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Everything posted by RIP-Felix

  1. Please re download my pack (Post #636) as I've made a few changes to conform with Krackerman's format.
  2. I noticed he's getting better as well. The overlays and authenticity of the Carts is Over the top. He's definitely pushing me to be better, just so mine don't stand out as noticeably worse!
  3. Well, done my man! I't's a good idea for those who want access to all the games in the interim. As for updating, it should be as simple as adding the new "title.png" to the titles folder and overwriting the placeholer image ! I wonder if there's a way to auto create copys of an image each with a different name acording to a map or database? That would make this process easier and less downloading. Someone good with batch script might be able to do it. I'm not that guy...LOL. You did good
  4. Ok here is my first release! It includes the games stuckthrough below. I think they turned out pretty good. Krackerman already did Cosmic ark, but I like mine better. You can choose which to keep. Choices are always good . Also, since he released the template, you can now make your own! AtlantisBoxing Centipede Cosmic Ark Fathom Galaxian GORF Ice Hockey Journy Escape Laser Blast Miner 2049er Moon Patrol Moon Sweeper No Escape Phoenix Pole Position Raiders of the lost ark Return Of the Jedi Solar Storm Star Voyage vanguard INSTALLING: I used the same folder tree lauout Krackerman is for his releases, so it will be familiar. Also, the Map file is current to Pak 6 + mine. So, you can just replace your old one. Krackerman can simply add to my existing Map for his next release, If he want's. Otherwise I'm keeping track of the changes, and will add to his most current Map, Seamless integration, that's the goal. Enjoy! EDIT: Please redownload if you donloaded prior to 12:54 pm Pacific Time 8/6/2014. - updated the map file. - Updated Imagic CartTop image to conform to Krackerman's RIP-Felix's Atari 2600 Game Pak 1.7z
  5. Nice work! I'm getting close to my first release. Stay tuned.
  6. Creating the Map would take awhile, but that could conceivably be done. EDIT: It's pretty simplistic, but you could add overlays to it if you want, pics of favorite Atari Characters and etc. I really don't want to map this for every game, so I'll leave that to you.
  7. Yeah, I'm not sure how he wants to do that. I think he's still going to release his own work in the packs. I haven't decided how I will release mine, here or a separate thread for Alternative GameRoomEX2.0 Themes. If I do the latter then I'll post a link to the thread here. As for map files. It's not that difficult to do yourself. You can open it in excell, add "TitleName.png|RomName" to the list. Sort the list alphabetically and save as a text file (It will warn you about loosing "features" but thats fine). Like I said I'm not sure how far I'm going with this. For now I'm just doing these: AtlantisBoxing Centipede Cosmic Ark Fathom Galaxian GORF Ice Hockey Journy Escape Laser Blast Miner 2049er Moon Patrol Moon Sweeper No Escape Phoenix Pole Position Raiders of the lost ark Return Of the Jedi Riddle of the Sphinx Solar Storm Star Voyage vanguard
  8. Cool! Looks good, more real estate for the title, and just a matter of perspective. Check my last post for centipede! Next up, Moon Patrol...
  9. I took a picture from the top of my old Cosmic ark cart. Worked some magic and added the layers to the Cosmic Ark (USA).7z in my previous post. It's yours if you want it. I have a bunch of Imagic games with this type of CartTop. I'll continue that pattern for the rest of the Imagic games on my list. BTW: Cosmic Ark is my favorite Atari 2600 Game, you can tell can't you. Ah, nostalgia. LOL
  10. I'll try. I made a cart Layer too (we're thinking on the same wavelength). I included the Layout as it contains the Imagic cart layer + Label. Final Attempt, I think this is a winner! EDIT: Made suggested changes. Lot more layers in your template. I think I'm getting the hang of it. I'll stick to the Imagic Games for now. I have a few of them on my list. I added a Moonsweeper and edited Demon attack with new cart top.. Cosmic Arc (usa).7z
  11. Yup, that was it. I was still on 3 point something; I had to update twice! I'll get on it. Thanks.
  12. Weird! I got an unspecified error when I tried to open your Template? Here try mine. Anyway, second attempt at cosmic ark: Cosmic Arc (usa).7z
  13. Yeah, I found some fonts here:https://atariage.com/2600/archives/AtariFonts/index.html?SystemID=2600 But it's certainly not that inclusive. I'll hunt around, unless you can post them (or PM me). That way were using the same ones. I'll PM you the Paint layouts I made for Cosmic ark and Boxing, and the others on my ToDoList as I finish them. Then we wont be spinning our wheels working on the same thing. Of course this is you project, so feel free to make changes as you see fit .
  14. Are you using any onlie tools like, http://www.labelmaker2600.com/ , https://atariage.com/2600/archives/label_variations.html , and etc. It looks like your using a cartridge generator (unless your Pain.net? file is that inclusive). Also, are you going for authenticity foremost or is there some creative freedom? Here is my ToDoList: AtlantisBoxing Centipede Cosmic Ark Fathom Galaxian GORF Ice Hockey Journy Escape Laser Blast Miner 2049er Moon Patrol Moon Sweeper No Escape Phoenix Pole Position Raiders of the lost ark Return Of the Jedi Riddle of the Sphinx Solar Storm Star Voyage vanguard
  15. OK, here is Boxing! Krackerman, let me know if I'm stepping on your toes here. I don't want to be presumptuous and do something you don't approve of. BTW, love the Overlay in the top right hand corner. I couldn't find anything. That's sick! Although, the Preview window is above the atari controller layer (Slight over sight). Better than what I came up with though. "I'm not worthy". LOL Second attempt:
  16. Ok, found a source. First Attempt, no overlays, but I think it fits the bill. There are some subtle differences, but I doubt anyone can tell. If this fits the bill, I can pm you the Paint.net file for final approval/any mods you want to make. I might make some If you don't mind. This may go faster with 2 of us, but it's your show. Honestly, I just can't wait to showcase my old favorites you haven't gotten to yet. So, I don't know hot committed I will be. I'll send you a list of the games I'm thinking of doing if your interested.
