emulators for these. After doing a little research, it looks like they're only "simulatable". The chips were too small or something to create an emulator for. And becides, they're all LCD's with an element turning on or off the different 'burned in' graphics. To make an emulator, you would have to use the rom chip and a collection of sprites or something.
  18. Oh yeah.. I used to own a bunch of those Tiger games... Baseball, Pinball, Speedboat, Star Trek The Next Generation, a Star Wars game made out of the Millenium Falcon, Lights Out, and a few others I can't remember. In fact, I still remember my Babeball game, and how I played it so much that I could make a home run in the dark just by listening to the sound of the ball coming. I knew exactly when to hit! It'd be AWESOME if there was an emulataor to play those old Tiger handhelds... A buddy of mine had a Ninja Turtles game, a BoVsBo Baseball/Football game... And I even had a REALLY SUPER OLD black box with red LEDS that played baseball. EDIT: Hehe, here are some pictures to what I was talking about.... http://www.handheldmuseum.com/Tiger/Tiger-...nicBaseball.jpg http://www.handheldmuseum.com/Tiger/Tiger-...allBaseball.jpg http://www.handheldmuseum.com/Tiger/Tiger-Pinball.jpg http://www.handheldmuseum.com/Tiger/Tiger-SpeedBoat.jpg http://www.handheldmuseum.com/Tiger/Tiger-StarTrekTNG.jpg http://www.handheldmuseum.com/Tiger/Tiger-...rialAssault.jpg (mine is inside a model Falcon)
  19. This sounds like an easy fix. First of all, make sure your controller is recognized by the computer. This is the easiest fix, and most often over looked. Just because your controller looks like it's working doesn't mean it really IS working (LED's just mean it has power, but no drivers means no worky worky). Go into your Control Panel and Joysticks and run through it's properties, checking the axis' and buttons. If everything is okie dokie, then open up MAME32. There is a system wide setting that enabled certain devices to be used. Make sure your SPECIFIC controller is listed. If you have something generic or nothing at all, then MAME isn't recognizing it, and it probably won't work. If your specific controller is recognized, make sure it's enabled and set to ID1 (for Player 1). If thats ok, then run your rom. Hit the [TAB] key to bring up the configure window. In here, make sure your options and controller mappings are set correctly. You may have to remap your LEFT and RIGHT keys from something like "LEFT" to "JOYPAD X1". That will let you use your controller. Lastly, if all else fails, go back to the system wide settings in MAME and change everything to KEYBOARD. Your keyboard should be working completely, as the keyboard is the basic and utmost default controller. If that doesn't work either, you're out of luck. It's either a driver problem, or bad hardware. Most issues can be solved by doing a little research, poking and prodding here and there, and even breaking things. If you screw something up, you can always reinstall it. I've broken MAME a lot of times trying to get the rendering right, etc. Hope that helps, and remember to reply back if you still have problems. There may be something I overlooked.
  20. Make sure that you have your ingameCP mapped to a key you have on your control cabinet. The default key GameEx configures is the letter 'K'. So, unless you change this, you'll have to map a button to the letter 'K' to use it. If not, you'll have to use a different code from the VKCodelist found in your GameEx folder: "C:\Program Files\GameEx\CONFIG\EMULATORS\VKCodes.htm"
  21. Musicbrainz is awesome once you figure out how to use it.
  22. No problem. It sounds like you were just trying to hard and overlooked the obvious.
  23. Its like page #4 of the program. Launch the configurator program, and click NEXT until you get to the emulators.
  24. Sure thing.. here ya go: Sorry I didn't crop it down or anything.. I'm using pcAnywhere to gain remote access to my MCE computer from my main computer.
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