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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. hansolo77

    GBA Artwork

    Have you looked at their NdsCRC program? I've been looking at it, and it looks like a complete, all-around solution to what we're wanting. It checks and renames/rebuilds based on CRC, and downloads the artwork. It's always being updated, and maintains an up-to-date version of the xml (aka, dat). At first glance, it's only for Nintendo DS, but if you go into Settings/Misc, you can change it to GBA. I'm looking further into it today to see if it will do everything I need.
  2. Well, I'm going to break the whole OFF TOPIC topic discussion and bring it back to the release. Nice work Tom, and HK. Always nice to see a new release, and try out new features. Tom, any ideas about the internal direct update working yet? I'm still going to download from the web since it seems safer, I was just wondering. Keep up the great work!
  3. hansolo77

    GBA Artwork

    Wow NL, that's a crazy amount of knowledge. Much more than I was expecting. Before you wrote up all that, I had made a new thread over at the other site asking if there was a way to get a numerical dat. Somebody replied that I can just use variables in the rename rom area. But I'm not sure if that's in ClrMame or not.
  4. hansolo77

    GBA Artwork

    As long as you use ClrMAMEPro, shouldn't it automatically do the renaming based on the crc's? I want my names setup like yours, the number, then the name. I've already leeched everything too...
  5. hansolo77

    GBA Artwork

    Which dat file does this script associate with? There are 4 available here. ADVANsCEne Pure GBA Entertainment DAT v0306 DOWNLOAD (for Offline List, Dat # is not the same as Release #) ADVANsCEne Nintendo GBA Collection DAT v0091 DOWNLOAD (for Offline List, Dat # is not the same as Release #) ADVANsCEne Release Dat 2558 DOWNLOAD (for ClrMAME Pro) ADVANsCEne Pure Dat 2558 DOWNLOAD (for ClrMAME Pro)
  6. I think this is spam.... the guy only has 1 post...
  7. Nah, I just read it before you did
  8. Easy... setup your command line to point to your emulator, having it read an image on D: (or drive of choice).. then in ALSO LAUNCH, plug in the first line of your image mounting tool of choice from above. Then in LAUNCH AFTER, you plug in the second line to unmount the image. Then when GameEx launches, it will execute the also launch and mount the image, then load up the emulator which begins reading from the "virtual" drive you just mounted, then when gaming is done, the emulator will close, gameex will launch the launch after, unmounting the disk, and return to the menu. If that doesn't work, swap the ALSO LAUNCH and COMMAND LINE codes.. Thereby the command line launches the mounting, and also launch launches the emulator. Seems pretty simple to me. Also, make sure your LAUNCH AFTER is actually configured like this: cmd /c "C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools\daemon.exe" -unmount 0 Otherwise, it won't work. I've also noticed that that line is picked up by the Wizard's verify tool as non-existent. If you get that, just make a bat file with that line in it, and point gameex to the bat file for launch after instead.
  9. hansolo77

    GBA Artwork

    Hey Nologic... how are things going with the court? Hope all is well, or getting that way.. Anyway, I posted a follow-up reply to your thread over at advance scene here. Check it out and see if you can think of anything to do.
  10. I dunno, I don't think you can... Try doing a full edit on your first post and see if theres and option. Other than that, who knows?
  11. I've noticed that I get an "update list?" popup whenever I go into Favorites.. if that's not what this is addressing, you might check it out too Tom.
  12. GameEx doesn't extract artwork from zips. You need to have them unzipped, and each image must match in filename (minus the extension) to the rom/game it is associated with.
  13. hansolo77


    Erm, nevermind.... I figured out my problem. I had 7zip enabled, and the roms are in ZIP format, not 7zip... and I remembered reading something saying you changed it to only look for .7z files... so I just did a quick: rename *.zip *.7z from a command prompt and everything works great now. Still got that other thing about the emulators running in attract mode that have that feature disabled to work out though.
  14. hansolo77


