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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. This is how I have my system running. I'm using Media Center, then I chose "My Games" from the home menu to launch GameEx. You can probably use any program like this, such as Media Portal, etc. MythTV is a Linux only program. I know because I was originally going to use that before Media Center. But since I don't know jack sh!t about Linux, I decided to use something for Windows. If you want to have GameEx as your primary interface, and only use 3rd party for secondary TV, then you should be able to just make a shortcut to the program and have it run from GameEx in More Programs or something.
  2. hansolo77

    MAME Snaps

    Can't you figure it out on your own slip? Heh.. it means you're on their list of people that are full of shit... and you can't connect to them. Meaning, if you're a seeder/leecher, you won't be able to connect to the tracker to get files. If you're a web host like wasted, you might get your account deleted and permanently banned from their website.
  3. Make sure you have "Only working games" set to NO.
  4. Well, at least it looks like I was on the right path. I don't think this torrent I have is "goodmerged". The 7z is only 1 file, and its a 3gb file. Goodmerge is usually multiple 7z's with each one containing multiple revisions and versions of the ROM. But all-in-all, I think I'm going to hold off on getting the Amiga up and running for right now. I've got tons more to do still that I'm excited on getting setup. They're not in your wizard, so I'll be keeping you updated on that. For example, there are a LOT of M.E.S.S supported systems, and goodtools has merged them out nicely. Thing like MTX's, Intellivision, Coleco, Entex, etc. Tomorrow I'm going to see what I can do about the WonderSwan. I've already got a working emulator, but it doesn't seem to support any command-line. Oh well. Thanks for the heads up on this.
  5. Ok, this isn't meant to bash Headkaze in anyway. This is meant to be a tool help everybody. First and foremost, let me acknowledge HK as being one of the most helpful people in this community. Without him and his many tools and services he's provided, we wouldn't be where we are today. Now, lets start at the VERY BEGINNING... Monday. I decide it's time to added some new systems to my gaming extravaganza. I've never owned a Commodore Amiga, nor have I ever owned anything from Commodore. So this is going in clean slate newbie here. I check out my old pals at my favorite emulator ROM torrent website. (I won't provide anybody with links, so before you ask.. don't bother). I find a nice torrent: "[RS] The complete set of amiga games, TOSEC 0.29 [all games/1980]" Included in this torrent is: Commodore Amiga - Games - ADF (TOSEC-v0.29).7z - 3.35 GB demos.rar - 427.85 MB Kickstart Images (TOSEC-v0.03).rar - 20.38 MB Workbench Disks (TOSEC-v0.03).rar - 2.01 MB After a couple days worth of downloading, we are now at today.. Wednesday. My setup is like this. I have 2 computers. One is my primary work computer and the other is my Media Center/Gaming machine. The torrent downloaded on my primary machine and is sitting happily waiting for me. The gaming machine I have remote access to via pcAnywhere (knock it if you want, it works, and thats all I care about). So, the first thing I do is open up the gaming machine and launch GameEx's wizard setup. Next, we chose advanced, because we've already setup the system previously. Then you hit next a couple times until you get to the Download Emulators screen. Note that I have circled some things. The way my machine is setup, all my Media Center/OS things are located on 1 drive, and all my music and movies and games are on another. So, I have to change the default emulator's path to match my desired location. I also need to scroll down the list until I find the Amiga Emulator I will be using. Now we've selected the WinUAE program and started the download action. When completed, it automatically extracts the zip file to the folder we specified. Just to make sure, lets double check this was done. Ok great, everything looks good so far. Lets move on. Back in the setup wizard, click [Next >] at the bottom of the screen. Click this a few more times until we get to the Setup Emulators? screen. Since we just downloaded a new emulator, we have to configure it for GameEx. So we say Yes, and click Next. Find an empty space on the left menu (your emulator list) and highlight it. Then on the right side, highlight the Amiga (WinUAE) config. Then click on the large LEFT arrow button in the middle of the screen to "install" that config into your GameEx setup. Then click [Next >] to go on to the next screen. HEADS UP HEADKAZE!! This is where I hit my first snag. The paths didn't carry over from the install. This is because the saved configs for this Emulator were made using the default save path. Since my setup is slightly different, we need to adjust these to match. Headkaze might be able to fix this in a newer version of the wizard when it's released. After making the changes, just click [Next >] and make sure everything else is setup correctly. All is good, so we Exit the setup wizard. Now we have to configure WinUAE to work right. This is where I'm stuck. Since this guide/process is provided from a newbies point of view... we should be able to do this together. I go into the install folder and launch the program. This is the first message I get. Obviously, it must do this test