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Everything posted by RIP-Felix

  1. Gotta love thrift shoppers! I scored an overheating PS3 Slim from the Goodwill for $25 a couple of years back. A good cleaning, a Thermal Interface Compound replacement, and few bondo details to to the finish (someone tried to open it and forgot the screw under the warranty sticker, breaking the case a bit) and it's been going strong ever since. You can have a bunch of fun and save some money if your willing to take a chance on broken stuff. Gotta love garage sales and used stuff stores.
  2. I thought I'd just say something, so you know we're not ignoring your issue. I've never even heard of this issue and never encountered it before, but then I'm still holding out with Mame0.161...lol. If this is an issue with newer Mame versions I'm sure we would all benefit from any solution you may find. So If you do, please come back and let us know what the resolution is. Of course if any of us find it first we'll be happy to post a solution. My only suggestion is to try a fresh Test mame install and linking GameEx to that. This would at least verify that the problem persists and is not related to a problem with your main Mame install.
  3. Truth is, It's hard to know what caused the reset in the first place. I know I was working on layouts in my theme, but I haven't been able to reproduce it yet. I'll let you know "if" I run across it again, but I can't predict when that will be. Maybe it's fixed? IDK, A bit of a pain pressing change view a bunch of times for EVERY emulator to get them right, but It seems to stick after the first global change. Hopefully its gone, knock on wood... PS: I hate Ninja Gremlins
  4. Derek Luke Put a stash and a little hair on him and he'll be a dead match (He's got the nose!).
  5. I'm glad I did cuz, yup, I would have lost everything...well scrambled it, I guess it backs up everything it removes. I just couldn't figure out how to get it to go back. Rom auditing = DEATH The basic troubleshooting procedure is as follows: Try inocently...confusion......fume...come to terms...have an idea...try again...fail...try again with purpose...Fail again...whine on the forums ...some one inspires you...try again, again...and finally f*^king succeed!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. That's really the last hurtle to overcome with MAME, I have a 161 romset and I'm getting by with that. I'll have to look at the list of added games in the update since then to see if there is anything that motivates me to try updating the romset again. Yeah, I have tried both. While I liked the RomCenter GUI better, I still scrambled my romset...lol. I'll have to take another look at it, but like I said, it's on the back burner for now, I'm not done simmering...pun intended...lol
  7. @GMT25 I just put together a Mame Guide that you may find useful. Don't give up on GameEx, Mame is a different kind of beast and it can be very confusing. I still have problems with it from time to time and don't get me started on romset updates, I can't figure that out for the life of me. I just want you to know that we all have met our match at one point or another in this hobby, mine is currently clrMAMEpro, your's is currently Mame. While I have tabled clrMAMEpro for the moment, I'll try again at some point. I hope you don't give up on Mame and especially not GameEx, even if you have to take a break for awhile. Why not focus on other emulators and systems and come back to Mame later when you have a better grasp of how GameEx works and a clear mind. We'll always be here to help you when you return. Sincerely, RIP.
