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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. LOL I'm glad I was able to help. Now if I can only get some help with MY issues. Hehe.
  2. I'm not sure.. I haven't played with any external apps, nor the vplauncher program. If GameEx isn't seeing your roms, make sure you have the rom filter set to look for *.vpt and have the rom path in your /tables folder.
  3. vpauto.exe is located in the root folder: C:\Program Files\GameEx It's a utility that automatically clicks on the dialogue windows for the warning messages about the ROMs. Unfortunately it's a little buggy and many people (including myself) have found that remains an active process after exiting the program. So you can either have the table running like you have it now, or you can use vpauto and have it always running. If it were me, I'd go with vpauto because it's small. It's just a little annoying to see like 25 of them in your taskmanager after you're done playing.
  4. I always thought the WorkingPath was the path to the root folder of the program.
  5. That will only enable screenshots. I think he wants to create videos.
  6. Feature Requests?
  7. The problem I was having was with the Joy2Key program. Even though it was set to launch with the emulator, it seemed to always be launching second, and therefore was the top window. So when I the game would load, it would be in the background and all I would have is a black screen. If I did the joystick button to close the emulator, it would close the Joy2key program instead. So I would be stuck at a black screen permanently unless I did an ALT+CTRL+DEL. If I ALT-ENTER nothing happens. So I was trying to find a way to launch Joy2Key after the emulator, and BAT files were the only way I could find. I just added the command to the original file to find the rom. It didn't work either. BUT, I may have found a solution. My game controller comes with special programming software that does what Joy2Key does. I simply map the buttons to do different things. The software stores the settings as profiles. I simply have the AlsoLaunch configured to change the profile from none to SegaCD (in this case). It works perfectly now. Now all I have to do is figure a way to get the profiler software to change back to no profile loaded and I'm set.
  8. I'm just getting mad now.. I've tried everything from START to shortcuts, to NOT shortcuts to who knows what else. I can't get this to work. I need somebody else to help. I can't belive nobody but me and amos are trying to make this work (and I don't think he's even trying, just giving suggestions )
  9. This is exactly what its doing.. because that's how batch files work.. they go down the lines and execute each one at a time, waiting for the previous to stop before going on. Here's the solution though.. you have to use LINKS/SHORTCUTS instead. So I created a shortcut to JoyToKey.exe and called it J2K.lnk. I then created a shortcut to Gens.exe and called it go.lnk. I then moved the shortcuts to the same folder as my BAT files. I then created the BAT file: j2k.lnk run.lnk "D:\_SEGACDROMS\ROMS\Sonic CD\Sonic CD.iso" -scd -auto cls The cls is a required line. I don't know what its for (going from an online website example) but if it's not their nothing happens. This works perfectly outside of GameEx. The mapped buttons work and everything is A-OK. Now the only problem is getting it to work within GameEx. For some reason, when this BAT file is loaded it gets all goobered. The rom loads up, but the screen is black. When I press the controller button to reset or close, nothing happens and the game continues to run. I believe there is a problem with the stacking windows, and GameEx or J2K is staying on top. So when I DO close, it closes the other program and not the emulator.
  10. I dunno, my configuration looks fine: [Emulator_9] Enabled=True STARTPAGENAME=SegaCD Games TITLETEXT=SegaCD StartPageLogo=genesis ROMFilter=*.bat RomsInFolders=False RomPath=D:\_SEGACDROMS\BAT SnapPath=D:\_SEGACDROMS\SNAP WorkingPath=D:\_SEGACDROMS MapKeys=True WaitBeforeKeys= SendKeys= ReplaceDash=False ReplaceUnder=False Capitals=False RemoveBrackets=False ShowDesktop=False Debug=False MAPFile= AlsoLaunch=D:\_SEGACDROMS\1\JoyToKey.exe Command=""[ROMPath]\[RomFile]"" OLDatZip= TitlePath=D:\_SEGACDROMS\TITLE BoxPath=D:\_SEGACDROMS\COVER LaunchBefore= LaunchAfter=taskkill.exe /F /IM JoyToKey.exe CartPath=D:\_SEGACDROMS\DISK configFile= ExcludedFiles= CustomBackground= PlayMusic= PCGame= DATABASE=SEGACD DumbyValue= GamesIn7Zips=
  11. Well I looked, and it's all very confusing. When I try to launch j2k before the game in a batch file, the computer just sits there, waiting for j2k to end. Once that happens, then it goes to the next line of the batch file and the rom runs. So I can't have both running at the same time. I guess I'll have to try something else.
  12. GRR!! It works fine on its own.. if I launch the Joy2Key program then launch the bat file. But when I do it through GameEx now, it just goes to a black screen for about 5 seconds then returns to GameEx. UHG! Why won't it work for me?!!
  13. Ok I gave joytokey a try. I assigned my 2 shoulder buttons. The left one is TAB (to reset the emulator) and the right one is ALT+F4 (to close the emulator). When I try to launch a game, it it seems to load ok, but my Joy2Key buttons aren't working. When I force close everything, it shows the program in the taskbar using a cfg I never created. Any Help?
  14. hansolo77