to continue, so say [Yes]. I then get this message. It is telling me that it has detected no ROMs. This usually happens in fresh installs of emulator's when you haven't setup the paths to your BIOS's yet. So click [OK]. Now I get another message. This one looks like the last one, stating it can't find any BIOS roms. Click [OK]. We're gonna have to fix that. Finally we get to the main screen. Before we go any further, it's time to move our files over from the main computer to the gaming machine. I did a little exploring of my torrent and found that the file named "Kickstart Images (TOSEC-v0.03).rar" has some files in it that say BIOS. They also have a lot of the files that the program was asking for when we first launched it. So I unrared this file and moved it into the root path of the emulator. I didn't bother to rename the folder, so I might have to go back and do that later. I also copied over the file "Commodore Amiga - Games - ADF (TOSEC-v0.29).7z". I'm suddenly very concerned. The filesize of this file alone is over 3gb, and the extracted filesize is reported (on the torrent site) to be 27gb. I only have 8.19gb remaining. CURSED BE ME WITH MY LACK OF JOB!! WHAHAAHAH!! Anyway. After copying over those files/folders, I went up to the line marked PATHS and pointed the line "System ROMs:" to the location of the Kickstart folder. To make sure the software detected this, I clicked the button [Rescan ROMs]. It popped up a confirmation window that all is well now. So from here, you click [OK].... This is all the farther I have gotten. I have an idea what to do next, but can't try it until I have more drive space. My theory is this. Extract the file "Commodore Amiga - Games - ADF (TOSEC-v0.29).7z" into a folder like "ROMS" or "GAMES". The Greatness that is Headkaze has written a program which does something with these files. I believe it creates individual configurations, of which GameEx then launches. The software is here and instructions to use it are here. From what I understand, the program inserts your WinUAE configuration into a sort of mini-launcher that then links the config with your ROMs (games). You tell it your config you want to use, the path where the roms are (in this case, our new folder with the extracted 7z file), and a configuration output path (which I believe is the WinUAE/Configurations folder, since that's what GameEx is looking for when building your ROM list). But, like I said, I can't continue with the testing of this theory right now. However, I will once I have room, and I will post my findings thereafter. If anybody wishes to reply to this, please do, and tell me if I'm headed in the right direction in the process.
  6. Just did a quick search for ya Adultery. I knew I had made up a nice working walkthrough. Check this link out: http://www.gameex.info/forums/index.php?s=...ost&p=11489 EDIT: I haven't checked the website, but there might be a new version of that install pack. So heads up if that link doesn't work anymore.
  7. Yay! Adultery has joined the VP menace too. Now we can get some work done maybe! Yes, you have to extract the zips. It's a very stupid way the torrents are made. Each zip has vpt files (the table), some instructions/rules, artwork, etc. Everything must be extracted to its own special folder. The ROMS remain zipped, and go into the ROMs folder. The .vpt files go into Tables. I made a folder called snaps where I put all the screenshots. All .cfg files go into CFG. All .hi files go into HI. All .nv files go into NVRAM. All Samples go into Samples. All .txt files that are scripts go into Scripts. All .vbs files go into Tables. All .vps files go into Tables too. Then you configure GameEx to use a rom filter of *.vpt. Working path is the Tables folder. Command line should be: ..\VPinball.exe -play -"[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" Advanced Config use Visual Pinball V2 That should get you going. I've given up on the project for right now, since I've been working on getting the rest of my romsets completed. What I was in the process of doing was figuring out a way to do all this without needing to extract the zips. IE; Have GameEx use it's built in 7-zip to extract the package, then tell VP to run the vpt from the "extracted" path. But if there are other required support files like music or graphics, the table won't run. So that idea didn't work. There were too many variables conflicting with the theory. Script files needed to be moved to the right folder, same with CFG's and NV's. And the screenshots don't show up until after you extract the zip, so it was just a lost cause. The way I'm setup right now, everything is extracted into primary files. No zips at all. It's taking up a huge amount of unnecessary space. My plans on the VP project.. Get a new torrent going. Tables in their own respective zips like a goodmerged set. Since there are multiple versions of tables, they would all match to the zip. Then you have another zip containing the cfgs, and another for nvs, etc. The torrent would be downloaded. You extract all your screens to the screens folder, the cfgs to CFG, nvs to NVRAM, and like the ROMS, you just save the tables in ZIP format in the table folder. GameEx loads up the Table "Addams Family" and shows you all the versions. You pick the one you want, and VP runs it from the extracted folder. I realize that I've probably just said the same thing over and over again like 3 times. I'm tired and can't really articulate what it is i'm trying to say. I hope you understand...
