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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Hey Adultery! That's actually what I've been doing ever since I came up with that option for the the gens/fusion config. Remember my suggestion to you for that?! The problem with doing that with Nestopia is that an error message opens up saying it was unable to save the config.
  2. Gotta come back to this... whenever I run nestopia, then exit back to GameEx, the settings all revert back to their defaults. I lose all my custom controller mappings, and the video display mode. Has anybody discovered a way to make it not do this?
  3. I don't quite understand the reasoning for the difference. I mean, the only difference is the frog or not the frog in the tire treads... Of course I would go with the first one too.
  4. Sign me up for the Guru list. I'm beta testing this bad boy out on my Vista Ultimate x32 right now. I'm still having some major issues with my ATI card drivers locking up. ATI's publically announced they're aware of the issue though, so hopefully a resolution will soon be at hand. In the mean time, whats yours is mine! I'll get to checking out the stuff shortly. Been trying to get my box back up to the stats it was at before.
  5. That girl is actually a gaming freak. She's got pictures all over the internet with her naked and just about every "popular" console you could think of. Definately my kinda woman.
  6. hansolo77

    Typhoon 2001

    Awesome! Good find.
  7. Try running game ex in windowed mode and see if a new window pops up under it. I reported this a while back and it may have come back.. It seems the dat files are stored in a compressed/self-extracting 7zip file. However, I noticed the file comes up prompting for end-user action (basically needing you to click [OK]) before it continues. Without direct interaction, the program will just sit there forever, waiting for you. This may be a Vista issue. See if that's the problem...
  8. hansolo77

    My Website

    Nice looking site! Keep up the good work!
  9. Even easier than making batch files is to just make shortcuts... Copy the the game shortcut to a folder and have gameex look in that folder for the .lnk files.
  10. Just a heads up; this thread may be considered non-GameEx related and deleted. Not only because it's not specifically related to GameEx, but because it's asking for a location to download something that "could be" considered illegal and what not. These sort of questions don't really belong here. All I can tell you is "Google is your Friend"... good luck and welcome to the board!
  11. An interesting idea for control panels.... have the option in the configurator (or wizard) to show the control panel prior to launching the game. Just have the player start the game, and it switches to the control panel screen, and shows it for a (configurable) amount of time or until they press the start button. That way it resolves the question from another thread here in the forum. I think this is a cool idea, easily implemented, and can be turned on and off if desired.
  12. This is a site my cell phone supports: http://www.arcade-corner.com/ You know, I just HAD to grab the Super Mario Brothers theme from them.
  13. If you're having trouble getting the emulator settings to "stick" so it always run in fullscreen mode, try setting the configuration file to "READ-ONLY" by right clicking, go to properties, and check the box.
  14. All I know is that I was working on getting my Vista machine up and running with VMC. Then I installed GameEx. Once that was ready, I went to update the mame rom list, and it appeared to just 'hang'. After 30 minutes or so, it was still just sitting there. So I tried to ALT+TAB but couldn't switch because of GameEx's always on top deal. I can't remember if there is a "always on top" flag option in the settings, if not there should be. Anyway, I ALT+ENTER'd to get it into a window and noticed there was a 7zip window running. It was prompting me for the extracted destination folder. After hitting 'ok' on the default location, GameEx suddenly woke up and went on to the next part. It looks like every single file it "grabs" from somewhere while building the list is calling on a destination request from the user. The catver, mameinfo, etc. Once all the files were extracted, everything went through ok. Now that I think about it, this might have only happened the first time. I've not updated the rom list since then, so I can't really say for sure if it ALWAYS happens. Plus, I am running Vista, which might also be an issue. I just recommended it above because it worked for me. <shrug>I dunno...</shrug>
  15. You might also try running GameEx in windowed mode. The update process extracts 7zips of all the files. I noticed these require a direct response from the user. They won't "autoextract" for some reason.
  16. Stepmania is really cool if you like DDR games.
  17. I tried Gridwars2 out on my MCE machine. Doesn't work right. When it's in full screen mode, the screen flickers like the vertical hold is off. I can only "briefly" run it in Windowed mode. Once it starts to do heavy renderings though, it locks up the machine. I'd love to play this on my gaming machine, but alas, I'm stuck playing it on my main computer. I played the SuperMario War on my main computer as well, haven't tried it on the MCE one yet. Oh, and FYI, I'm running Vista, so that might be why Gridwars won't work properly.
  18. You've got some pages that have weblinks to additional information on some of the setup pages. Something you should consider adding is a link on the "download emulators" page is a link to the 7zip command line download link. Maybe have a little line saying "Plan to use Goodzip/Goodmerge? Download 7zip CommandLine!"
  19. I've actually found a possible solution to the 7Zip issue when updating the romlist. Just run GameEx in windowed mode. I don't know if there's anyway to get around this, since the files GameEx is using are in 7zip format. As for the always on top issue of the setup wizard.. If there was just some way to get the few themes that require seperate installs to be ran automatically, that would solve that problem. If they can't be done automatically like the rest, then just not running "always on top" should fix it.
  20. What are you wanting tested? I've got Vista running on my box, and I installed GameEx 7.60 fine.
  21. UPDATE To recent post: If you run GameEx in windowed mode, you can then check for new roms correctly.
  22. I don't believe the "HideOS" option works. I have it set to disabled so I can install the themes and update the MAME rom list, but it still runs in the background when GameEx runs, and I can't remove it. See thread here: http://www.gameex.info/forums/index.php?showtopic=3286
  23. May not be directly related to Vista though... Install was fine, trouble during setup. When downloading themes from the wizard, a couple of them require a manual install. BubbleBobble and Soul Caliber are the ones I can remember. They pop up their install programs, but the wizard is "always on top", blocking them and the wizard appears to just hang. Once I figured this out, I was able to minimize the wizard and install those themes. Another issue as far as popups requiring their own installs is during the MAME setup from within GameEx. When you go to update the romlist, it downloads a 7zip file, which needs to be extracted. GameEx appeared to just hang at 2% while creating the list, so when I ALT+CTRL+DEL I noticed the 7zip autoextract program was running, requesting a folder path to save the files to. These are issues that may not be able to be fixed, since GameEx and the wizard all run "always on top". Unless you can disable that function.
  24. I think it would be appropriate to start a list of emulators that are and aren't compatible with Vista. Since I'm still tweaking my box to get it the way I had it before, I'd kinda like to know what emulators don't work so I don't bother copying over all the roms from the main computer I have them stored on. For starters, here's what I have investigated and know work (according to forums posts on their official sites, have not tested locally): WORKING: MAME StepMania
  25. I still believe the biggest problem with Vista right now is driver related. Windows XP was the same way when it first came out. Once everybody gets some solid drivers that don't crash the system every 10 minutes, things will start to work out.
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