  8. The Purpose of this Guide is to alleviate the pressure of many questions about how to get Mame working in GameEx. There seems to be a lot of confusion surrounding Mame and how to get it setup in GameEx. Unfortunately this confusion has led some to blame GameEx and look elsewhere. So here is a guide to get you up and running with a simplified Mame setup. First, if you’ve been directed here, don’t feel bad. Everyone needs some help getting started in this hobby and Mame is a different kind of emulator. Don't give up on GameEx. I doubt that there is any problem with GameEx itself, and it certainly can work for you. However, before getting things setup in GameEx you must have a working Emulator (Mame in this case). Remember, GameEx is nothing more than a fronted that launches your emulator. If the emulator doesn't work because you haven't set it up correctly, GameEx does exactly what it’s supposed to do, try to launch it. Of course it fails to load a game because the emulator is not setup correctly. To eliminate the variables, please make a simplified test installation. MAME Setup: Create a folder called Mame on your C:\ drive (C:\Mame). You can technically put this anywhere you want, however for the sake of simplicity place it on the C:\ drive for now. Once you have a working Mame setup in GameEx, you can move it wherever you want as long as you tell GameEx where to find it. We'll get to that later... Find the version of mame your ROMs were created for, not the ROM version (which has to do with the game version, not mame). This is very important because MAME ROMs are specific to a given version of MAME. The MAME Devs not only make changes to the emulator, but also to the ROMs. While most ROMs don't change from version to version, some do. The greater the difference between the version of MAME your ROMs were created for and the version of MAME you try to run them in, the greater the likelihood that they wont work. So if you get a 0.161 ROMset, get MAME v0.161 to ensure all your ROMs are made for that version of MAME. Also, some ROMs require a system BIOS (neogeo roms) and/or a CHD (Area51, NFL Blitz, and etc.) to run. Some games simply are not supported in MAME yet or as of the version you’re running. Problems related to non-working ROMs or missing BIOS/CHDs are situations that have nothing to do with GameEx. When it comes to finding Roms, BIOSs, and CHDs you are on your own! So don’t even ask! There are abundant topics, guides, and videos on the interweb to educate you. We will assume you have at least the basic knowledge necessary to run MAME and have working ROMs with all needed BIOSs and/or CHDs and any other dependencies (Like Parent ROMs). Otherwise you may be asked to renew your knowledge before coming back to the forum. Note: GameEx can filter out non-working ROMs and prevent them from showing in the list. It also has options to show these. If you set the option to show non working roms and then try to play it, any problem related to that game is not GameEx's fault. Check the Mame Database before posting on the forums that gameex is broken, you may be trying to play a non-working ROM. Once you know which version of MAME to get, download an official Mame build. Choose the windows binary (for example, mame0177b.exe). This is a self extracting archive which will ask you where to extract it to. Tell it to extract in the Mame Folder you created in step 1. There are other MAME builds available, such as MameUI, MameUIFX, and you can even compile your own version of mame. To remove the confusion, stick with an official build for now. Place an older ROM like pacman.zip or 1941.zip into the "Roms" folder within the folder you just extracted. The reason I ask you to choose one of these is because they haven't been updated that much and are likely to work with any version of MAME. Also, they don't require any CHDs or special BIOS to run. DO NOT UNZIP MAME ROMS! Mame ROMs are supposed to be kept zipped. Double click on Mame.exe in the C:\Mame folder. MAME should open and display a GUI. On the default start page be aware that it's displaying all the games listed in the MAME database, not the ones available in your ROMs folder. It you try to play any ROM besides 1941 or Pac-Man it will fail to load. Newer versions at least have a window on the left with filter options. Click on the Available Option. That will display the games you placed in the Roms folder. This option may not be in all versions, however you can navigate the list and find 1941 or Pac-Man manually. Double click the game to start it. If it loads and plays fine then you have a working MAME Emulator. Notes: Now that you have a working MAME Setup. You can technically fill the rest of the Roms folder with ROMs verified with that version of MAME. Remember that some games require BIOS and/or CHDs to run. Make sure you have these in the Roms folder too. Tip: If you find a game that doesn’t run, check to see if the rom will load in MAME outside of GameEx as you did in step 5 above. If it doesn’t run, check that ROMs dependencies and status before posting on the GameEx forums about it not working. In step 4 of the MAME setup I told you to place the roms into the C:\Mame\Roms folder. Inside MAMEs ROMs directory would be the best place to keep