  8. For me, I just wanted a frontend so I could play all my emulators on my TV without having to squint my eyes to try to read the windows fonts in the low resolution. I hated the idea of having to click start, then programs, then find the emulator I wanted, then find the rom. Way too hard to do on a tv set. GameEx was simply the first one I tried that seemed to do what I wanted. Next thing I knew (literally, like 5 minutes later) I donated and got a reg key. It is by far the best frontend software out there. I've enjoyed it ever since getting it. I looked at some others, but just can't enjoy it the way I do GameEx. And the userbase in the forums is phenomenal. If theres something to give, it's given. New ideas to make it better. People needing help. I love it! Keep up the great work Tom!
  9. I haven't done much looking into for PSP yet so I can't help ya there. If you want Nintendo stuff, get VisualBoyAdvance. It plays Gameboy Mono, Gameboy Color, and GameBoy Advance. Nintendo DS has a couple of emu's out but they're still crap right now. The only one thats the best is only available to devs right now, and they're keeping a tight lid on it's public release. For Sega, just use Fusion. It will run your GameGear just fine. Not sure what other handhelds you're looking into getting. There are a few lesser known systems like the Creatronic Mega Duck/Cougar Boy, some Game and Watches, and a few Tiger handheld simulators. I just grabbed one for the Bandai WonderSwan but haven't installed it and checked it out yet. The highest end systems are only in alpha or poor beta versions right now (namely, PSP and DS).
  10. I'm not going to bother installing it unless by some god awful reason something I install decides that it requires it. I'm just going to wait and get it with Vista when I get a bootlegged copy downloaded eventually.
  11. I thought 3.0 was going to be released and available only for Vista, along with Direct X 10?
  12. I grabbed the DVD from the Library a few months ago. It's great. They have an extra feature where they have the original cast doing a live feature length video commentary on it. The movie is in the background, and the have a popup window in the foreground with all the original cast and the director (I think it was the director). It's really neat, and fun to watch.
  13. Ah, so just type in the information.. I get it. Thanks!
  14. Hey Tom.. I know your busy with other stuff, but I wanted to ask if you add up another couple half dozen or 2 lines of code for more systems to be added. I've been working on downloading a whole bunch of complete rom sets from (hah, like I would tell you). I've got almost 40 now, and a lot of them run in MESS. I'm already using up 23 of the systems for the high-end systems. But there's just so many out there, GameEx can't list them all! Perhaps you should reconsider the programming for added emulators and figure out a way to have it be infinite instead of a set number. I remember when it was 20, then 25 and now what is it...33? Heh I want more systems and more games!
  15. LOL I'M SUCH A FRIGGIN TARD HEAD. Just downloaded direct from the web site and installed. What do you know.. first run I pick Start Screensaver, and it works. I'm so stupid.
  16. I've always been right here with ya, getting the latest versions whenever it's available. Now that I think about it, I might have done the upgrade through GameEx and not a direct download... I'm always telling people that they should do a direct download, and never even thought about doing it myself. Needless to say though, the version I upgraded from was whatever the last most recent was, 7.01 I believe. I noticed you posted a couple of exe's to try. Before I do that, I'm going to attempt a complete refresh and download GameEx's installer from the web again. If that doesn't work, then I'll try your exe's next.
  17. Yeah I thought that sounds a little crazy. But I still want one and can't get one because I don't have a job and/or money.
