Ok, I tried the "demo" set and, well, from my POV, it's a start. I really like this idea, but for me, it didn't seem to work right. 3 of the games used were vertical games. When I loaded them up, the screen became stretched out of proportion. The bezel was oviously created to fill a 4x3 screen, not a 3x4 one. The bezel itself was in proper aspect ratio but the game was stretched horizontally to reach the edges of the bezel.. and it looked horrible. However, the SF2 game looked great. I know it get's compressed vertically to fit on the screen, but it wasn't as noticable as it was the vertical games. Also, I like the black->blue gradient, but I gotta say something about the text. If you're going to use BLUE, then the RED has to go. They're too contrrasting and they're difficult to read. The yellow and the stars popped out great and looked fine. Maybe a lighter shade of red would look better, towards the pink side? One last thing. The improper aspect ratio may be local on my end since this is also the first version of MAME i'm using that I've compiled. I probably have a setting wrong there or something. If so, this may not be an issue after all. Can somebody else report on this and tell me if it's my problem (and if it is, tell me how to fix it? )?