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Everything posted by stigzler

  1. Same here. But mine's green. Unless you trigger one of the two linked buttons. Then it turns red... Whoa that's some esoteric stuff there, tthurman....
  2. My twopenneth-worth. But before I do... AAAARRRGGGHHH!!! Why can't you just leave things alone, DaemonTools! Also, redesigning without supporting legacy command line instructions? Dumb. Presently firing off daily emails... That said and....caallmmm - not sure if this is gonna help any, but new command line structure works like this. To mount: Two options - either specify the drive letter or not dtlite.exe -mount {scsi/dt}, [{Drive Letter},] "MeGames/Pong.cue"[{Drive Letter},] is optional. examples: dtlite.exe -mount scsi, T, "C:\MeGames\Pong.cue" Mounts pong on an SCSI drive with drive letter T dtlite.exe -mount dt, "C:\MeGames\Pong.cue" Mounts Pong on a DT drive with a drive letter arbitrarily selected by DTools note: I beleive the full path and filename is needed To unmount: Either specify the drive letter, or unmount all virtual drives: dtlite.exe -unmount_allor Dtlite.exe -unmount {Drive Letter}e.g. Dtlite.exe -unmount T Dunno if this has anything to do with the price of fish.... Adultery - fancy joining a polite campaign against DTools crew requesting that they support legacy functionality/command line operations? I've a horrible feeling I'm gonna have to re-code a lot of bits and pieces and I much preferred where you specified a number rather than a letter.
  3. Waargh! Now testing on another machine. Realizing building a release version is a real PITA!! Apologies - previous versions did not work. However, hopefully, finally, a working version now on the codeplex site.
  4. Whoops - forgot to compile it as an exe. New compiled release uploaded to CodePlex
  5. Something that may help folks with their emu setups, especially where they involve more than one emulator per system; larger zipped gamefiles and difficulties with per-game settings. Vid here of some of the features: EmVoy is an intermediary launcher designed to sit between your Front End and your emulators. It is designed to work across different systems with different emulators and to tackle different game launch problems. Features: Quicklaunch Folders: If you have large sets of zipped gamefiles, many front ends unzip this as a temp file, meaning you have to wait each time you launch a game. EmVoy creates a Quicklaunch folder for each game file, which is the unzipped and processed gamefile. It then can automatically keep or delete the game's quicklaunch folder or you can set EmVoy to prompt the user asking to keep or delete. The next time EmVoy runs with this gamefile, if a quicklaunch folder is detected, this is used to boot the game. Support for different ZIP formats: Alongside zip formats, EmVoy also processes ECM and APE files, rendering the final quicklaunch version of the game useable by emulators. Profiles which dictate which emulator to use for which gamefile: EmVoy stores individual settings in Game Profiles. This means that you can set which emulator to use for which gamefile. This is useful where you run one game on one emulator and other on others. For example, you may use ePSXe for the majority of your Playstation titles, but you need to use PcSX-R for lightgun games. You can specify which game profile runs for which game file. Run specific support apps alongside specific games or emulators: For example, you may need to run a lightgun driver alongside specific Playstation titles. EmVoy boots any support apps before game launch and then kills them on emulator exit. Emulator setup mode: Each emulator has two command line settings. One for the full boot and another for emulator/game setup. This allows you to have an ease-of-use boot for setup, and a 'final' setup for booting from your front end. Automatically saves emulator settings on a per-game basis: Often, via front ends, the emulator's settings are tied to the emulator. Thus, if you launch games which require different setups to other games (e.g. different control schemes, graphics or audio settings) you have to manually change these before playing the game. EmVoy saves all settings for each game and automatically loads/saves these on emulator startup/exit. Also saves memory cards. Different Boot Profiles: This allows you to have EmVoy operate in different ways. For example, one setup might be purely for setting up games; altering settings; changing support apps etc. The other setup may skip any menus or prompts and enable you to boot straight into the game. Full command line control Allowing you to control which emulator boots which gamefile, which Boot profile to run on EmVoy startup and also provide tidy gamenames for messy gamefile names.See here for further details: https://emvoy.codeplex.com/
  6. Build 0.6 released - 18.4.15 Added CmdLineStore.bat to support apps. Facilitates use of Emvoy and CPWizBiz together. Fixed Defaults "Start CPW Minised" topsy-turvy bug
  7. So.. I'm curious.. is it working? Anyone taken it for a spin?
  8. Nice cab. And whoa, thats one beefy engine under the hood!
  9. I like the idea of a stool stool: http://www.squattypotty.co.uk/
  10. How on Earth are you expected to balance on a stool after Newkie Brown Ale? An oxymoron...
  11. Cheers Headkaze. CPWizBiz was kinda made as a stop-gap for me -originally just wanted it quite simple when I noticed you could change a file in Data>Labels to 'feed' CPWizard. It kinda mushroomed from there! When I started it, I only knew batch, Wasn't until I had to learn VB that i recognized other ways of approaching it. Regards the controls.dat idea - if I were designing this again, I'd make it fully in VB with a true database backend. As it stands, game controls sit in an ini file where essentially the foreign keys are in the Section name - that is Game, System, System Controller. E.g. {Time Crisis}{Sony Playstation}{Guncon2}. Of course, a whole load of standardization issues with this (which seems a foundations issue) - around system names; controller names and controller component names. A bigger animal for another day. Took the system names from GameEx and use the GE System db names for the games. Anywhoos, all the above may be academic, because I have no idea whether CPWB is even working for people. May be crashing on launch for all I know! Looking forward to Evo and its new fruits.