  17. Would you mind posting the template your using to make these. I was thinking of having a go at cosmic ark. Or do you build up from the atari 2600 background? EDIT: Never mind, I built one from the Background with enough layers for everything. PS. Where are you getting the Game #'s (Eg.CX-2618)?
  18. Yeah, I figured out what was going on under the hood when I edited the theme last night, after posting. I really like the Idea of making Image 2 game specific, but as you said its a huge undertaking considering all the ROMs that exist. Honestly it seems like there has to be a better way...[cough] Evolution [clears throat]. I should mention that the following emulator templates were missing layout and/or backgrounds. I used the start page background, but for favorites and Microsoft Windows (PC games) it would be nice to have a custom design too. Most PlayedFavoritesMicrosoft WindowsAlso, I was wondering what order you are creating a2600 game titles in. If it's by whim then let me throw out a few missing favorites. I know, this is subjective and indulgent of me..."but please daddy can we get these?" Moon PatrolMoon SweeperCosmic ArkGalaxianGORFBoxingCentipedeI know your overwhelmed with this project. So take the above with a grain of salt. I just really admire your theme. Thank you very much!
  19. The theme is missing the "Most played" layout. Also, when not using your map file, box art fills the center of the screen for games without a title yet. I don't have Atari Video Snaps yet (waiting on funds to update to paypal for a lifetime subscription to emumovies ).
  20. I'm trying the Atari 2600 game themes. Issue: the new picture (game specific one that displays over the default) does not stretch to fill the screen and shows a little of the default pic above and below it. Needless to say that causes the scroller and menubar not to line up correctly.. EDIT: Answered my own question. I set my resolution to 1920x1080 and it displayed correctly. I prefer my resolution at 1280x720 and it was not displaying correctly, makes sense. Oddly enough the issue disappeared after I put my resolution back to 1280x720... Whatever it works fine now.
  21. Just got it. WOW! My new favorite theme. Still working On my custom Vertscreen theme, this give me some serious ideas. Thanks for inspiring me!
  22. That's, terrible news. My deepest sympathies to you and your family as you endure this difficult time. Hang in there man, I'll be praying for you..
  23. Well, unfortunatly my cabinet is having this problem again and the "existing roms" field does not rectify the situation. Basicly the list does not show games I know are there, and that are showing on another computer (HTPC) with the same mame config and a copy of the same rom list.. EDIT: what Im currently trying: I will cross them off if they don't work. I'm replacing GameEX.exe with the one from here:http://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/13566-resolved-gameex-not-listing-mame-roms-past-carnevil-since-last-update/page-5 in case this is related to the carnevil bug.I'll try deleating the cache filetypes within the data folder of gameex.Replace the history.dat with DazzleHP's history.dat from the download section..Allow Imperfect Games = Yes Verify ROMS = No Only Existing Roms = No Use Game Filter = No No Clones = I want Clones EDIT: Ok, none of the above worked. Now what? I've updated the Log and config to reflect the above attempts. I'm officially out of ideas, except a complete uninstall and fresh install. I really don't want to go back through all that setup again. EDIT: Ok I solved it! Along with the above I did the following to solve the problem: Show Vert/Horiz = Show all GamesDo not filter these ROMs = pacman;splatter;1941;1943If you have a game that doesn't show up after all this add it to the "do not filter these roms" field. Beyond that I bid you good luck.
  24. Yep, that was it. The description said it would display when it is in "the appropriate view mode", not overide all of them. I wanted the option, but whatever, it works now and I'm happy with it. Sorry, it took all this. It was a case of the solution being the last place to look...of course it's always the last place you look, because you stop looking when you find what your looking for, unless your Bono (he still hasn't found what he's looking for) .
  25. Dang, I thought that was going to work! It sounded like the same problem. I ran the deleteallvies.exe and the problem persists. In the theme editor, I checked the "Emu foreground" and Emu "background" in the object browser to see if that explains anything and they are empty for all emus. Just blank (the transparent squares thing) on the screen. In templates I have the correct backgrounds selected for each main category. I even set the custom backgrounds for the emulators in the gameex wizard to the correct png, no luck. The problem: My start page comes up fine, with my bak.png. The image and image2 pictures show up where I put them in the layout, both on the start page and whithin the emulator display screens. When I enter an emulator the correct background displays first, then a third picture, of the cartridge if one exists, or image2 if not, displays in front of the background. Question: Why would a third image be displayed as the background and where is the setting to disable it? EDIT: I found a solution, an annoying one but it does work. I deleted the "background snap path" in the "emulator setup" page of the wizard. I now think that the change view option is not working properly as it would cycle through all of the views and never revert to one without the snaps showing as backgrounds. Even the DeleteAllViews.exe did not fix this, assuming it ran correctly, IDK. It opened a command prompt, the cursor just blinked for a few minuets and then the prompt closed, with out any script text appearing.
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