them from now on since MAME requires them to be there (MAME\ROMs, it shouldn't matter where the mame folder itself is located) for its standalone GUI to function. That way if you ever come across a game that doesn’t work or a problem you think may be GameEx related, you can check it by running Mame outside of GameEx. If it runs fine, then you know it’s related to your GameEx settings instead of your MAME setup. However, GameEx doesn’t require the Roms folder to be in any specific location. So you can place them anywhere you want. Just be aware that if you do this, it can be hard to check a ROM is working outside of GameEx unless you copy them into MAMEs ROMs directory first. GameEx Setup Open the GameEx Setup Wizard, select Custom on the first screen, and press the -> to advance to the Custom Select Screen. Check the boxes next to Display Settings, MAME Settings, AdvanceMAME, and Enable / Disable Features. Then press the -> to advance to the Display Settings Screen. On the Display Settings Screen set the Hide Desktop option to No and Window/Fullscreen to Windowed. Sometimes these can hide error messages that pop up during the launch process. For now we want to see these in case something goes wrong. Once we have a working GameEx setup you can change these to your preference. Press the -> to advance to the MAME Settings screen. On the MAME Settings screen set Mame Path to C:\Mame, Mame EXE to Mame.exe, and Rom Path/s to C:\Mame\Roms. Each field has a […] box at the far right that will open a navigation window so you can navigate to and select each manually. I recommend you do this to prevent any typos. You can go ahead and setup all your artwork paths while you’re here Scroll down the page to Advanced MAME Settings. In the MAME Options field place -nowindow -joy -skip_gameinfo. These are the default settings. However, if you have a faster video card and newer a version of MAME that supports Direct3D use -video d3d -noswitchres –triplebuffer. You can add additional options here too. The -skip_gameinfo for example skips the game info screen that appears before the game loads and the –Joy option initializes joystick function before loading so that your controller will be recognized in MAME. I use -joy -skip_gameinfo -video d3d -noswitchres -triplebuffer for example. For now though, stick with the defaults. Still under Advanced MAME Settings set Only working Games to Yes. This is the option that will filter non-working ROMs from displaying in GameEx. If you set this to No and try to play a game that's not supported in MAME, it will fail to load. That's not GameEx's fault, Also set Allow Imperfect Games to Yes, Verify Roms to No, and Only Existing Roms to Yes. While you’re here, you may as well read through the other filter options and their descriptions by pressing the ? in the far right. Choose your settings according to your preference. Note: If you have ROMs that refuse to display in GameEx, but you know work, you can add them to the Don't Filter these ROMS filed separated with a semicolon (;). Make sure you test those ROMs first though, GameEx usually excludes them for a reason, but is sometimes mistaken. Then press the -> to advance to the AdvanceMAME Screen. On the AdvanceMAME screen set the Do you want to use AdvanceMAME? option to No. This can interfere with integrated MAME and we don’t want that. Press the -> to advance to the Enable / Disable Features screen. On the Enable / Disable Features screen set the Hide Update List option to No and the Disable Mame option to No. Then press the -> to advance to the Verify Setup Screen. Press the verify button to begin the verify process. GameEx will check your setup and see if everything checks out, if not it will highlight it in Red and tell you what is wrong. Look over the list and go back as necessary to make sure all your paths check out. Then press the X in the bottom right hand corner to Exit the Setup wizard. Your settings will be saved automatically. Start up GameEx and go to the Mame menu. Choose Update List and wait for the process to finish. If you have a full ROMset complete with CHD and BIOS this can take a long time. Go do something for half an hour or so and come back when it’s finished. Try to load the same game as you did in step 5 of the Mame Setup (pacman or 1941). If it loads, you’re all set. You can change the above settings to your preference (fullscreen/windowed, try moving the Mame folder to wherever you want as long as you tell GameEx where you move it to, try different MAME Options, turn verify roms on and etc). It's a good idea to make changes one at a time and test so you know what causes a problem and undo the last change. That it. If you still get an error message or MAME doesn’t load, please feel free to post in the GameEx General Forums for help. Remember to read the How to ask for help guide first though. We’ll need a copy of your GameEx.ini config and Log.txt to better assist you. It will show you how to find those files. Good luck!
  9. I see it there too. The GameEx Dev team recently added logo support with additional views, so this is a possibly related to that. You will find little typos here and there in the setup wizard, especially in the info boxes. Thanks for pointing it out, I'm sure it's fairly easy to fix.
