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Everything posted by stigzler

  1. thanks T - helpful link for the current versions.
  2. Had this a couple of times now. Normally, GE is happy cycling through games in attarct mode - got it set to mame rotation. However, past 2 days, after a liong time running, get the following error (the previous was like this: Attached usual.. log.txt GameEx.ini
  3. P.S. Found this whilst looking for something else. Ben's pulled them all the mame dat files together: https://gameex.info/forums/files/category/38-data-files/
  4. Cheers chaps - it did turn into a little bit of a hunt especially for controls.dat, but got them all in the end. So all done as directed, but not launching from GE. Launch fine from MAME directly, also from lifted command line form log.txt. HOwever, when launched from GE, just tries an returns immediately to GE. No clues that I can see in the log either... On a positive note - game descriptions are now right (albeit all now prefixed with "a ## year old game" - that gameex or one of the dat files?) Any advice appreciated! I think Mame is my nemesis weirdly... log.txt GameEx.ini
  5. Lol - yeah - I'm being serious. Have you ever muddled through something each time you get to it, but only done half a job without understanding what you're doing? Aside from my day job, this is what I've been doing with MAME! So presently, I have mame 0.198 and a 0.198 set and 0.198 bios-devices. What do I need form that site and where do I stick them (no rude answers, please). Also do the bios-devices have to be in the roms folder or can you point GE to that individually? Thanks for your forbearance, fellows.
  6. Cheers chaps. A - where are these gotten from? are they in the mame download? Sorry - newb questions I know, but wanna get it right this time.
  7. Problems of years of building and tinkering is that you never get round to doing some important things properly. One of those is a mame setup. Now I read Felix's guide and it said to ensure you match your romset version with your mame.exe version. So, I've now got V0.198 on both I already have a mame installation on my cab. The roms are going to go into the same location as the older set. The mame.exe path will be different. My question is this: what's the best way to ensuring the best 'clean' setup of mame in gameex? Do I need to be deleting any files/databases etc? Reason I'm updating is that I recall having problems with this mame/GEx installation - sometimes the roms and descriptions would not match. The launch was sometimes hit and miss. Overall, it all just felt a bit janky. So, how do I flush my present GEx config for mame (not the others!) and make it ready for a new mame/romset installation? Do I also have to update assets or anything? Mame always feels so complicated!
  8. Ah. It's the colour of pure bile. Fair cop. I'll keep it.
  9. hmmmm... i'm hoping you haven't been peeking at my plans for world domination..
  10. Has anyone tried this? Tom, if this is working - you released a treasure very quietly! Did you test it on Windows 10? I tried to alter all the log-in + boot screen in Win 10 a couple of years ago and screwed my system up real bad (think had to do a re-image or something). Really wanna try it, but feels like a big risk. Maybe I'm going to have to finally research creating Hard Drive images. What does/doesn't it hide in Win 10 Pro? PS - some weird s**t going on with the forums
  11. Can well believe it - that CPWizBiz is terribly over-complicated and with a clunky design. The author should be shot with baby crap. In the eye.
  12. Could I have a new colour, please, barman?
  13. Ah - now you've found my Achilles heel, Draco! Partitions/networks - have a real blind spot for that malarkey. Think I'm best not fiddling else I might blow up the internet.
  14. Cool beans - get a snap of the front end - wonder what theme it's running?
  15. You could always use some backup software to do this. I use this on my server: https://puresync.net
  16. Good idea - yeah I really must upgrade the RAM on the rapidly becoming obsolete hardware (and it was sooo advanced when I started building it 5 years ago!) Funnily enough, once I did get it working, I left it running on attract mode. Worked fine for about 3 hours, but had a full GE crash @ one point (the full error screen). That error screen did mention "memory leak" but I just put it down to one of my plugins as I think one of those has a memory leak (researching what a memory leak actually is is still on my to-do list)
  17. cheers red - naw it wasn't that. Not sure what it is. I restarted and ge booted ok. The pattern is failed launch after no boot of the pc for a while. No pc errors. It could also be contingent upon a pending update thinking about it, although because stuck - no prompt to update
  18. Hello chaps. I often get this when I don't work on my cab for a few weeks. GameEx plays the intro sound, but then gets stuck on the "loading" screen Log attached - you can see it just sat on the loading screen until I terminated it. Any ideas appreciated log.txt background_log.txt
  19. My theme is mad scientist's work bench. Stuff everywhere punctuated by empty pizza boxes.
  20. Awesome. Was Jeff Minter stoned?
  21. You never know when Matthew Smith might rock up...
  22. ooops - missed it - happy very belated birthday, chap.
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