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Hi All,

I wanted to share my adventure of building my pinball cabinet.
I am an IT professional, so knows something about computers, programs, issues etc.
But I'm not very handy to build something.

I always had on my mind to buy a pinball machine. The love from pinball came when I was young. Playing a lot in the 70's and 80's on pinball machines.
But What table should I buy and how many maintenance should it have ?
Already had Pinball Arcade on PS3,PS4 and PC. Also FX 3 on PC. ON the game console I played a lot with the family, and in march 2018 I thought, why not rotate the screen and play from it ?

So doing research on the internet, I found a lot of info about cabinets and how to set it up.
Because I only used laptops and tablets now adays, I bought a 2nd hand PC:
Core I7 7600
16 GB mem
256 GB SSD & 2 TB harrddisk
Nvidia GTX 1060

I also had an “old” TV (32”Samsung) and had even smaller monitors, which I use to work from home and attach to my tablet. The monitor I could use for the backglass (27")

So made my test setup. Just the TV rotated on a shelf, PC on the end , and on top the monitor


When all is dark, It looks very impressive.
(Already used PBX at the beginning as a front-end, didn't like the other once)


II didn’t like the DMD grills on the backglass (too squeezed), so I searched for a replacement for it.
I could attach a 3rd screen, but the real DMD’s (and even colors) looks very nice, so I bought a PinDMD V3


This makes the backglass and table real nicer.
Found freezy’s dll’s and I could use colorization roms and altcolors files.
This was already an extra dimension for the pinball.
But still no plans for the cabinet.
In June Arcooda came out for pinball.
So wanted to see how that works. I found out that you could connect a Kinect 2.0.
You need to modify some things in Pinball Arcade to have it in Arcooda mode (now you can have it in cabinet modetoo)
I bought a Kinect 2.0 and searched for the USB adapter (hard search, I found 1 on Amazon)
When all came in and used pinball Arcade in Arcooda mode, it thought this was the end of all. 
The head movement gave a 3d effect on your pinball machine. 3D on a 2D TV. I never seen this before !
I read that future pinball already had this with BAM, but I didn’t like the tables in FP, so never set that up) 
Around 88 table sthat uses Kinect was nice, and finally NoEX Adjusted his freecam mode too, I could launch directly the tables !
But still no cabinet.
In the meantime, I collected a lot of VPX tables and added that to the system.
I had taken 4 weeks of holiday in September 2018. Wanted to do some nice thing with Wife and family.
But in the end of June I knew it for sure. I’m going to build my own cabinet.
I ordered a lot of stuff everywhere around the internet (and around the world):

Flat Pack - WPC-style Standard Body Virtual Pinball Cabinet
Ultimate Cab-Builder's Kit (Standard Body)
VirtuaPin™ Digital Plunger Kit v3
Complete 4" Flipper Fidelity Sound System w/Amp
Coindispanser (to have dutch coins to be validated)
Extra USB cables (And USB hUb)
Extra Buttons (Start/exit/credit and select)
Speaker Grill
Cables (lot off cables in different colors)
PC reset button (to have that one externally)
External Ethernet port
TV (40”4k)
Monitor (28” fullhd)



I found Stuzza on the vpforum, who could design a cabinet decal. With my preferences, he designed my own decal.


So the building of the cabinet was started.
First I wanted to start with the backbox.
That looks easy, but I wanted the same as a original pinball machines, where you can use a lock to unlock the frontglass, remove the DMD grill and get to all the part.
Painting the backglass:





DMD cut out 



Finishing touch


Adding decals to the backglass



Backbox is finished (well amost)!

Difficult part still needs to be created..... the cabinet itself

  • Like 3

The cabinet itself is not difficult to build but to make it finished... thats it is a hell of a job ! 
Started to make the cabinet itself, drill the holes for the buttons.
When I tried to fit everything to check if it fits, I found that 1 of the 4 holes in the front where jamming the mounting of the leg.
So needed to adjust those buttons.


"repairing" the 2 wholes and make 2 new ones



Finally painted it all black again


I said black ...


Looks like there where never extra holes in it !

Put decals on the cab for the finishing touch 


And cut out the wholes and coindoor


Also put the decals on the side's


The cabinet is finished (well.. only the box) !


