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GameEx Moderator
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Everything posted by RedDog

  1. Nah, I think the additional power and features the Pi3 has are worth the money.
  2. @175650 If you can provide a link to the latest emulator, that may help us (in english if possible). Hopefully they have some documentation included.
  3. @Draco1962 I have a feeling that there is no command line functionality for this loader. I did a pretty good amount of searching today and did not find any reference to it.
  4. Hey 175650, I have not used this Game Launcher, but it appears to have a GUI. You said that when you "execute directly" a game will run. When you do this, are you running the game within the Game Loader GUI or using the .lnk file you created? If you are going to use .lnk files to run games from GameEx, you first need to be able to successfully run the game using that .lnk file (ie double clicking it).
  5. Hi Greeze, In your Mame Settings, clear the Icon Path.
  6. Well, lucky you then. I will have to keep my eyes open.
  7. Can you give a link for that $25.00 eBay buy? I have been thinking of getting one to tinker with too. $25.00 may be too tough to pass up.
  8. Thought this was pretty cool too. The guy did a nice job on it.
  9. I am not aware of a command line option to trigger the Mame list to update...but... In the Enable\Disable Features section, there is an option to Hide Update List. I assume yours is currently hidden. Set it to No, run GameEx, and you will find the Update option in the Mame module.
  10. Yeah, I came across the same situation last year with a reload. I was not looking forward to the update-reboot-update cycle. When I found out that microsoft had started using monthly rollouts AND had one HUGE catch-up rollout (April 2016 I think), it made the whole process SO MUCH EASIER!
  11. Hey Morgoth32. Just wanted to know that you can edit the names for Mame categories right now. If you go to the Text/Language page in the Setup Wizard, you will see all sorts of parameters there.
  12. I looked right past the part about the HD errors. Yes, you should do a system scan to be safe. I would also scan the drive with a scandisk, chkdsk, or hard drive software on the off chance it is failing (which would be a bummer).
  13. The log now shows that it is crashing at the next emulator (N64). I loaded your GameEx.ini into my own setup and GameEx did load up, so I am now doubting it is a config issue. It is indicating that it is trying to reference an object or location that does not exists or is null. Not much to go on unfortunately. I suggest clearing your cache files in the GameEx\DATA folder. Find and delete any file that has an extension starting with of .dbcache. To make it easy you could go to the folder using Windows Explorer and use the search box to find *dbcache* and they will all come up. Then, restart GameEx. If it is a faulty cache file, hopefully GameEx will rebuild it properly. Failing that, I suggest downloading GameEx again and installing a new copy OVER the existing copy. You do not need to back up any files, but I usually do just to be safe such as GameEx.ini, CustomMenu.ini (if you use custom menus), CustomInput.ini (if you save your input settings to a file), custom theme (if you have one). Installing over is essentially the same thing GameEx does when it auto-updates to a new version, so it's normally ok. Feel free to report back at any point if anything acts differently or if you have any questions.
  14. So what type of stuff are the XML game lists used with?
  15. Hey methodman, The log says that the crash is happening when it tries to load the SNES config. You could start by checking over the config in that emulator and the one that follows. If that does not help, the GameEx.ini can be found in GameEx\CONFIG. Please post a copy.
  16. Correct on the .mp4s. Greeze's log.txt file only showed .mp4 files being used, so that was as far as I tested.
  17. Hey Dazzle, we are both running Windows 7 Home 64bit and using .mp4 video files.
  18. I do think so. I have changed the title to give him a heads up. @Tom Speirs Both Greeze and I experienced similar issues with Atractmode when videos were included. Greeze's post and my post above cover the scope of the issues pretty well. Attractmode appears to work perfectly when videos are not included.
  19. Well, there is a silver lining. The vast majority of folks who drop into the forums are pretty decent folks and they make it pretty clear that they appreciate it when you are able to help them get them where they are going. It's even a nicer nod when one of those people that you gave a hand to steps up and give help to another member. It's only the occasional person that might have a chip on their shoulder, so I think ratio isn't too bad. @Draco1962 You are a good dude man. Maybe step back and take a breather for a bit. It's only fun until it isn't. Anyway, I am sure Stigzler can pick up the load once he's sobered up and is done breaking into song.
  20. Hey Greeze, I didn't see anyone chime in on this yet, so I decided to take a look. I had not used Attractmode in a while, so I did some testing. It does look like to may have come upon an issue or two. One issue I experienced is that when a video is shorter than the two minute timer, GameEx displays that last frame of the video and then appears to stall. If you have fade out at the end of your videos, I can see it appearing as a black screen. Can you check how long the videos are that you have in your folder in case they are too short? Another issue I came across is that if a video is longer than two minutes, GameEx continues to play the video past the two minute mark and does not switch focus to game #2 (which is what I would expect to happen). The log indicates that GameEx is does try to launch the game though, but as you theorized, it appears that the video is not ending and focus doesn't change to the game. On a side note, if I wait two more minutes, the next video does fire. Could you do me a favor? The log.txt file you posted did not capture anything related to the Attractmode. Would you run GameEx, leave it idle for about ten minutes, ESC out, and then post the resulting log.txt file. I am curious if it looks similar to mine so far. Also, please confirm if what I am describing matches your current experience with Attractmode. I have also posted my own log.txt and GameEx.ini files in case this needs to be given to Tom. PS: Cool cab man! log.txt GameEx.ini
  21. Bad Windows, BAD! Kind of odd that Windows would do that though.
  22. Looks very Sonic-y. Snagged.
  23. Reinstalling directly over the existing install is usually the way to go. The autoupdate funtionality essentially does the dame thing. Sometimes we might suggest it for oddball issues or if we are running out ot idea. However, a few times, a fresh install has worked when a reinstall had not. However, if you do decide to go this route, make sure you back up your GameEx files. I would hate for you to loose the config files, any important assets, or the theme (unless you know where to get it). This is basically a last resort. Definately check out tthurman's link to that Windows 10 issue first. I did not recall it myself until he mentioned it. I checked the log.txt file that was submitted there and while there are no mention of font errors, but it's hard to ignore the cooincidence that your Windows 10 update happend no long before. Another idea that just came to mind is that you could also try changing the Title Font in the Default - BlueEx - MCE1024x768 theme. If you want to give that a try, when opening a theme, browse to the theme and open the Theme.ini. Once the theme is open, go to EDIT>OPTIONS>FONT. Click the TITLE FONT button and choose a different font. Back out and save.
  24. 12345...FINAL COUNTDOWN!!!!!!!
  25. Thanks for the additional info. Give the theme change to Default-Default a try. If it crashes, please post the GameEx.ini and log.txt file from just after so we can see if it gives anything different. When you did the reinstall, did you install over the existing GameEx installation or remove and then install? If you removed GameEx and then installed, did you confirm that all of the files in the GameEx folder were removed prior to reinstalling. It would be helpful to know if anything was left over from the original install or if the new install was totally clean.
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