Hmmm.. choice of joys is always a compromise in some department. Designed my cab with a particular eye to being able to play console games using arcade controls (which really doesn't work for all console games, of course). Dilemma was that these game are designed to be used with a gamepad - that is quick responsiveness - no throw or engage distance to speak of. So, if yer wanting to play these games on a cab, get joys with very short throw+engage. Also, reasonable spring tension, so returns to neutral quick. Then you need to think about a 'gate.' This 'shapes' the stick to different directions (forgive me if teaching to suck eggs). With console pads, the sticks are essentially a "round gate." However, looking at roundgate sticks, these compromised (in my limited research) on throw and engage. Also with this issue, think about the height of the sticks. Longer/taller ones aren't gonna feel as "consoley" (!?) as shorter ones. In the end I went for: Seimitsu LS-56 with and 'octo' gate. I'm awfully glad I did. They sit short on your CP, but that adds to the console pad-type feel. The octo makes circular moves (for e.g. Tekken moves) a lot more accurate and natural feeling - also great for schmups where you do a lot of circling, but also adapts well for fighters - the octo ensures you hit the diagonals well. The throw and engage is super short, and the spring tension just right (however, this one really will be matter of taste). The compromise, of course, is that you don't have switchable gates allowing for 2,4,8 way switching. Not really issue here, as have switchable control panel units. Also, you'd miss your analogue.. hmmm tough one. I'm guessing the majority of console games you want to play on a cab, however, would be suited to digital inputs, as the ones requiring analogue stick use are maybe a little more 'sit down and play' rather than 'stand at a cab. The other thing that comes to mind (something I've got on the backburner for now) would be to buy wireless usb converter for your xbox360 controllers and hook up and output to a telly for the more 'sit down' console games running on yer rig. I got some converters that take HDMI input, convert them to cat6 so you can run them as far as you want then back to hdmi. Just a thought... In summary, I rate these sticks, although haven't tried any other asside form the cheapo ones I got as a 'builders pack.' I did do quite a bit of research and think these are commonly well rated. This page may be useful: Good luck!