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GameEx Founding Member
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Everything posted by mesk

  1. Says donkey kong up time 0 minutes.been like that since you had your HDD crash i think.sometimes my card is messed up too,showing the wrong image,or the wrong last game played.
  2. Lovin it Tom! thanks again!
  3. win 7 32 on my cabinet
  4. Using 7 here Happy to report GameEX is playing 480 p mp4 video snaps after downloading and replacing GameEx.exe that Tom so nicely and quickly uploaded.Thanks Tom! BTW Draco I am using Win 7 and sharks codec pack @ Circo this is great.before my SNES set was 5.05gb for the 240p version now I am using the 480p snaps and they are only 2.02gb.thanks Circo!
  5. Unfortunately I cannot get any of these videos to play in GameEX.WMP plays them. ive tried SNES,FDS & 5200 both 240p & 480p has anyone else tried?
  6. Count me in I am downloading the Snes set now
  7. Like the title says welcome back buddy.Hope your week was great.congrats again
  8. mesk

    Kuma War

    Hello all my GameEx friends! Today I stumbled upon a free to play,multiplyer FPS called KUMA WAR It features real life events from the 2 wars in Iraq & Afghanistan.For instance I just stormed OBL's compound,killed him,collected intel then destroyed the downed chopper before hightailing it out of there.It is pretty cool,and best of all it is FREE. So I was wondering if maybe you guys are into it we could start a GameEx clan.not only is there somewhere around 107 missions available,there are also other games such as a mafia game,WWI,WWII,Vietnam,Civil war,and a really interesting looking game called predator where you play a lion stalking prey.So if you want to try it out and let me know if it would be something you are interested in via this thread or a pm.
  9. I dont think you actually need to map all those buttons.what I mean is there are about 100 5200 games in total.and only 2 or 3 actually utilize the numerical pad.I have played almost every 5200 game,and i have not ran into a game that I actually needed those numerical pads.I use a xbox 360 contoller,without any extra software.I think only defender & maybe star raiders actually use the numeric pad.Same thing with coleco vision,the most use the numerical pads used on that system was to select difficulty & # of players.And for those I just have them mapped to the keyboard. Not the answer you were looking for im sure,but hopefully it helps you out somewhat.
  10. mesk

    [RESOLVED] Daphne

    D'oh! that will do it everytime
  11. mesk

    [RESOLVED] Daphne

    are your m2v,ogg and text framefiles all in the same folder? daphne is kind of picky with stuff like that
  12. thats funny cause I was having the exact opposite-sound effects,no music.and this just started recently? in SSF options do you have linear filtering checked?
  13. mesk

    [RESOLVED] Daphne

    You copy the command line to where you have that game setup.for instance if dragon lair is game 1,then in game 1 options you out that CL here is a pic of what i am saying
  14. so you not getting music but you are getting the sound effects? I was having this problem a few days ago and it turned out my rom filter was set to .bin instead of .cue
  15. Pretty cool shit.I love retro-ness
  16. I think Draco answered that for you in this THREAD
  17. Congrats Mike!
  18. mesk

    zinc troubles

    Does it run outside of GameEX?
  19. Isnt that the truth? I am playing MK & SF2 and they look EXACTLY like they did so many years ago in the arcade.
  20. you have video snaps of emulators? im sorry i dont understand what you mean
  21. It recreates what most arcade games looked like in the arcade.in the arcade days monitors that were in arcade cabs were of,well pretty low quality.xD and they all had scanlines.its just another way of faithfully recreating arcade games.
  22. Are custom paths not carried over? what i mean I use almost all 5 of the custom art paths that are available.but when i launch the setup wizard,and go to advanced emulator setup all my custom paths are gone! actually it is more then just custom art paths,everything is gone.the only paths that are left are the basics like rom path,working path,etc..
  23. sorry about the double post.are you guys not just updating? I updated to 11.76 earlier and there was no error.are you doing a offline install?
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