  12. You'd be better off with an AHK script. If you knew the games you wanted these keys sent on, you could use Quicklaunch to pass the game name to an AHK script via command line, then check the gamename against an array. If it matches - wait for a period (to allow the emulator to start up) then send the keys. Just one idea - it'd be a doddle for a AHK scirpter to knock together - and potentially easy for you to learn. Failing the latter - join the AHK forum and ask nicely.... see if anyone will help. Good luck fella. EDIT: You've got it bang on, Dazzle! Why didn't you tell me that 9 months ago! If yer setting out - I wouldn't bother going for batch or AHK. I'd go straight for Visual Basic - free editor + sooo much easier in the long run.
  13. Nice one - especially liked the comparison vid. I remember playing this years ago - I got stuck at the bleedin helicopter. Think I ran out of any major weaponry - having to take it out with a pistol or something. At which point, I did one...
  14. On (2) - I think there's a function somewhere in GE to "Send Keys" after a delay - "Advanced Emulator Config"? That may help you on this - have a root around.
  15. Love half-life + I was really interested in the vid, until I got there and it was like laod..pause..load...pause. Spoiled it totally. Sure I've had that before on the steam site. Common issue?
  16. Cheers chaps. It's a bit of a Frankenstein and a product of my fledgling and amateur efforts, so I'm expecting some teething problems, but thanks for the props.
  17. I just couldn't wait. I've put together an app to work with CPWizard to enable it to work with other Systems/Emulators. See more about it here: http://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/16037-app-cpwizbiz/?p=140273 Headkaze - thanks for a great app.
  18. CPWizBiz is a multi-system game info and controls generator. Use it to display the controls for any game on any system. It also creates dynamic layouts, leveraging media such as images, video, flash, youtube, gifs and scrollers. More Details and Download Here: https://magoarcade.org/wp/cpwizbiz/ https://archive.codeplex.com/?p=cpwizbiz
  19. It WAS the compiler! There's an option to hide the console output for the final exe. This rather randomly inserted the extra quotes I needed. How on earth do you stay sane given all your coding, Adultery? Whilst perversely enjoyable (it's like a large blank white jigsaw) I swear it's had me tearing my hair out! Thanks for all your help.
  20. Thanks fella. I'm gonna do some cmd line testing of both the bat + exe to see what happens via that route. Will post the results.
  21. Dammit. I'm really sorry to keep pestering you on this, Adultery, but after 6 months of working on this, I'm desperate to get it packaged up and out there so I can get me life back! I'm not sure whether this is the plugin, or whether it's the batch compiler. Basically, different error this time. When I use Quicklaunch with the bat file, all works well. However, when I point quicklaunch to the exe, there's problems with the resulting cmd line received by the exe. Are they sent differently? As I say - it could be the batch compiler. Included below the two different scenarios (grabbed within the app via %CmdCmdLine%): Weirdly - the exe launched version - there's an extra call in the cmd line ("C:\Users\Steve\AppData\Local\Temp\ytmp\tmp6051.bat"). Also, one less set of quotes from C:\Emluators\tempCPWBTest.... onwards. It's these missing quotes that are messing things up. Does quicklaunch handle exes and bats differently, or is it likely to be the compiler? Really sorry to pester!
  22. Hmmm.. what does "requires elevation" mean? The exe is compiled from a batch file with administrator manifest included. I was hoping this would reduce any problems. Further testing revealing not sure it is about spaces in file paths. Placed exe in 'space-free' path - was working before, but now not Same error, on two occasions: However, when I run from command line, launches fine (the two amended cmd line launches): Apologies A, but as you know, strictly hobby coding, so my knowledge is hit and miss. Could you shed any more light or have any suggestions? EDIT: OK - dropped the administrator manifest and so far seeming to do the trick... lesson learned: never assume something acts like it is named - I'm guessing the manifest requires rather than grants administrator rights. Not needed registry writing with this app - so hoping shouldn't cause problems. Thanks for your replies.
  23. Hmmm... back to the error despite the change. Would you be able to take a look, Mr A?
  24. Adultery, old bean. Run into a mysterious error - could be my end, but wondering whether something to do with the plugin. Wondering whether it's to do with spaces in paths when booting apps. Attached two logs - Quicklaunch - Copy.log boots app no problems. Quicklaunch.log doesn't boot same .exe in a different location and shows errors in the log. Relevant log lines: Working: Not working: EDIT: Thinking it may be spaces in the path, as following from command line works: "C:\Emulators\Controls Software\Test Installations\CPWB Beta Test\CPWizBiz.exe" -gm "WipEout 3" -dbs "[Console] Sony Playstation" -em "PCSX-R" -im "Wipeout 3" -ct "" -dv "" -yr "" -sp "I:\EmuTests\assets\Sony_Playstation\Snap" -si "Wipeout 3.png" -tp "I:\EmuTests\assets\Sony_Playstation\Title" -ti "Wipeout 3.png" -tm "0" -fe "GameEx"EDIT 2: Hmmm... weird. It MAY be my end! Small change in my batch file on squashing a different bug (changing %CD% to %~dp0) seemed to get it all working again... Ignore above!!! EDIT 3: Nope - ignore Edit 2 - still getting the issue. This is driving me potty... QuickLaunch - Copy.txt QuickLaunch.txt
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