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GameEx Founding Member
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Everything posted by mesk

  1. mine to
  2. post a screenshot of your super smash bros. ROM please
  3. Im not sure what the problem is,but if you use magic iso to convert your iso's to .bin\.cue,this command line will work,im using it myself Ive never heard of bin tracks before,does it save space?
  4. Ive had this problem before.for some reason any game like super mario bros.the artwork doesnt have the . in it. all you have to do is add the . to the artwork files.no skinny match doesnt do this it must be done by hand
  5. yea you can shovel snow for rent
  6. Well,well it seems a few of us owe our emulation addiction to nesticle.......ah,good ole nesticle.I was so excited when I realized I could play old nes games on my pc! Not to mention laughing uncontrollably when my friend and I realized just what the nesticle desktop icon was So after discovering nesticle,in late 98-99 (I know I was a little late,but I didnt get my first pc until early 98)I dove head first into emulation,absorbing every bit of knowledge I could find using my 56k modem Then my friend found MAME by stumbling upon "mame.dk"(deep nostalgia sigh)and let me just say the first time I saw the arcade version of "rush n attack" running on my pc my jaw hit the floor.especially when he added "coins" loved it then,love it now fast foward to 2009 I was told of "mameWAH" by some co workers.after using it for about 6 mnths I stumbled upon GameEx.and you would think this would be the end of the story,but it isnt. A few months ago I was sucked in to hyperspin by its "flash and glitz"so I stopped using GameEx and started using HS.Then I soon found out that while HS does have the flashiness,GameEx's features just blow HS out of the water.3 weeks after installing and setting up HS,I was uninstalling it and reinstalling GameEX And now I have been happily back with GameEx for about 2 months now,with no intentions of leaving it again:) I must agree with Brian,never have I felt more welcome on a board then this one.great community to accompany a great FE,the #1 FE.
  7. Oh another thing you might want to try is try switching to pSX,I just got it last night so I havent had to much time to play with it,but it is far simpler to use the epsxe,and it doesnt use plugins let us know how you made out
  8. sorry for the delay,internet trouble YET AGAIN is this your command line? EPSXE.EXE -NOGUI -LOADBIN "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" also set your rom filter to *.bin as long as your games are in the .cue\.bin format,this command line will work Im not really to sure about just changing extensions,I would just convert your .iso to .bin\.cue with magic iso,each game only takes about a minute regarding the sig,did you get your *free* GameEx game card? which BTW although simple,is one of the coolest GameEX features and,as far as I know,is one no other FE have the game card will work in any forum that allows it,BTW its just the gray GameEx card,the two orange one's are from Emumovies (DUH) LOL!!
  9. forget mounting,its a unnecessary step only emu I still need to mount for is SSF
  10. mesk

    laser games

    DAPHNE can use a scoreboard from a REAL dragon's lair machine read about it HERE and you can add overlays,which i believe the DAPHNE LOADER downloads for you Like I said,I dont play much DAPHNE,once I got it up and running,the games werent as cool as I had thought they were......LOL
  11. mesk

    laser games

    ill brb im going to load up a few DAPHNE games ill let you know my findings
  12. why dont you just use magic iso (or another converting program)and convert the .img files to bin\cue This is what I did to a few psx games that were in a .img,.ccd,.sub format instead of the normal .bin\.cue and they work fine. are you using epsxe?I am and I have never had to use virtual clone drive or any mounting software to play them EDIT: after re-reading your post im getting the impression that you are using psx game discs....
  13. Looking good Draco,Im looking forward to using it
  14. mesk

    laser games

    I dont think there is a during game scoreboard,if memory serves correctly,(and I could be wrong)I think you saw your score when your game has ended.Yes I do have DAPHNE setup and it works fine,but it more for completeness rather then something I play often.
  15. exactly.my multiplaying began with goldeneye on the n64,the best was having 3 friends over and playing 4 way deathmatches! but now i really am not into it anymore.I guess the limited time I have to play games I like to play the single player game and feel like ive accomplished something,not shoot the SAME 7 or 15 ppl over and over and over again. Not to mention the fact that now developers have to split their time between the single and multiplayer aspects of the game.So now instead of 20 ppl working on a great single player experience we have 10 ppl working on a ok single player experience while the rest are working on the multiplayer parts.Not cool
  16. mesk


    thats what i figured you meant.thanks for the clarification
  17. mesk


    Draco Im lost by this.are you saying that gamebase has a high system requirement?or that using both gamebase and gameex would lag on a lesser system?
  18. Ive also come to the conclusion that if you intend on playing a game online,you MUST MUST start on the day the game is released!!! if you start like a week or two later,you will be so far behind everyone else it would be pointless. and then 6 months after the games release,its multiplayer is a ghost town. the life of a online console video game LOL!!
  19. mesk


    does anyone currently have gamebase installed and using it with GameEx?if you do,could you please tell me the benefits of using gamebase with GameEx? it would be appreciated
  20. you havent finished the first one yet!??! when you have some free time,you definitely should finish them they are such good games!! especially the first one,it was ground breaking. Brotherhood is pretty good,ive only played a hour into it,but it seems like its going to be great.and after playing TFU2,I need a good game LOL!! AWESOME!! now its up to 20 inches! by the time it starts snowing,it will be up to 3 ft LMAO!
  21. heads up everyone,ClientServerMame is up to 1.0 and I must say it is less buggy\less laggy Great work,Digital Ghost and much appreciated
  22. I know a few of us have said what we are currently playing in celly's "what to do with a banned xbox" thread,but I felt this needed its own thread I bought Assassins Creed Brotherhood last night (40$ on sale!) so I will be starting that today,im hoping for a good game after being COMPLETELY let down by Star Wars the force unleashed 2 Oh yea and we are getting a foot and a half of snow tonight\tomorrow---Always great news
  23. Im not to sure why more jackasses are drawn to live,I also play ps3 online and while their are some JA's,not as much as live.which is strange because you have to pay for live,ps network is free
  24. Celly,it still plays games ,right?my friend and i had a jtagged 360 that was banned and we gave it to his little brother,it plays games,just not on live,which could be a good thing.......I swear the biggest jackasses in the world are drawn to live like flies to s...well you know
  25. found your post adultery,followed it,and everything works fine man,I love GameEX!!!! I have only one more question.can I do more then one custom list?
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