Adding the legs, coindoor,buttons and plunger !


and put it to spirit level


Wow. The cabinet is finished. Only the computer must be added


But the inside needs a lot of wires ....

To connect the coindoor, I made my own connector
I was glad I learned how to use a soldering iron on my school (a lot of years ago) ...


Finally put all the wireless to the buttons and lights. 


  • Like 1

When building the cabinet, I found that I also needed a controller board that could control the lights on the front.
I ordered a ledwizz controller, for this. Checking the DOF configuration, I found that I could also attach flashers and RGB lights.

Created a complete board to get an overview


Old IDE cable used to attach from ledwiz to relais


these relais can be used to add external toys (like knocker and coilers)

But need to remove a backboard to put the flashers/rgb leds in place 



Added 2 magnetic switches to simulate the flipper sounds


Putting the PC in it, adding everything together, end up like this :


I need to say, that my power supply blew up december 2018. I changed it for a 750W
I also added a RTX 2070 video card, because I use native 4k  in VPX and fx3
VPX was having trouble when using 4k with my GTX 1060. Also changed my ssd to a 1gb ssd, because running out of disk space.
I’m very happy with the end result.
It needs some finishing touch, but I’m proud that I build this completly.
All the VP9/VPX tables are adjusted to use coins. 1 game for 50 eurocent and 1 euro for 2 games
I had some issues with Gottlieb system80b tables that I could not adjust, but I changed in those tables something in the VPX code and added an extra menu for doing this


'Gottlieb System 80B
'added by Inkochnito
'Added Coins chute by Mike da Spike
Sub editDips
    Dim vpmDips : Set vpmDips = New cvpmDips
	With vpmDips
        .AddForm  700,400,"System 80B - DIP switches"
        .AddFrame 2,4,190,"Left Coin Chute (Coins/Credit)",&H0000001F,Array("4/1",&H0000000D,"2/1",&H0000000A,"1/1",&H00000000,"1/2",&H00000010) 'Dip 1-5
        .AddFrame 2,80,190,"Right Coin Chute (Coins/Credit)",&H00001F00,Array("4/1",&H00000D00,"2/1",&H00000A00,"1/1",&H00000000,"1/2",&H00001000) 'Dip 9-13
        .AddFrame 2,160,190,"Center Coin Chute (Coins/Credit)",&H001F0000,Array("4/1",&H000D0000,"2/1",&H000A0000,"1/1",&H00000000,"1/2",&H00010000) 'Dip 17-21
        .AddFrame 2,240,190,"3rd coin chute credits control",&H20000000,Array("no effect",0,"add 9",&H20000000)'dip 30        
        .AddFrame 207,4,190,"Maximum credits",49152,Array("8 credits",0,"10 credits",32768,"15 credits",&H00004000,"20 credits",49152)'dip 15&16
        .AddFrame 207,80,190,"Coin chute left and right control",&H00002000,Array("seperate",0,"same",&H00002000)'dip 14
        .AddFrame 207,126,190,"Playfield special",&H00200000,Array("replay",0,"extra ball",&H00200000)'dip 22
        .AddFrame 207,172,190,"High games to date control",&H00000020,Array("no effect",0,"reset high games 2-5 on power off",&H00000020)'dip 6
        .AddFrame 207,218,190,"Game option dip 7",&H00000040,Array("off",0,"on",&H00000040)'dip 7
        .AddFrame 207,264,190,"Game option dip 8",&H00000080,Array("off",0,"on",&H00000080)'dip 8
        .AddFrame 412,4,190,"High game to date awards",&H00C00000,Array("not displayed and no award",0,"displayed and no award",&H00800000,"displayed and 2 replays",&H00400000,"displayed and 3 replays",&H00C00000)'dip 23&24
        .AddFrame 412,80,190,"Balls per game",&H01000000,Array("5 balls",0,"3 balls",&H01000000)'dip 25
        .AddFrame 412,126,190,"Replay limit",&H04000000,Array("no limit",0,"one per game",&H04000000)'dip 27
        .AddFrame 412,172,190,"Novelty",&H08000000,Array("normal",0,"extra ball and replay scores 500K",&H08000000)'dip 28
        .AddFrame 412,218,190,"Game mode",&H10000000,Array("replay",0,"extra ball",&H10000000)'dip 29
        .AddFrame 412,264,190,"Game option dip 31",&H40000000,Array("off",0,"on",&H40000000)'dip 31
        .AddFrame 412,310,190,"Game option dip 32",&H80000000,Array("off",0,"on",&H80000000)'dip 32
        .AddChk 2,360,120,Array("Match feature",&H02000000)'dip 26
        .AddLabel 50,380,300,20,"After hitting OK, press F3 to reset game with new settings."
    End With
End Sub
Set vpmShowDips = GetRef("editDips") 