    Go Live

    Oh ok so they're just leftover remnants. I'll erase them.
  15. hansolo77

    Go Live

    Just to throw a heads up out to Tom... I was poking around in the GameEx folders trying to see if I could find a way to make my test bezel render layout work and I came across the \GameEx\DATA folder. There are about 8 images of my screenshots for the LIVE! feature. A few are rather small, like 25k, but some are large, around 150k. Was it your intentions to have GameEx store these files? It seems to me that would waste space. If they keep collecting and nobody knows about it, suddenly people will start to wonder where all their hard drive space went! If you wanted to keep say like the last 10, you might consider putting them into a subfolder, like \GameEx\DATA\LIVE or something, and have it autoerase the outdated ones. Just an FYI incase you hadn't noticed. I'm sure you have by now though so no biggie. Also, can you swing over to my bezel thread and see what you think about my last reply? Thanks!
  16. TOM!!! I'VE FOUND THE SOLUTION!! Or rather, I've found the problem, we need your help for the solution! Ok, it turns out that since build 106u2 of ALL MAME VERSIONS, they've got a new render that displays the image. This render doesn't display bezel artwork they way we're familiar with. They have to be converted to a new format. Since your "generic" bezel artwork is in the old style format, it'll only display correctly with machines running version 106u1 or earlier. Seeing as how I like to stay on top of things and keep everything up to date, I've already upgraded to the latest (106u3 isn't a necessary upgrade yet). So what we need done is a conversion of at least the generic bezel artwork. It'd be wicked cool if you could find a way to have it load the artwork specifically for the game. I've got TONS of them from a torrent file. Problem is, they're all in the old style. Here is a link on MAME's official forum where a guy shows the problem, and points at 2 links where more information can be found on building the new format. http://www.mameworld.info/ubbthreads/showt...w=&sb=5&o=&vc=1 Good luck and keep us updated!
  17. The only difference I saw in the 2 that may have been the problem was your "AlsoLaunch=[apppath]\vpauto.exe", and JT's had "AlsoLaunch=C:\Program Files\GameEx\vpauto.exe"
  18. Ok so if it doesn't work with an MCE remote.. whats the point? Unless it has the ability to map multiple buttons to a hotkey. (Like, Left+A+B+SELECT to quit a program),
  19. If I used this, couldn't I just have the batch file launch the joytokey program as the first line? I'm sorry, I don't quite understand the purpose of the program.
  20. I hate licenses.. and I hate paying $300 bucks for software. I'll just wait till it's hacked and readily available for free on the torrent networks. Bill Gates is such a fucktard. He would make TONS more money if he sold the OS for like $50 bucks. Everybody would buy it because it's so cheap. Rather than only about 10,000 people buying it at $300. Figure, 1.2billion times $50, vs 10thousand times $300. Heh good ol' windows calc... $60 billion for the first figure, and look! $3 million for the second (his method). What an idiot. And I think the global population is actually like 32 or something billion. Oh yeah, and Internet Explore sucks anyway. It always has and always will. Go with Firefox. Mmmm ya firefox.
  21. ....<gulp>....Good luck. I refuse to try anything new from Microsoft when its in beta. So many open oppertunities for stuff like hackers and crashes. And it's not garaunteed to even work.
  22. As seen in this picture, I don't get the GameEx and MAME logos on the left/right of the screen... When I play vertical games, they show up as the screenshot on the right, not the left.
  23. Also, make sure you're not filtering it out before you update.. or it won't show up afterwards either.
  24. Re-opening old topic for this question...: Has anybody come up with a way to use .bat files (with SegaCD of course) and have the emulator exit when BACK or ESCAPE is pressed? I've not been able to do it. According to the GameEx configurator, it explicitly says it won't work. Is there a reason why, and is there a possibility of correcting it? Perhaps some work could be done on the "Roms in Folders?" option of emulators? I think I know why it won't work with bat files. GameEX is waiting for a keypress to end the program. If the program is being launched from a bat file, then GameEX is unable to hear it. Is there a way to have a trigger withing a bat file to work in the same way? Like.. "If key pressed, goto line 50" and line 50 says "quit". Also.. with the newest versions of GameEx, there's an ability to use goodroms/7-zip. I believe I read somewhere that GENS (sega emulator) does support 7-zip. Would this then suggest that if I were to 7-zip all my folders, GameEx would be able to run rom and emu this way? Just have it look for .7z files?
  25. I'm currently running MAME32 Plus! 0.106u2
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