  10. I have noticed this problem myself. The first time I changed one of my emus to the wheel view it change them all globally. Then I wen back trough them all and changed them back and it stuck. However, I just messed with the change view on the start page after making some adjustments to the layouts in my theme and it changed them all back to the list view that was default. So I changed one back to wheel view, and it did it again globally. I'm going to update to the newest version and see if that helps.
  11. My nemesis, that program. If you want to thoroughly confuse yourself and hate life, sure by all means try to figure out CMP. I've tried and re-tried, I just keep scrambling my romset and breaking it. HUGE RULE WITH USING CLRMAMEPRO, KEEP A BACKUP ROMSET!!!
  12. The Logos path must be new, I don't remember it anyway. Before the Title snap path was where GameRoomEx custom "Titles" went, so I moved it to the logo path and it works again. Thanks.
  13. Google tracks your searches. If google was my friend, they wouldn't track my searches and give them to third parties. I'm friends with DuckDucGo now and guess what, I notice fewer targeted ads...Funny how that works.
  14. As @Draco1962 said, I needed to know what emulator he was using so I could look up the command line. I could have simply asked him that, but it's easiest to look at the config.ini and log files to see what settings a given person is using, to spot any potential problems and to narrow the list of possible problems. It's mainly so I know what the problem isn't before I make suggestions about what it could be. I also use them to confirm people made the changes we ask them to. Sometimes we tell someone to do something and while they say they did, their config says otherwise. Without the config that oversight is a potential stumper! While constantly asking for these is annoying, it keeps us from spinning around in circles and speeds the troubleshooting process. I don't have to have it. I could list every conceivable way the problem can arise instead, but that's usually overwhelming to newcomers.
  15. It's my favorite Science Fiction universe too. The characters are atypical and asymetric, Vader goes from an evil child murder to redemption and beloved character (hard to do from a writing stanpoint...HE'S A KID KILLER) Something pushed Kylo to betray his entire family and kill his own father! He is emulating Darth Vader even though he must know of Anakin's redemption, because Han, Leia, and Luke would have told him throughout his life. I'm so damn interested to find out what could have been cogent enough to persuaded him to the Dark Side! And all the while there is the force, the empire and rebellion, aliens and nefarious characters, droids in an early stage of android development having not yet reached convincing human analogs...there is so much going for Star Wars that is unique. Too bad you're not into speculation, cause I think you would really enjoy my purposed story-line (in the spoiler). It's extrapolated form the potential spoiler @tthurman posted, but taken WAY further. It would explain why Kylo chose to ignore Anakin Skywalker's redemption and instead emulate Vader...and Luke's exile...and Hans death...and Luke's role as Rei's Obi-wan...and who Snoke is...and man it works...and is WAY dark... You can't resist can you? I think half the fun during this waiting time between films is the speculation, it allows me to re-watch the previous films looking for potential story-lines and plots. Small leaks and rumors spill out that tantalize us, but who knows if they are real or not. It adds intrigue and makes me enjoy the whole experience more. That's just my opinion though. I mean, if the actual movie plot isn't as good as what I can dream up in complete speculation, then I could be disappointed with episode 8. Or maybe I'll be right. Then I can say "I knew it". Either way, I'm having fun in the mean time and keeping interest in the franchise. So, when it does finally come out I'll be that much more invested and locked in. Regardless of my feeling on the direction they took, I'll be having fun. Besides, I want to hear if you guys think my plot holds any water or is complete hogwash. Let the speculation commence (in spoiler masks of course).
  16. So, I noticed that the Logos in my C:\GameEx\MEDIA\DOWNLOADED ARTWORK folder are displaying by default in image 1. Is this new behavior or was this always the case and the emumovies auto download just got them in and I'm now noticing? The problem for me is that it supersedes @Krakerman's Atari 2600 GameRoomEX2.0 Titles, which are awesome BTW. Is there a way to change the priority's for image 1 so that this won't happen? I don't want to change this globally though, as some of my emulator themes are perfect with these (utilizing the new wheel or grid views it works great).
