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Everything posted by stigzler

  1. Sounds like HideOS.exe to me. I've had similar problems with it. There's a setting in GemVoy to disable HideOS.exe entirely. That stops it for me.
  2. Oh yeah - and what he said...
  3. I am not colour blind, but I am a man. This means that I may as well be when it comes to decorating my house. I mainly stick to black and white.
  4. No - apology's mine - this is one of those errors I've been meaning to get round to fixing.. Glad you got it sorted.
  5. Ignore that pillock. He's got no idea what he's on about... As you were, nothing to see here.. :/
  6. Many happy returns, chap. Don't forget the parsnip.
  7. Ignore what this muppet is saying. Alternatively, a setting or default that only does a grab for game with missing media.
  8. Never explored the create snaps and videos function of GE. However, sounds awesome. What would be aces would be a hotkey to turn it on/off during browsing in GameEx. Scene being: you have most of the assets for a system, but you find one game that hasn't got a snap/title/video. Being able to turn it on whilst you run the game to grab to media and then turn it off again once you return to GE would be amazeballs. Kinda hotkey idea. Now, if there could be some kinda handle in the plugin system, I could easily build this into GEmvoy.
  9. @thetrueyuiop Yeah - shoot the bugger who wrote that pile of crap. Oh wait - that was me! If you get Gemvoy up and running, it'll be able to do what you want. Not sure what's going on as haven't had others reporting lots of unhandled exceptions. Few questions: a) You running GameEx or GameEx Arcade? b ) Is GameEx up to date - there was a recent hiccup via SlimDX, but most recent version has this fixed. Lastly, post any error messages, alongside the corresponding Gemvoy Log here: http://retrorigs.biz/Mantis
  10. Isn't that GameEx arcade?
  11. Just hope they weren't from Boston, UK. Now that's a place...
  12. The sovereign country of Stigzler has yet to be invaded or colonised. I think Trump knows mine is bigger than his. Congratulations to Dave and Tina for getting married the other day...
  13. Hi. I hope you share my love for Dr Dave as much as Megan Sparkle. I'm normally a very cynical man, withdrawing for basefuck and instagrub, but somehow, in the miracles of miracles, this wormed/blessed its way through my skillfully crafted walls of bolloc*s: did you get the same coverage at you wedding?
  14. that looks like a strictly american joke. However, the belittling aint lost...
  15. OK. Roger that. Not sure why that was important to me, but the world feels in harmony again. Phew.
  16. Gotit - but what's his nic? Is he on here?
  17. wtf @ Celine Dion's face. Is that rubber? Or some kinda amniotic sack transplant?
  18. They look fab. Who's the artist? I could do with some for my cab
  19. So, just to show I do listen to things other than SID tunes on my Walkman when I go out: Loved it - especially @ 3.30 - you just know Rob Hubbard had this in his head when he was originally writing it. Also - this fella's a decent musician to boot.
  20. Sorry Draco - I don't know the architecture of GE Arcade, but I'm feeling doubtful it'll be compatible.
  21. Err - hope I'm understanding your English right as it's a bit ambiguous. Yes - process is - add games that you want on a Custom List to your favourites in GameEx and then assign them to a list in the Custom Lists configuration. Video of how to do this, here:
  22. Yeah. Guess I should do what others have and make a pinned topic of all my plugins and apps. Would make it easier for others to browse.
  23. Dunno. I don't use ge arcade. It leverages custom menus. Guess try it and see?
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