    I was setting up my next emulator (Commodore 64) and it was emulator #30. After going through all the paces (I know what I'm doing by now.. heh, I'm at 30 ), GameEx wouldn't load up any roms. It just returned back the "error" No-Roms Found, or whatever it is. I checked everything over and over again. I disabled 7zip, enabled 7zip, removed all my snaps, re-added them, changed the rom folder name, I even spend 3 hours extracting all the games so they wouldn't be zipped. In the end, nothing worked. I looked at the actual GameEx.ini file in /config, and everything looked like it was there. So just for the hell of it, I changed the box [Emulator_30] to say [Emulator_31]. Saved and restarted GameEx. Wouldn't you know? It worked!!!! So there you have it. I went back into the ini and changed it back to 30, and it didn't work. Set it back to 31 and it works! Go figure that. So that's gotta be a bug in the rom list parsing somewhere. Just thought I'd throw it out there for Tom to catch. - Laterz Oh by the way. Here's another lamer bug I hit earlier today. I was letting it run the attract/screensaver and it started loading up pinball tables. I have both VisualPinball and FuturePinball configured to NOT show in screensaver. I suppose it could have been "any" emulator, I know it's not because they're pinball. But I do know for a fact that it was a VisualPinball table, and currently that is Emulator #21 on my setup. So Tom, you may need to check out the parsings on that guy too.
  15. Zorphon for Commodore64?
  16. It's not looking for an ini... the command line is looking for your emulator program, followed by something like "[RomPath]\[RomFile]". Then you tell it where your roms are. Are you using the setup wizard? If you are, just use the download emulators utility. It automatically downloads and helps you setup the emulators. You just have to move your roms where they would go. Also, make sure you read the faq here.
  17. Hey all, I finished downloading a romset last night that was a full GameBase64 install, complete with the frontend, games, artwork, music, and all the other extras. I don't want to use GameBase for the front end, but rather GameEx (of course!). So I moved out (backed up of course) the games folder and looked at it's directory structure. It was setup with subfolders starting at "0" and ending at "Z". In each folder were all the "roms" (except they're disks ). So I grabbed Cowering's good tool for the GB64 (GoodGB64v3.00). I then ran the bat "gbc2long.bat" to convert from the subfolders to their original full long names. I'm running those through clrmamepro now so I can verify I have everything, and also get a have.txt file. What I wanted to do next is run it through GoodMerge so everything is nicely compacted before sending it over to my MCE/Gaming machine. Problem is, I can't find a GoodMerge xmdb for this good set. Does anybody know if one exists and where I can grab it? Or if not, does anybody know how to go about possibly building my own?
  18. hansolo77


    More FAQ material here. I have always been scared to use clrmamepro because I had no idea what I was doing. This brilliant and easy to follow guide helped me out and have no mistakes!
  19. hansolo77

    GBA Artwork

    Cowering's posted a GoodGBA tool on his website here.
  20. Does he remember what system it was on? That might help narrow it down a little.
  21. I second this... I've been "with the company" for almost a year (if I remember right) and I'm still learning new stuff with this software. To have an explanation of how to use this feature would be really helpful.
  22. I was able to get it working finally. I put the bat file in the WORKING PATH. When I put it in the GameEx path, the wizard kept telling me that the file didn't exist. Oh well, whatever. It works now and that's all I care about.
  23. Or we could go back to my original idea of saving the info so when you change themes, it remembers the settings you had set for that theme.
  24. It's because Media Center and GameEx render the screen differently. What you need to do is tell Media Center to not check if the drivers are compatible. Grab the file I attached below and install it. You run it through Media Center. On the first list of options, go in and "Disable DirectX Check". That should fix your problem. mc2005_v2.3_beta_setup.zip
  25. I can't do that. The software is installed on a different drive in it's own program folder. Unless I can put the bat file in the gameex root folder.... As for Emphatic's suggestion, where is that line located?!
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