Thanks for sticking with it Tempest, honestly I want to get the plugin where your happy with it. And it should function the way you want it to. My main problem is that I don't have a LEDWiz hooked up to my dev machine and it's quite a hasstle to test on my cab, so I really am at the moment relying alot on you for testing, so as long as your happy to keep testing I'm happy to keep going as well. Don't feel like your a burden, your a regular here and you help out alot so please don't feel like you should be sorry. If you want to take this into PM until we solve it I'm happy to do that. Now you have already made me find a major bug that was introduced recently which screwed up the profile editor if you had some of those new options set. So I've fixed that particular bug in 2.81 so can you please test that, then get back to me in PM if there is still a problem. I will be dedicating as much time as it takes to get this working for you BTW When you download the new version, all you need to do is copy over the PlugInLCD.dll located in the GameEx\PLUGINS folder.