Just wanted to say that I think this is a great release, one that represents a big step forward IMO. I dumped everything that I just complied, just to give this a good clean run. The only issue I ran into was pulling down the hiscore diff. First go, it pulled down and extracted source, then hung. I gave it another go and since the next step was the hiscore diff, it hung again, so obviously for some reason it wasn't playing well with this particular diff. I unchecked the hiscore diff, and the cp diff and mingw files were downloaded and extracted without issue. Once this once complete I did the hiscore download seperately, and it worked fine. Not sure why that is, but it was nothing more than a minor inconvenience. Note that I did not test the mameui portion. For reference I'm running Win 8.1, 64 bit, 8 GB RAM with a Q9550 If you haven't already done so, you owe to yourself try this great application! Thanks headkaze