After using the program for about 6 hours yesterday (it works very well) I did have some ideas that while not all necessary might stll be nice to have. - While great for small sets it can be tedious on very large sets. I renamed all videos, carts, overlays, snaps, manuals, titles for Atari 7800 and 5200 last night to both the latest no intro naming and goodmerge naming. FatMatch was a champ through the whole process, my only gripe is that my mouse finger was hurt And then when I decided to start working on the Atari 2600 set it was just too much. While I did find the value of verifying each match, Pac-Man would have been an issue, it just took so long to expand and select each match. So I bounced around ideas all day on how to improve speed while maintaining accuracy. I am no programmer so if any or all of these ideas are way out in left field don't worry about it. - If one file is a possible match with multiple roms auto select the one that is the best match, also one file can not auto match with more than one rom. When it auto matches the tree automatically expands so all you have do do is scroll down and verify the changes. What really wold be nice about this, if you had say 5 artwork packs for one system, you are likely to have the same naming issues with each set. So once you rename the first one you would know what changes to make on the others, therefore saving you the trouble of having to so closely review the other sets. - Highlight matches below a certain threshold, lets say you have it set to the default 65%, you could have every match say below 75% highlights so that you can verify the changes more closely while glossing over the non-highlighted changes. I would also highlight multiple matches. I think the auto expand and auto select, at least for the single matches is a necessity because the only rub of the program is all the clicking in my humble opinion. However it's incredibly useful and even now cuts out a ton of work. One bug: if you accidentally select an empty artwork directory the program crashes, maybe it could just have a dialog box warning you if you select an empty directory. Bravo!