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Everything posted by Stu1983

  1. Yeah Xpadder rocks, I haven't looked back since switching to it months ago Stu
  2. Cool I must look into getting one, is the wireless guitar for the 360 out yet? wonder will it work Stu
  3. Can you use a guitar from the console GuitarHero with FretsOnFire or is it keyboard only? Stu
  4. Yeah that would be ideal, I take it this is something we'll need to pester Tom to support Stu
  5. I've been trying to think of a way to get GameEx to display a list of folders for a while now but I haven't came up with anything either. I want it so I could set an emulator as a mp3 player as GameEx shits itself and takes like 20 mins to load my MP3 collection so I'd like to just browse through folders and play a whole album folder Stu
  6. Your welcome, I'm just glad someone else got the benefit of them other than just me Stu
  7. Not so sure about that idea myself, I feel that someone that knows what 1942 is should know what a vertical shooter is? maybe thats just me though, I'm sure everyone's opinion will be different lol If we got some ideas going for genre's that everyone happy with then I could probably write something to edit the genre's in all the mdbs at the click of a button... I'm away on a course next week then back for a couple of days before I head to spain untill the first week of september... that should give you'se some time to agree on a list of genres Yeah I know there's still a few to go but I just don't have the time at the moment, they only take about 20 mins a set but everytime I start 1 I end up wasting a whole day trying to make my tool catch like 1 more match lol It'll probably be september before I get around to anymore so if 1 of you'se wants to finish them off feel free Stu
  8. Yeah I'd like to see these differences too Stu
  9. Why not use the create snaps option to create a video for your missing roms? but if you really want to delete them give this tool a try, I wrote it a while ago fpr a job at work, in the top directory box tell it the folder with your roms, it should list all your zips in the window on the left In the 2nd directory box tell it your folder with the avi's Now down at the bottom left in the replace extension box type avi in the first box and hit update list make sure the 3rd box on the right is set to LIST and press Go It should now list all the files it found in the middle list Change LIST to DELETE, change the replace extension box to zip and change the "that exist in directory" box to you rom folder and hit go again Stu FileFinder.zip
  10. You should probably turn of the "remove bracketed text" options leave the other options as they are Once the results appear tick the export batch file option and tell it the type of file your looking to rename it defaults to .zip but you might want to rename your .jpgs or .pngs Stu
  11. I just replaced the file at the origional link here I don't want different versions of the same file floating about Stu
  12. I updated the program to create the batch file for you, just tick the box, tell it what extension the files are that you're wanting to rename and then hit export Stu
  13. Give the new version a try, it should hide the panel after 2 seconds Yeah I had tried the boost mode but all it done was boost the static I'll try and get my hands on a new microphone and see how it goes Stu
  14. What microphone are you'se using for KarFun? I set this up in my cab the other day but the mic I'm trying isn't making my voice come through the speakers, if I bag the top of the mic really hard I can here it through the speakers, in windows if I record myself I can just about hear myself but if there was music in the background my voice would be drowned out... it's only a wee cheapo mic a bought I'm just wondering if its likely to be the mic or my sound card... I checked that everything is turned up full but no difference I'm just getting alot of static Stu
  15. I've uploaded a new exe and source which should also support videos Stu
  16. There's a tool I created here which should do most of the work for you Basically run FuzzyTextMatch, drop all your roms on the left window and all your jpgs on the right window, the default options should be fine so just hit 'Match', this can take a while A results window will appear which you'll need to check through, if you don't agree that the game in list 1 is the same as the game in list 2 then tick the box in the ignore column Once you've checked them all, export the results to a txt file You'll need to edit the file a bit which is easiest done by pasting it into excel You'll need to add a colum at the start and fill it with: ren " You need a column in the middle between the 2 results filled with: .zip" " Finally a column at the end filled with: .zip" Copy all this back into a txt file and remove all the tabs, rename the file to a batch file and run it in your rom directory It's a bit of work but it's alot easier than going through and renaming them all by hand I'll maybe make the program do all this for you at some point Stu
  17. This sounds exactly like the issue I was having, try turning off "Snap Best Match" in the "Tweaks/Performance" page Stu
  18. yeah just make sure it's the one you want as long as you want the U version you should be fine, the only problem is if a game only got released in europe and jap you would end up with the J version instead of the E version, I doubt this happed much though it was more likely that a game would come out in the states and japan and old europe would be forgotten about I recommend you split them into 3 folders, U's in 1, J's in 1 and E's in another and then run my tool with the overwrite option and the subdirectory option on then move all the renamed files from the J folder to your final directory then dump the E's on top of them and finally the U's on top of that and tell it to replace everytime Stu
  19. I'll check when I get home but I'm 99% certain mine shows an image (jpg in my case) if it can't find the avi for a game. Stu
  20. Strange... the only time I've seen that is if it's run on a machine that doesn't have .net2 framework installed but since GameEx uses .net2 framework I'd assume that can't be the case, unless your running it on a different machine? The only other thing I can think of is if your running it over a network it may do that? Stu
  21. It should be pretty straight forward you just need to tell it the directory to process, select the options you want and hit go. So for example if you have a file "Super Off Road (E) [!].zip" it will be renamed to "Super Off Road.zip" if you use the default option. You'll get a batch file in the same directory to undo the rename if your not happy. The only thing you need to be carefull off is when using the "Overwrite Existing Files" option, my program will work through the directory in aplhabetical order so if we take Super Off Road as an example again, in the GoodSNES set you have 4 roms called: Super Off Road (E) [!].zip Super Off Road (J) [h1C].zip Super Off Road (J).zip Super Off Road (U) [!].zip Using the Overwrite option you'll end up with 1 zip file call "Super Off Road.zip" again but it will contain the "Super Off Road (U) [!]" rom file because first it will rename "Super Off Road (E) [!].zip" to "Super Off Road.zip" then "Super Off Road (J) [h1C].zip" will be renamed to "Super Off Road.zip" replacing the existing file and so on meaning the last file to be renamed in Super "Off Road (U) [!].zip" This isn't a problem for me as I'd rather keep the U version of a file anyway but you just need to be aware of this as this can't be undone by the created batchfile If you don't use the Overwrite option you'll be asked if you want to overwrite each file or not Stu
  22. Stu1983

