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Everything posted by tthurman

  1. In all seriousness, one huge consideration is the type of set you have. Split sets or merged sets would immediately be crippled by any software that started hacking away at unwanted titles simply due to the way folder sharing occurs between various titles. Obviously, if you have a non-merged set this isn't going to be an issue.
  2. That would be cool but if it exists I'm not familiar with it. Shouldn't be too hard to code something, at least for somebody in the know!
  3. Come on stigz, use a little imagination. It's an upright modern pincab design. Looks incredibly cool sebastien.
  5. His heart was in the right place. Not everyone is super concerned with aesthetics! (Obviously)
  6. That's right all you Londonite's, it's time to hack like heck and back one or your own! Is there a list of candidates? nm, they're here!
  7. Really? It's been a while for me obviously but had I got caught even wearing that in the house my ass would have been beaten to a pulp and I would have been grounded for months.
  8. I'm not surprised you posted something along this line. When I was posting earlier today I ran across this one. <Edit> Haha, I just hijacked this thread, a major pet peeve..........
  9. Model mother there!
  10. Yep, wasn't hard at all really. Just tracked down the first pasty looking guy with bloodshot eyes humming 8 bit tunes on the way out of his flat.
  11. Welcome to the party If you're so inclined, there is a Steam group.
  12. I agree, disingenuous people suck!
  13. That or "delicate flowers"
  14. I hate to be the one to break this to you brother; but testicles, they're in short supply these days! This is the age of "it's all about me".
  15. This: (another pet peeve itself) Then you'll spend your time seeking ways to lose the pizza and beer gut....
  16. Coming Soon
  17. I take it Alan want's something that stays current with the individual emulator releases as in it queries each emu in search of a new release. The repository manager works great IMO and is easy to use. Where it's lacking in this instance is that it isn't updated nearly often enough to remain relevant for actively developed emu's (Dolphin, etc.) but works fine for those that haven't been engaged in active development in ages. If you had something like the auto downloader for emumovies that went and hunted for the latest and greatest version of each emulator supported, that's what I believe Alan would like,
  18. I could stand to take off a few pounds too....
  19. If you're going to dream, dream big I don't see automatic updating of third-party software as being very feasible for reasons too numerous to list. You could however post this in the feature and enhancement requests thread.
  20. In the setup wizard, there is an option to enable slik stik support, which is essentially "IPAC" support. Make sure you've got that enabled. I'm not sure if that will help you with your current situation or not as I thought Steam and Origin were still only supported in full GameEx. It's was probably added along the way while I've been out with assorted projects.
  21. LMFAO
  22. Gotcha. I was assuming you were indicating there was another version (if there is I don't know of it). Considering how well Wil narrated this, it's probably safe to guess there is not.
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