  18. That's very strange that it's detecting the home key being pressed. I don't have any keyboards attached to the computer, and i'm using the MCE remote. As for the version of MAME, I'm using the latest stable release ( and never had this problem before. I only noticed it since the last GameEx upgrade... Just a quick update, I tried using version 106 stable that I also had installed, and it does the same thing.
  19. Yeah, but these guns aren't associated with Sony in any way.. Why would they stop manufacturing them? From what I understand, Lik-Sang got busted by Sony. But Lik-Sang is a very large company. My brother has a computer case from them. But the guns aren't made by them are they?
  20. So when this is completed, how will we be able to use it? Since they're individual backgrounds and not necessarily a theme. Would we have to go in and set a custom background for every emulator? And what about the Video & Jukebox's... I didn't think there was a custom background option for those.
  21. What do you mean... no longer available? Are they going out of business?!?! DAMMIT I NEED TO GET ONE!! But I need a job first. UHG!! Don't suppose anybody would be willing to help a fellow GameEx'r out and buy him one for christmas? (nudge nudge *wink*wink*)
  22. This is the same thing I reported having in the feature request thread here. Just so Tom knows there's a possible bug in the Matrix... Looks like it's detecting a key press, but I'm not... 16:22:12.6 11/3/2006: GameEx: Version 7.02: Starting Log 16:22:12.6 11/3/2006: Operating System Platform: Win32NT 16:22:12.6 11/3/2006: Operating System Name: Windows XP 16:22:12.6 11/3/2006: Operating System Version: 5.1.2600 16:22:12.6 11/3/2006: Checking for versions of .net Framework installed 16:22:12.6 11/3/2006: .net Framework 1.0 Installed 16:22:12.6 11/3/2006: .net Framework 1.1 Installed 16:22:12.6 11/3/2006: .net Framework 2.0 Installed 16:22:12.6 11/3/2006: AMD Sempron Processor 2600+ 16:22:12.6 11/3/2006: 1.6Ghz 16:22:12.6 11/3/2006: Running Randomize() 16:22:12.6 11/3/2006: Checking for applications to Launch On Startup 16:22:12.6 11/3/2006: Initialising Video/MNG DLL's 16:22:12.6 11/3/2006: Running Misc startup tasks 16:22:12.6 11/3/2006: Setting Menu types 16:22:12.6 11/3/2006: Opening Configuration File 16:22:12.6 11/3/2006: Getting Configuration Values 16:22:12.6 11/3/2006: Using Theme: Default - Default - Animated 16:22:12.6 11/3/2006: Checking for alternate Image Directory for Theme: Default - Default - Animated 16:22:12.6 11/3/2006: Using Images from theme: Default - Default\MEDIA\ 16:22:12.6 11/3/2006: Launching HideOS.exe 16:22:12.6 11/3/2006: Hiding Taskbar 16:22:12.6 11/3/2006: Is Media Center running? 16:22:12.6 11/3/2006: Media Center is running 16:22:12.6 11/3/2006: Checking/Creating LCD Registry values 16:22:12.6 11/3/2006: Check Media Center Exit/Start Mode 16:22:12.6 11/3/2006: Media Center Mode 2 16:22:12.7 11/3/2006: Closing Media Center 16:22:17.6 11/3/2006: Text/Language: English 16:22:17.6 11/3/2006: Applying Language/Text 16:22:17.7 11/3/2006: Snap Delay set to: 1 16:22:17.7 11/3/2006: Get other settings 16:22:17.7 11/3/2006: Set: Find emulator artwork on best match basis 16:22:17.7 11/3/2006: Start work for Form 16:22:17.7 11/3/2006: Getting Original Screen Size 16:22:17.7 11/3/2006: Loading ICON 16:22:17.7 11/3/2006: Initializing Component 16:22:17.7 11/3/2006: Initialising Bass Audio Library 16:22:17.9 