  17. If you are using flat menus (setup wizard --> display settings --> use flat menus = yes) it will places everything on the start page. Integrated mame and its related options according to your selections will display at the top. Then most played, last played and etc. Followed by your emulators. It's possable that because you have the [Arcade] bracket in your emulator name that it's displaying at the top with the integrated mame. You can rename your emulators in the setup wizard and reorder them too. You may want everything under separate menus by disabling flat menus, all your emulators in an "emulators" menu for example. That will keep your start page cleaner. Mess around with the "change view" as well. It will change how things are displayed in each menu to suite your preference on a per system basis. That should be enough to get you started.
  18. 1) I don't think there is an easy way of switching these, like a button that swaps P1&2. Instead, you'll have to start a game in mame and press TAB to open the mame options menu. Form there you can change the global controls to rebind p1 and p2 controls for all mame games, or you can do it for the currently running game. The mame menu is pretty self explanatory. 2) Same solution as above.
  19. Glad you got it sorted, now you just need to get HOTD2 working in Dolphin...lol. Crazy how this hobby always has another game, another emulator to learn and setup, and so on.
  20. Man, I have to say that if I had the space and time, I'd love to build a pincab and racing cockpit to go with my arcade. I'd love to start with a crusin USA or exotica. Thoes gotta be breaking down and be available for cheap. Problem is, I just don't thing I could swing another one. I'm pushing my luck just having the arcade. I need a basement like his!
  21. Interesting.. I agree they may be foreshadowing that "potential reveal." Alternatively, they could be backdoor leaking an idea they arn't sure they want to include. By rumoring it, they get to see what the scuttlebutt is before making a final decision to include it or not.
  22. I can see why you're having problems! Most of the documentation is in Japanese, or translated to Greek for that emulator. Does google translate help any? I don't suppose you speak or can read these? I mean, talk about a stumper. I'm not sure I can help if I can't even read about the emulator. In any case, it looks like this topic has been covered before in the thread @tthurman 'd me with..lol.. If that doesn't help I don't think I can add anything here. Sorry
  23. Hi @André Sickmann welcome to the GameEx forums! To better assist you we'll need some more information first. Please read this thread which shows you how to provide us with your GameEx Config.ini and Log. We'll need thoes form now on, so that we can verify the changes made and see if GameEx is behaving corectly. Other things: We need to know what emulator you are using for the Sharp x68000. From a quick search I found 6 of them! Are you able to play your roms outside of GameEx using the emulator? If not, please read the documentation provided by your emulator and search the internet for relevant information, as this is a niche system that few users here will be familiar with. You may come across a command line in the process. Remember, GameEx is a frontend that launches emulators. It requires that you have a working emulator already setup and ready to go. Once you are able to play the system using your emulator outside of GameEx, we can help you get GameEx to launch it, adding all the eye candy that makes GameEx great!.
  24. I notice 2 problems with your config: You have Show Model 2 set to no. Change that to yes. Remove hotd from your don't filter these roms field. Update mame list. Open model 2 games list which will appear on the integrated mame menu, scroll down to house of the dead and open it from there (this will be the link made by GameEx to the game for Model 2, instead of the spoof created by the don't filter these roms field). Hopefully that will fix the issue. This doesn't explain why model 2 isn't working outside of GameEx. The only reasons I can think of are that: You didn't get the roms path into the "Emulators.ini" correctly. If it is not already, try placing hotd.zip into your mame's rom folder as that is where gameex will tell model 2 to look for it. You could also try placing hotd.zip in c:\model2\roms (create it), then removing the ; before "c:\model2\roms" in model 2's "EMULATORS.ini". This is the simplest rompath and is default. Otherwise, there is something wrong with your rom or... there is something wrong with your computer
  25. 6667 is mine, just to break up that beast number!
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