this results in this popup when pressing F6 during the game (I added the coins/credit part)


  • Like 2
  • Thanks 2

Nothing short of any amazing pincab construction write up! Thanks so much for sharing the details of your journey!

  • Thanks 1

Great build and write up! 


I'm just switching over from digital nudge and plunge to a vituapin v3 plunger kit. I've gone through calibration and now set nudge threshold in virtuapin controller to 0 and tilt sensitivity in VPX to 900. I still need to dial in the numbers a bit but it's a good start, did you tweak any other settings on your setup? Thanks.

  • Thanks 1
47 minutes ago, scutters said:

Great build and write up! 


I'm just switching over from digital nudge and plunge to a vituapin v3 plunger kit. I've gone through calibration and now set nudge threshold in virtuapin controller to 0 and tilt sensitivity in VPX to 900. I still need to dial in the numbers a bit but it's a good start, did you tweak any other settings on your setup? Thanks.

To be honest @scutters,  I turned off the digital nudging.  I don't like the rough side of it. Giving the machine a big push in some kind of way... there is still a pc in it and lot of customization.

I setup the magna flippers as nudging. (I know its not the real feel, but the dmd and backglass monitor didn't like the nudging too)



Ahh ok, fair enough.

That's pretty much why i'm setting up the nudging as quite sensitive. I do get a kick out of seeing the saucer wobble in Attack From Mars when i tap the cabinet!.

Edit - wrote up my virtuapin settings for tilit & nudge 



  • 1 month later...

Just a brief update what I changed to the cab

When I build my cabinet, the coin chute didn't  allow euro coins.
When ordering all my part, I also had the coin validators for the 50 cents and 1 euro.
But the coins didn't fit :( After long searching I found a pinball shop in Australia that could deliver the correct coin door chutes that should use the 50 euro cents and the 1 euro.
The plastic frames just costs 1,50 € each, but transport costs where 25 €. But I wanted it working correctly, I ordered it and all worked.

Why starting this story ? Well, the text was on both coin chutes "Quarters" and we don't have quarters anymore


So printed on black just new ones:

And show in my cab (with the lights on)


That was the finishing touch of the coin chutes !
I try for almost all VP tables to set 1 game for 50 cents and 2 games for a euro
If code needs to be changed, I try to modify the code (with the original manual) and put the code in the thread of the poster.
Most posters use my code in a new version and people can modify it through the F6 menu

For Bally/Stern/Pega etc tables, that has not dipswitches, but just a microcomputer, I modify it into the nvram
Maybe the coin chutes is a bit out of hand for me, but I really like it

In October 2019  I added a teensy board, LED strips and a LED matrix.

Parts ordered :
Teensy 3.2 board
Teensy OctoWS2811 adaptor board
2x 1m WS2812B IP65 144 LEDS
1x 5m WS2812B IP65 60 LEDS
1x WS2812B 8x32 RGB LED Matrix
2x WS2812B 8x8 RGB LED matrix

total costs around 75 euro's

The 144 LED strips I put on the side in the cab (just under the glas plate)

This gives in a lot of games a pretty good effect (sometime a bit annoying :P
I created the matrix to be in total 48x132 LEDS. This is almost the max that fits in my cabinet.
Setup was a bit stressful.