11/3/2006: Loading default loading screen 16:22:17.9 11/3/2006: Loading Custom Emulators 16:22:17.9 11/3/2006: Loading Emulator 1: Atari 2600 Games 16:22:18.0 11/3/2006: Loading Emulator 2: Atari 800 Games 16:22:18.0 11/3/2006: Loading Emulator 3: Atari 5200 Games 16:22:18.1 11/3/2006: Loading Emulator 4: Atari 7800 Games 16:22:18.1 11/3/2006: Loading Emulator 5: Atari Lynx Games 16:22:18.1 11/3/2006: Loading Emulator 6: Atari ST Games 16:22:18.2 11/3/2006: Loading Emulator 7: Atari Jaguar Games 16:22:18.2 11/3/2006: Loading Emulator 8: SNK Neo Geo Pocket Games 16:22:18.3 11/3/2006: Loading Emulator 9: Nintendo NES Games 16:22:18.3 11/3/2006: Loading Emulator 10: Nintendo GameBoy Games 16:22:18.4 11/3/2006: Loading Emulator 11: Nintendo SNES Games 16:22:18.4 11/3/2006: Loading Emulator 12: Nintendo GameBoy Advance 16:22:18.5 11/3/2006: Loading Emulator 13: Nintendo 64 Games 16:22:18.5 11/3/2006: Loading Emulator 14: Sega Master System Games 16:22:18.5 11/3/2006: Loading Emulator 15: Sega Genesis Games 16:22:18.6 11/3/2006: Loading Emulator 17: Sega 32X Games 16:22:18.6 11/3/2006: Loading Emulator 18: Sega GameGear Games 16:22:18.7 11/3/2006: Loading Emulator 19: StepMania 16:22:18.7 11/3/2006: Loading Emulator 20: StepMania (Online) 16:22:18.8 11/3/2006: Loading Emulator 21: Visual Pinball Tables 16:22:18.8 11/3/2006: Loading Emulator 22: Future Pinball Tables 16:22:19.0 11/3/2006: Using 3D Alpha Blended Animations. This could be slow 16:22:19.0 11/3/2006: Using General Font: Trebuchet MS 16:22:19.0 11/3/2006: Using Title Font: Trebuchet MS 16:22:19.0 11/3/2006: Starting GameExtender Publisher 16:22:19.0 11/3/2006: Initialising DirectDraw 16:22:19.0 11/3/2006: Applying GameEx is Loading Image 16:22:19.2 11/3/2006: Creating DirectDraw Device 16:22:19.2 11/3/2006: Using Device: RADEON X800 PRO 16:22:19.2 11/3/2006: Setting Resolution to 800x600 32 bit color 16:22:19.6 11/3/2006: Creating DirectDraw Surfaces 16:22:19.6 11/3/2006: Creating Primary Surface - Full Screen Mode 16:22:19.6 11/3/2006: Creating Back Buffer 16:22:19.7 11/3/2006: Loading graphic surfaces 16:22:19.7 11/3/2006: Creating Surfaces Misc and Dialogs 16:22:19.8 11/3/2006: Creating Surface Volume 16:22:19.8 11/3/2006: Creating Surfaces Arrows 16:22:19.8 11/3/2006: Creating Surfaces GameEXlogo Text 16:22:19.8 11/3/2006: Creating Surfaces Toolbar 16:22:19.9 11/3/2006: Creating Surfaces Backgrounds 16:22:20.5 11/3/2006: Creating Surfaces Toolbar Controls 16:22:20.5 11/3/2006: Creating Surfaces GameEx Logo 16:22:20.5 11/3/2006: Creating Surfaces Home & Exit 16:22:20.6 11/3/2006: Creating Surfaces Snaps 16:22:20.6 11/3/2006: Creating Surfaces Menu and List Bars 16:22:20.7 11/3/2006: Creating Fonts 16:22:20.7 11/3/2006: Creating Menu Font 16:22:20.9 11/3/2006: Creating Game Font 16:22:21.0 11/3/2006: Creating Font Black 16:22:21.1 11/3/2006: Creating Font Black Small 16:22:21.3 11/3/2006: Creating Game Font Faded 16:22:21.3 11/3/2006: Creating Title Font 16:22:21.3 11/3/2006: Restoring Title Font From Cache 16:22:21.6 11/3/2006: Fonts Created Succesfully 16:22:21.6 11/3/2006: MAME Path is: D:\!GAMES\_MAME 16:22:21.6 11/3/2006: MAME EXE file is: MAME32ATXP.exe 16:22:21.6 11/3/2006: ROM Path is: D:\!GAMES\_MAME\roms 16:22:21.6 11/3/2006: Catver.ini is located at: D:\!GAMES\_MAME\_new\Catver.ini 16:22:21.6 11/3/2006: controls.ini is located at: D:\Program Files\GameEx\data\controls.ini 16:22:21.6 11/3/2006: History.dat is located at: D:\!GAMES\_MAME\_new\history.dat 16:22:21.6 11/3/2006: nplayers.ini is located at: D:\!GAMES\_MAME\_new\nplayers.ini 16:22:21.6 11/3/2006: MAMEinfo.dat is located at: D:\!GAMES\_MAME\_new\mameinfo.dat 16:22:21.7 11/3/2006: Loading Controls.ini map file 16:22:21.7 11/3/2006: Snap Path is: D:\!GAMES\_MAME\snap 16:22:21.7 11/3/2006: AVI Snap Path is: D:\!GAMES\_MAME\videos 16:22:21.7 11/3/2006: Flyer Path is: D:\!GAMES\_MAME\flyers 16:22:21.7 11/3/2006: Cabinet Path is: D:\!GAMES\_MAME\cabinets 16:22:21.7 11/3/2006: Title Path is: D:\!GAMES\_MAME\titles 16:22:21.7 11/3/2006: Panel Path is: D:\!GAMES\_MAME\panels 16:22:21.7 11/3/2006: Icon Path is: D:\!GAMES\_MAME\icons 16:22:21.7 11/3/2006: Marquee Path is: D:\!GAMES\_MAME\marquees 16:22:21.7 11/3/2006: MAME CMD options: -triplebuffer -nowindow -joy 16:22:21.7 11/3/2006: Attempting to load game list 16:22:22.1 11/3/2006: Loading last used Game List 16:22:22.1 11/3/2006: Setting Music Volume 16:22:22.1 11/3/2006: Creating DirectSound Device 16:22:22.1 11/3/2006: Trying: Primary Sound Driver 16:22:22.1 11/3/2006: Loading Sound Files 16:22:22.2 11/3/2006: DirectSound Device Created Successfully 16:22:22.2 11/3/2006: Creating ICONS 16:22:22.2 11/3/2006: Restoring Cached ICONS from File 16:22:23.0 11/3/2006: Initialising DirectInput for Gamepad support 16:22:23.1 11/3/2006: Using Device Saitek Cyborg Force Rumble Pad 16:22:23.1 11/3/2006: Using Device PSX/USB Pad 16:22:23.2 11/3/2006: Playing intro sound file 16:22:23.2 11/3/2006: Initializing MCE Remote 16:22:23.2 11/3/2006: Initialization OK! Starting GameEx! 16:22:23.2 11/3/2006: Testing Main Loop Once: Processing Frame 16:22:23.5 11/3/2006: Testing Main Loop Once: Main Loop ran successfully 16:22:29.4 11/3/2006: Starting Attract Mode 16:22:29.5 11/3/2006: Running: cmd.exe /c D: D:\!GAMES\_MAME\MAME32ATXP.exe fghthist -rompath D:\!GAMES\_MAME\roms -triplebuffer -nowindow -joy 16:22:30.7 11/3/2006: Key/Joy press detected: Exiting Attract mode: 24:36 16:24:15.2 11/3/2006: Exiting GameEx! 16:24:15.2 11/3/2006: Saving Settings 16:24:17.9 11/3/2006: Checking for applications to Launch On Exit 16:24:17.9 11/3/2006: Launching Media Center
  23. Tv support should be an added feature, registered users only, and perhaps require another donation to enable. The name of the software is GAMEEX. See that first syllable? GAME, not TV. If it were called TVEX, then I could see why getting TV support would be more important. But the thing to realize is that it's a gaming front end first and formost. I'm really surprised in fact that Tom has even considered adding TV functionality. When you look at all the users, many (if not most) of them have arcade cabs that are running this. It wouldn't make since to have an arcade cab playing the local nightly news. In fact, it's pretty odd to have it playing movies. I'm perfectly happy with the software as a Gaming front end and nothing more. That is what I use it for. I have MCE, and it does all my TV, radio, movies, and music for me. Then I run GameEx to play games, nothing more. I believe that was the original intent of the softare in the first place. Still, as I said in my previous post, it would be a nice thing to have TV support, but it shouldn't be priority over the gaming aspects. If and when the feature is completed, then I'll check it out. But I'll still be using MCE and probably would never use GameEx's tv.
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