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Everything posted by Mike_da_Spike

  1. Anybody still got the recently added list in pinballx 4.13 ?
  2. I have a 40" 4k screen and mostly use the wheels that gamemanager is downloading. But looks pretty sharp to me. Btw. Databasemanager can also be used in stead of gamemanager. And media download will be added soon
  3. Sorry. Don't have experience with joytokey. I use x360ce for games that supports controllers, like zen pinball, Arcooda etc https://www.x360ce.com Works like a charm !
  4. Awesome ! And you use still gamemanager ? Try to use this. I heard there will be a new release soon for downloading media.
  5. Iron maiden uses the laser war rom. I played v1 0 last weekend without issues. Didnt updated to 1.0.1 yet. Shall test today. Can you check eventlig if you see crash information ?
  6. Looks like you didn't set the correct key in PBX to exit the emulator(you use key 27 to exit) , or try to run PinballX as admin please attach your logfile
  7. No problem mate. I made it myself Moved over an old clsLog function I created early 2000 and converted last month to vb.net edit : All working again
  8. According to the logfile (the PPBI INI file check) I don't see BingoGameRoom and Malzbies Pinball Collection found in your pbx INI, but it is there. I dind't touched that piece of code, but looks like it only takes the standard tables now. Need to check it for you 7/03/2020 10:38:37 INFO RefreshDataSetIniFile Found : in [Visual Pinball] file [Visual Pinball Orbital.xml] With CustomType : [True] 7/03/2020 10:38:37 INFO RefreshDataSetIniFile Found : in [Visual Pinball] file [Visual Pinball.xml] With CustomType : [False] 7/03/2020 10:38:37 INFO RefreshDataSetIniFile Found : in [Pinball FX2] file [Pinball FX2.xml] With CustomType : [False] 7/03/2020 10:38:37 INFO RefreshDataSetIniFile Found : in [Pinball FX3] file [Pinball FX3.xml] With CustomType : [False] 7/03/2020 10:38:37 INFO RefreshDataSetIniFile Found : in [Pinball Arcade] file [Pinball Arcade.xml] With CustomType : [False] 7/03/2020 10:38:37 INFO RefreshDataSetIniFile Found : in [Future Pinball] file [Future Pinbal BAMl.xml] With CustomType : [True] 7/03/2020 10:38:37 INFO RefreshDataSetIniFile Found : in [Future Pinball] file [Future Pinball.xml] With CustomType : [False] 7/03/2020 10:38:37 INFO RefreshDataSetIniFile Found : in [MAME] file [MAME.xml] With CustomType : [False]
  9. You used Nightmare loggin ! OMG ....
  10. Can you post your complete log (please use verbose mode for logging) and your INI file ? And also your pinballx.ini
  11. Well.. that won't happen again. The name of the ini file and exe file are changed, because it had DMD in it. I removed both. Sorry. need to set it up once again
  12. damned ! Forgot that ! (oeps sorry for my language). Will upload soon
  13. @joyrider3774 You sure ? It is embedded in the exe file. When launching it will extract the exe to the current workig directory. Thats why the exe is a bit big
  14. Not yet, but can be added if needed.
  15. Nice work @joyrider3774 ! Looks pretty good. I don't have Malzbies on my cab. Is it worth to buy it ?
  16. Looks very nice ! I don't have a topper (i have a led matrix as topper), but maybe I can build a small display above it. Very cool @joyrider3774. i hope to make you happy this weekend with an update Btw. Are those the DMD videos I created for FX3 ? EDIT : Updated code to v3.1 Some bug fixses and topper videos added Don't tell @scutters that I prioritize this instead of PinballX database manager Sneak preview on database manager new feature :
  17. Within database manager uncheck the DMD hide during game checkbox or in game manager, uncheck the hidebackglass
  18. @joyrider3774 if I have some time this weekend, I will add some extra parameters for saving to dmd and/or topper folder. But ... also working together with @scutters on a new release for pinballx database manager with GameEx and Mega download. And guess who will be a tester for this ?
  19. Sure. Should it use the @scuttersoverlay ? In the ini file, just name it to the system file. It should popup in settings with system name (like bingo game room)
  20. Updated code to VB.net, included a settings program to setup all easier Program is in download section :
  21. Version 4.0.0


    I created a small program I('m not a programmer !) , that will create "Real DMD Color Videos" an/or "Topper" from your wheel image(s). I was inspired what @Thalamus posted on Vpinball forum. He posted Real DMD color Video's that first shows the wheel image for some seconds, than the year published and finally the company logo. This all makes a video of around 7 seconds. If you enable high score showing in PinballX, it is a nice show when scrolling through your front end. Until version 3.0 all was created in VBscript. Started from version 3.0 it is transferred to VB.net . Also created a settings program, that you need to run first (and setup) In the attached ZIP there is also a folder with PNG,s of year. You can change these to your off color/font For Real DMD users, it will create a video of 128x32 pixels For DMD users, it will create a video of 1280x320 pixels with an dotted overlay (thanks @scutters for this) Please used the following thread for any issues (this is my 2nd VB.net, so think I missed some things)
  22. Ok. Hard decision. I7 is indeed overkill (although i have a i7 7th gen in my cab) Maybe ask the visual pinball guys for advice
  23. Oh dear ...you have an issue ... I'm not good with wood too, but very good with electronics and pc's. Bought a 2nd hand medion pc. Corei7 7600 with nvidia 1060 , 16 gb of ram and 128gb ssd. Replaced the video card 2 years ago for a 2070 (the 1060 wasn't fast enough for 4k). Changed the ssd for a 1tb ssd (just sata ) completly stripped the computer case and build in my hand made cab. Too bad my cab can only have a 40" monitor/tv in it. good onces are not for sale anymore. but back to you. As we say in nl:" I cant look in your wallet"walletI would recommend to upgrade a bit. I ordered a couple of months ago some parts to do some more video/picture eddittibg and to run Visual Studio on. Core i5 9600, asrock itx mb, pcie ssd (1tb) , powersuply and case. Was "just" 400 euros, and made my life must happier
  24. Hey All, I didn't use my pinball cabinet for the last 3 months, because most of the time I used for Scutters and my program for managing the XML files I screw around a lot with XML and INI files, and not sure if I miss something now. I lost my recently added in the list of pinballX. Checking the statistics.ini, the DateAdded is not there anymore too. It updates the last played fine. I checked the settings, and the config.ini file, but could not find it. Think I overlook something, but what ?? Statistics.iniPinballX.inilog.txt
  25. So, you didn't make your own cabinet @joyrider3774? Shame on you what are your specs ? Edit : I checked my cab this morning pretty quick. I use freezy too, to use my PINDMDv3 When turning freezy off, my CPU reach at max 20% Turning it on reaches 35% I know I have another CPU that you have, but doesn't make a hige difference for me. Using a table with PinpupPlayer (for some reason I can't get Freezy's DMD to work properly there), my system reach up to 75% CPU ! GPU is pretty low. Around 40% running a VPX table in 4k
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