It looks like the leds where not aligned and , so texts and shapes where not showing correctly.
I finally get it too work, with just 1 row different
Here's a small example video what I took in super slow motion

You see that the last row is "shift" 1 row
 I finally fixed it by setting the led matrix to his own channel (and not be part of the led strips channels
Teensy has a lot of channels to use :) 

I found that the default "fonts" that re used for DOF (and doflinx) are 7x7 pixels.
My LED matrix is 8 pixels high, what results that the texts are a bit "stretched".
In real life, it looks like the leds has a shadow.

See the start of doflinx and an in game 
(Photo's not that sharp, but you see what I mean)


Because I wanted to make it perfect, I created my own fonts based on a pixel 8x8
Every letter I created manually with Paint.Net

I created my own "DirectOutputShapes.png" based on fonts 7x8 (width=7, height=8)
See bottom row

Also changed the "DirectOutputShapes.xml' to correspond the characters with the correct position
because this file is overwritten by the dof download (I automatically download the dof configuration), the last step in that progress is to change the 2 files I created

This results more into this :



Ok. I need to modify a bit the DOF line as well , but it shows much better !

As you noticed during this article, I moved the LED matrix to above the backglass.
Having the LED matrix at the end of my playfield drived me crazy ! So I made an connector and made it external
I added some tinted foil, so the leds are not too bright.

But it was still just the matrix on top, and a flowerpot behind to get it straight :P 

In July 2020, I ordered some plexiglass. 1 tinted grey and transparent (all 100mmx520mm)

I glued the tinted and transparent together at right angles, made some holes in it and mounted the LED matrix too it
I only used 1 transparent plexiglass, so ordered 1 too much (was only 3 euro each :P , the glue was more expensive. 21 euro's)

This is the result :

(Top side view)




I changed the doflinx text in the dof configuration tool to Pinball ( I used the same colours), and now shows like this :


This is exactly how I wanted it !

  • Like 3

Love the solution for the tinted plexiglass! I need to do something similar for my Pixelcade DMD as it is extremely bright. Your build looks awesome!

  • Thanks 1

Really looks super nice, I bet it plays fantastically! 

I appreciate the time and effort put forth to photograph and document your upgrades in order to share with all of us :cheers:

  • Like 1
On 8/21/2020 at 7:12 PM, Draco1962 said:

Love the solution for the tinted plexiglass! I need to do something similar for my Pixelcade DMD as it is extremely bright. Your build looks awesome!

I first wrapped tinted foil around it. Works too, but not as nice.  The tinted plexiglass was just a few euros, and they made it to the correct size as well. I bet those stores are everywhere in the world where you can buy them.

I will experiment with my arcade cabinet and dof. Maybe will make something for that cabinet too (but built in as a topper)

Lot of work to do !

But next project is to create SSf. I have the parts for a year now

  • Like 1
  • 1 month later...

I had 4 weeks off, just to relax myself , don't think about work and to get a lot of rest.
Because I bought 4 exciter speakers last year to create SSF, and it was getting dust (as we say in the NL. You buy something and doesn't use it), I thought I could  build it in.
Here's the list I bought :
4x Dayton Audio DAEX58FP               € 79.10
2x Lepy LP-838 Power car AMP        € 20,11
3x RCA Cable, 3.5 jack to AUX             € 8,89
20m 0.5 mm Audio cable                      € 7,20
2x 12v Cigarettes lighter connector € 1,77
1x Startech.com 7.1 USB Audio           € 46,83
Total (including VAT and shipping)   € 163,90

NOTE : all the parts where bought from different sellers 

Ok, as I mentioned, most parts I already ordered last year, but never assembled in/to my cabinet.
Also mentioned that I had 4 weeks off, and wanted to do some maintenance on the cabinet. I adjusted the playfield a bit, so the view angle was better , I decided to add the Amps and the speakers as well

Because I had my real amp mounted in front of my cab, so I can turn it on and off easily when I play at night, I found I could add the other 2 (cheap) amps next to it.
This is the front view taken from the coin door. And yes .. I did all the wires myself, so a pretty mess ! :P  


On the right (you can see some wood)< I made a small tumble switch, so I don't have to power on/off the cab on the back, but can do it (like a real one) from the bottom as well
2 speakers I added in front and too at almost the end of my TV screen

