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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/17/23 in all areas

  1. SOLVED! To anyone who has this issue with the VirtuaPin Plunger not allowing button mapping be sure to disable by setting it to zero. That will fix this issue and disable button 16. now to get back to adding my tables. I will update with my progress thanks again.
    1 point
  2. I had one of those boards a couple of years ago as well. there was a trick to get it to work as well. Let me check my old notes EDIT: Not sure, but wasn't it, just to leave it on the screen for a while (couple of minutes) and it would be recognized again ?
    1 point
  3. In the virtuapin software you can recalibrate the plunger.
    1 point
  4. I should NEVER uninstall PinballX when performing an update. This could cause that files are overwritten. Just stick to the upgrade procedure. But first try to get back your last files/settings. A new install/upgrade wont fix it
    1 point
  5. Before installing the latest version, refer to this quote and address to ensure that you do not have multiple instances installed and provide the requested log.txt and pinballx.ini files.
    1 point
  6. @MAYAman dit you get anything restored or working again ?
    1 point
  7. @MAYAman Search your PC drive for PinballX.exe. This will confirm if you have two instances installed and where (just in case you did install to a new location instead of upgrading the current install as Mike suggested). Let us know what you find, and please attach the \log\log.txt and \config\pinballx.ini files from any locations PinballX is installed. If you do have only one install and somehow the ini/config was corrupted during the upgrade then all the media files etc should still be in place (again as Mike said), so you may be able to just add & configure whatever systems you had before and then use the 'auto add' tables function to quickly recreate the system xml/database files if they were lost as well (which seems unlikely).
    1 point
  8. No, no auto-backups 😱. I've only seen this when upgrading from old pinballx (xp version) to .net core version. Installation sees it as a new version and if you put it on top, it overwrites the pinballx.ini and some default database files. If you use DBM, backup files of your database files are created and can be restored by dbm. But all your media, filters, groups etc should be on disk If you can't find any good copy of your pinballx,ini on disk, you need to setup your complete configuration again of pinballx
    1 point
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