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Everything posted by greatflash

  1. Squirell Fishing anti-social club perhaps? :)
  2. I was in the same boat. I got quite excited and then made the mistake of reading his post, the comedown was terrible... I am still having counciling and little blue pills...
  3. What happened to your internet? Possoms in the server? Roos jumping on the line? I have the same problem at work, I have to use my mobile as a modem.. can get pretty slow at times. Clicking "allgame" can hang GXDBM for ages.. Gets there in the end (20-30 secs). Oh well!
  4. As if I would have banned you If the forum only contains the ramblings of a mad fool, that is fine with me
  5. Thanks! the n64 is next on the horizon. Hopefully done by the weekend - all going well.....
  6. If you want the images you find on google - google it! Try and find a Camputers Lynx, Laser 200, MTX 512, etc.. Now try and find them at 1500 pixels across or bigger? Lynx 745x475 Laser 200 350x167 MTX 512 640x480 That is the problem with Google and the web in general - there are no hi-res pictures of a lot of these computers/consoles. I certainly don't want a little blurry 380x210 image. I want large images that I can resize to use for whatever I wish. That is why the website is there! If you want screenshots of roms or videos - Emumovies is great!
  7. Hi, This is just a mention of a website I have been working on. This is in the Very early stages and I could do with all the help I can get to 'expand it' the website is designed around a gallery that I hope to become a repository for retro computer and console images. There are not many on there at the moment but this will be expanding. I am picking up some more "Junk" (as the wife calls it) tomorrow night with the hope of getting some time to take photographs, crop, trim, and post. I have posted on here requesting some images from anyone with systems that I have not got, and a couple of people showed interest in supporting by uploading pictures, nothing has come of that But, perhaps with a specific repository (with HUGE storage space), then this may make the idea more appealing. Just think how handy these images would be for GameEx icons, graphics, and theme creation. It will expand even without outside support in various areas, but support (even just a post on the forum - why did i add one? ) would be a nice boost to persevere with this... Thanks all.. (have blocked anyone with the name Tempest - don't want fat peanut munchers on there! ) Retro Computer Gallery
  8. This is something that Tom did think about a while back when work first started on the new databases, and I do agree it could be a handy addition. I'm sure Tom has not forgotten, but perhaps just put it on the back burner for now. It is certainly something worthy of a post in the feature requests.
  9. Ok, if you use goodname for intellivision then it is best to use goodnamed vids/snaps etc for the intellivision. if you uses tosec for colecovison then use tesec named images for colecovision. This is not an exact science as there are several differences in the names of items even within a single naming system. GameEx does a good job of matching anyway. It uses (by default) a fuzzy search to match the artwork to the rom. This can increase you match rate 10 fold. I tend to just lump whatever images i want (regardless of which of the naming conventions they used) into one. So, for coleco, my box artwork may contain all 3 named images. I think it helps the hit rate. So, anyway - you can mix and match artwork as much as you like, but keeping the names matching on a per system basis is a good idea. Whatever you do with artwork, it will not mess anything up! There was thoughts at one point of using the data in the db's to check all names to try and find a match for artwork - whether Tom ever implemented this, I have no idea?
  10. No?
  11. OH! god... Just watched the film Mirrors and then decided to check the forum...... That's 2 disapointments in one night PS. My banner is for Viagra and penis enlargers - See Tempest, google really has it's target audience all wrong.....
  12. Thanks - really glad you are happy.... This is the first bit of nice feedback I have had regarding the db's from anyone not invoved on the project, So - thanks. Little things like that really do make it worthwhile. With regards the offline databases, they are located with the themes archive http://www.gameex.net/download/Themes-Databases.7z
  13. Anything to spread a little joy... Don't forget to turn on "Database naming". Any problems with the databases, please post on the main database thread.
  14. The Naomi DB has been updated to contain Mame/Demul names for rom sets. That should help. It was intended only to contain GDrom dumps, but needs must - as they say.. I will upload it later..
  15. It doesn't at the moment. But with Toms addition of the "Other systems" links in gameex when you select a game, it is only a matter of time before he does want to use them.. Just think it is worth doing them now before I do too many db's and have to go back. Luckily it is easy to just tick a box in gxdbm and viola!
  16. Hold on - I did say "Developer" field.... Tsch!
  17. Sorry, I meant Developer field. Perhaps an export to a single mdb (or txt) with just name, and system would be good for now and I could manually check and crossreference with the db's and edit. Hopefully you understand how this is now important for the new "other" feature of Gameex. So, pretty please! But if you do ever get the time (and i do appreciate that you are a busy man), to implement it in an editable form at some stage - the more complete db's the more important it becomes. Thanks HK.
  18. Download the offline DB pack. Remember, you don't need to manually rename the roms. Just use romcenter or clrmamepro and the relevent dat for the system you are using (ie. http://www.no-intro.org/datset. http://www.tosec.org/, or http://www.allgoodthings.us/mambo/index.ph...d=4&page=2) and let them do the work for you.
  19. I have used 2 different dump names. These rely on retaining the orignal archive names and not extracted files and a lst file. Keep them in the archive. If you find that some match and some don't - please pm me the FULL names of the archives that fail to match. The Naomi db is a tricky one to do as there are no set names for the archives as yet. I have chose not to use the mame names as these are handled by mame itself and used the names of the original scene releases. There is space to add one other name to each of the rom/gd names so this can be done. Though this should not need to be done if the archives are intact. I advise keeping the archives together and using GameEx's zip support. EDIT: Just a thought, are all your roms archives of 8 letters. If they are mame formatted and others are using these, perhaps I should add these to the db after all? If you can send a list of filenames and gamenames via pm, then I will add them if this is the case... All I can say is they all work for me
  20. Go back to sleep - Please!
  21. in all fairness though - I wonder how many people know that the completed db's will take care of the displayed name of the roms for you?
  22. Oh dear Tempest... Did someone make a nasty loud noise while you were sleeping? Nevermind, you're up now - stick the kettle on!
  23. PS. You have not got the full Intellivision db... Hang with it and it will be updated soon. That should clear all your problems/missing data. If there are any missing (how could there be? ) please let me know!
  24. The ps1 naming is a bit tricky. To be honest, the easiest way is to try and guess the correct name. There is a dat available to name them for you, but it is VERY hit and miss as it relys on 'scene' releases. Download the tosec iso dat for the playstation and open it in notepad to see the names that they have used. for other systems like the N64, uses clrmamepro and a dat for the system to name them correctly. There are many posts here to help you with that. my fingers hurt
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