All wired up (and , I really didn't need that much cables as I bought. I discovered later, that I had some audio cables left from my other speakers as well)
With the jack to audio cable (I bought 3, so I could change my original one as well, for the same cable), I wanted to connect it to my computer.
but .. I discovered that I had a 5.1 sound card and not a 7.1 that is needed :angry:
But connected all, so that the music came from the grill speakers, and all the sounds (setting in VPX) from the 2 front speakers.
This worked ! and plays really great. I thought these speakers only generated a vibration, but they give very good sound (even with the cheap AMPS) and although I have only 2 speakers connected, you can really hear where the sound is coming from
(sorry can not show you that with a picture or with a sound file)

I only had some noise that is coming from my DOF lights. Looks like the lamps in my cab, interfering with the speakers/amp. 

Ok, next step is to have a real 7.1 feeling, so I ordered an USB audio device with 7.1 output. 

The software was a bit odd, but found out how it works.  I configured the audio to use 7.1, (Visual pinball was already configured), and started a game. 
I turned off the grill speaker, so I only could hear the audio from the table.
one word : Amazing ! Now I could hear better the sounds from the back and from the front.
And .. My background noise is gone ! Properly because I put the usb device close to the amps and doesn't have a lot of cables 

I disabled my solenoids in my cab, because these sounds are better. Only my real knocker is much louder than the one defined in visual pinball (but depends on the volume you set :P )  
It costs me almost a year to assemble everything in my cab (technically it cost me less than an hour in total), but I'm very happy with it.
If you want to reduce the money, you can use just 2 exciters and if you already have a 5.1 or 7.1 onboard sound card, you don't have to buy this as well.

But if you don't have SSF on your visual pinball table, I can definitely recommend it !

It's much better than having extra lights as undercab lighting.
I had some leds left and mounted it for my undercab. total of 340 leds (maybe a bit too much), and my teensy board has channels left, so I thought "why not ?"
When mounting to the cab, connecting the wires and setup DOF, I played a table : TAF

I don't think I have to say anything , but this video shows  the effects during game play

I  disabled the undercab lighting in DOF. It drives me crazy during playing :P 

  • Like 1
  • 5 weeks later...

Bought a clock in the States and let it shipped to NL. Originally came from Germany. Thanks to @dpannell who assembled it , shipped it and give remote support (and had a lot of patience with me :D)

The pictures shows the place on the wall


the video shows a small portion of animations (removed some time frames). 

I set it up to show every 20 seconds an animation, but adjustable via the menu.

I changed the 5v powersupply to an usb cable. 

The complete clock only consumes 2.9 watt. Thats less that a normal LED lamp !

It has a remote and wifi connection for setup, and sd cards for the fonts and animations. Need to figure out how I can add some full color videos.

I was searching this for a long time and finally found it and have it. What can a man be happy with a clock :banana:

  • Like 1
On 11/9/2020 at 2:43 AM, Draco1962 said:

I like the clock! Do you have any online links for the clock?

Hi @Draco1962. I bought it via this thread


But the original site is https://go-dmd.de

I think if you buy it from the German site, you also need to buy an activation code afterwards and you need to get your own animated file on it(if I understand it). That version has also a temperature sensor and a movement sensor.

My version, 'only' got wifi and remote control, but with activation and an 170 mb animation file (should contains 8 hours of different animations)

  • Thanks 2
  • 9 months later...

Just a small update for my goDMD clock.
I ordered from goDMD the original plexi case and the electronics.

From Ali I bought the display panels. Its a bit larger than my older clock

Updated the firmware with an SMT32link (as the firmware doesn't support colored animations correctly)
I now ca show the temperature and humanity as well and colored animations.

I'm creating my own colored scenes from colorized roms.
It is very time consuming, but I like the result.

Here's an example (just the first one that shown on my clock)



These are the pinball tables I already captured 

Austin Powers
Creatures from the black lagoon
Circus Voltaire
Bram Stokers Dracula
Fish Tales
Gilligan's Island
Guns and Roses
Attack From Mars
Demolition Man
Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends
Tales of the Arabian Nights
The Simpsons Pinball Party
The Adams Family
Jurassic Park
South park
Theatre of Magic
Monster Bash

It's 1000+ scenes right now  I created, but still on going to create them

If someone wants to have the scene's as well, just drop a PM to me

My first clock is for sale as well. It is not cheap, but send me a PM if you want it.
This clock will be shipped with 2 different boards (both with a valid goDMD license)
The boards have a different firmware, as the old firmware doesn't support the colored roms and the new one doesn't show the old animations correctly

  • Like 2
  • Draco1962 changed the title to [PINCAB] My Virtual Pinball Cabinet build
  • 2 months later...