    beta db's

    I've updated the MDBGoodNameEdit to handle those strange characters it was missing before There was a problem running FuzzyTextMatch on the Amstrad CPC set so I've fixed that and uploaded a new version of FuzzyTextMatch, this version also handles dashed words better eg. "off-road" and "off road" in the last version would be 50% now its a 99% match [PC] Amstrad CPC - Complete Stu _PC__Amstrad_CPC.zip
  23. This is why I created my tool to remove the bracketed text, I wasn't happy with the snaps GameEx was choosing with the best match option turned on... I think my problem was even though I had an avi "Super Mario World 2 - Yoshi's Island" which was an exact match for the rom, GameEx was still displaying the avi for "Super Mario World" I've attached the tool, if you're gonna use it I suggest you make a backup of the files you are about to rename just till your happy with what it does... I create a undo batch file for you but it might not undo all the changes, like if you've replace a file it won't bring back the old 1 Stu FileRenamer.zip
  24. My tool pretty much does what Brain was saying for you, if you drop all your roms in 1 box and all your snaps in the other then hit match it should generate a list of similar items eg. say you had a rom call "Sonic 2" but your jpg was "Sonic II" it will detect this, you can output the results to a txt file. You'll need to add REN to the start of each line and you'll have to add the extension back in but these can be done easily in excel using the fill column option You can get my tool here If your using the default MDB that came with GameEX then this might also be a good time to grab the new MDB's that Nologic, Bkenobi and myself have been working on... You can get them on the same page that my tool is on, take the last few that I've uploaded as I've already matched these as best as possible with GoodTools... using the old MDB GameEx only diplayed info for 290 of my SNES roms with the new MDB it's 700 Stu
  25. Stu1983

    beta db's

    [Console] Atari 2600 - Complete [Console] Atari 5200 - Complete [Console] Atari 7800 - Complete [Console] Atari Jaguar - Complete [Console] Coleco Vision - Complete [Console] GCE Vectrex - Complete [Console] Mattel Intellivision - Complete [Console] NEC TurboGrafx-16 - Complete [Console] Sega Genesis - Complete [Console] Sega Master System - Complete [Handheld] Nintendo Game Boy - Complete [PC] Microsoft MSX - Complete _Console__Atari_2600.zip _Console__Atari_5200.zip _Console__Atari_7800.zip _Console__Atari_Jaguar.zip _Console__Coleco_Vision.zip _Console__GCE_Vectrex.zip _Console__Mattel_Intellivision.zip _Console__NEC_TurboGrafx_16.zip _Console__Sega_Genesis.zip _Console__Sega_Master_System.zip _Handheld__Nintendo_Game_Boy.zip _PC__Microsoft_MSX.zip
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