Today (well actually yesterday), is the day that a 2nd part in my cabinet stopped working.
After my power supply 2 years ago, my VirtualPin controller stopped working. 
This was properly my own fault. the LED of the start button didn't work anymore (controlled via the LEDwizard board)
I replace the led and wanted to assemble the led with switch back in the cabinet.
This was close to my 2 left flippers buttons. 
I get a power shock when i accidently touched the flipper connectors (and properly had the LED wires touched as well).
the led is still working, but the Virtuapin controller isn't working since than.

Tried a lot of things, but no luck. 


Contacted the local Vpinball shop and the Virtuapin is out of stock and need to come from the US.
properly delivery time April 2022 :( 

I ordered now a 'IBCS Plug and Play Digital Pinball Plunger Assembly with KL25Z, Nudge/Tilt" controller kit. 
Properly no pinball during Christmas for me 
I still have an ALIExpress arcade controller. So if it is taken too long, I will use that controller in the meantime, but the effort to rewire all, will take some time 


  • Sad 1

Do you have to go through the local shop or can you order directly from VirtuaPin, or it is a cost issue for direct from the manufacturer?

36 minutes ago, Draco1962 said:

Do you have to go through the local shop or can you order directly from VirtuaPin, or it is a cost issue for direct from the manufacturer?

I contacted Virtuapin retailer here (virtuapin.eu aka pinballshop.nl aka highflow.nl, those are my local shops), but they say it will not be instock till april 2022. Shipping , tax and importing from the us site will cost too much for me, so ordered the ibcs kit. Will properly delivered monday ...

No pinball for me this christmas (the grandkids will be disappointed) ...

  • 4 weeks later...

Just a small Update.

I have my pinscape working now for some weeks. Re-wired some cable to the connectors, as the controller has a different wire scheme.
But the joy buttons can be assigned to other joy buttons (even keyboard presses), so that was easy.
As this controller has much more button input, I added a coin door switch as well, so when the door opens, the Vpinmame rom will detect that the door is open as well.

I must say that the plunger with the potentiometer is much better than the VirtuaPin controller.
And if now my controller fails to work, I can buy a KL25Z board and just put the firmware on it :) 




  • Like 2

i had missed many of these updates due to the holidays, but I’m glad to hear it’s working out!  Sounds like you found a superior product in the process.

Thanks for sharing this with everyone!

  • Thanks 1
  • 3 months later...

It was a bit quiet on the cab site for me, but because of some personal health issues, I wanted to spend some money (life is too short and you need to get the best out of it):D

This morning I ordered parts for a new PC for the cabinet.
All up to date hardware, a mainboard that contains enough external USB devices.
Many will say it is overkill, but hey ! I just wanted it (and Mrs DA Spike agreed after I gave he a new laptop :P ) 

I expect the parts to be delivered next week :

CPU AMD Ryzen 7 5700X Boxed
MB : Gigabyte B550 AORUS PRO V2
GPU : Gigabyte GeForce RTX 3080 Gaming OC 10G (rev. 2.0, LHR)
Case: Aerocool CS-1103 Midi Tower
CPU cooler : be quiet! Pure Rock 2 
mem : Corsair Vengeance LPX CMK32GX4M2D3600C18
Power supply : Corsair RM650x (2021) 
SSD : Samsung 970 Evo Plus 2TB

When this is all in place, I want to look to replace my Samsung 40" TV for a monitor.
It's hard to find a decent 40" monitor and know that @scuttersis searching for me as well (for the last couple of years.

But think it will be the Acer Nitro XZ396QUP  . It is a 38.5" curved monitor Resolution not 4k, but QHD (2560x1440), supports freesync (and not gsync :( ), but response time of 1 ms and refresh rate of max 170Hz. 

I will have a lot to do the next weeks/month !

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