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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. Typically this relates back to a somewhat common problem. Essentially this means that the game launcher process is not the same as the game process itself. The trouble with this is that GameEx only knows about the process that it launches. So if GameEx starts the launcher process and then the game pulls a switcheroo and trades the launcher process for the game process (thus ending the process launched by GameEx) ... well as far as GameEx is concerned the process it launched is no longer running so the game must be over. So ... we must tell GameEx about this secondary process. If you look in the following directory: C:\GameEx\MEDIA\STEAM\CONFIGS\ You'll find a number of numerically named INI files. There is one file for each game in your Steam library. So the first step is to determine which number equates to the game you're looking for. This part is pretty easy. Open up the store page for the game you're looking for. For this example let's use Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition. Take a look at the URL for that page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/237110/ You'll notice a number at the end of the URL. That's the numeric ID you're looking for. So in this case the file you want to modify will be 237110.ini. If you need to create it in the same directory that's fine too. OK so that part was pretty easy the next part if slightly more tricky, but not much. Essentially you need to determine the name of the process for the game itself. Windows Task Manager will likely come in very handy. So start the game. and Alt+Tab back to your desktop. Now start Windows Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc). Under the processes tab locate the name of the process identified with your game. Hopefully it will be obvious. For now let's assume that it is. That process name is what you'll need to add to you INI file. You will need to add the following line to your file: overidewaitprocess=NAME_OF_PROCESS Where NAME_OF_PROCESS is the name of the process you found in Windows Task Manager (minus extension). Here's a full example of the config for The Binding of Isaac: Hopefully following the above steps should more or less get you back on the right track. Good luck man!
  2. For me the short answer is ... especially where it comes to disc based games (and CHDs) I pick and choose what will be included on my system. Depending on the play habits of you, your friends, and family you are probably looking at a handful of the best and most popular games for any given system. Sprinkle in a few unappreciated gems, sentimental favorites, and of course an assorted obbball here and there. Duplicate and or clone games released on multiple platforms? Pick your favorite release and or platform and jettison the rest. I have seen my system improve drastically using these techniques in terms of accessibility and playability. The thing is, us video game nerds tend to squee with delight at the thought of an endless library of games and other assorted video game arcana. The average person you have over to your house (or kids) ... not so much. Those guys just want to play a game. They don't care about the unusual history of E.T. on the 2600, or that you've created a favorites list consisting of all Hideo Kojima games (including English translations!). They just want to play a game. If you present them with the best of the best they practically cannot pick a bad game to play. If you present them with 90% filler ... well they might lose interest pretty quickly. It's tough though ... because as gamers and hobbyists, we can find something to love in just about any game. But thinning the collection down to a "solid gold hits" collection will not only save you tons of space in the long run, your system will outwardly benefit from it as well. Purely my 2p.
  3. Forty Six & 2 are just ahead of me

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Adultery


      He had a lot of nothing to say... :)

    3. RIP-Felix


      If we actually had forty six & 2 (chromosomes) we'd be chimpanzees! That devolution, not evolution which the song's about.

    4. nullPointer


      Ha, Science FTW! Although ... I dunno man ... maybe the chimps DO have it all figured out. Don't have to go to work, no bills to pay, literally just hang out all day. I'm not so sure that's not Evolution. :D

  4. This is exactly how the original game controlled (with twin sticks). Having said that, I think this is one of those games where you would likely notice a huge difference between 8-way and 4-way sticks in terms of playability (the originals were 8-way).
  5. Definitely some odd system behavior here especially being that this seems to be an isolated incident. If you're using Xpadder I would double check to see that your controller profile matches the navigation keys assigned on the Input Settings screen (and further I would leave those keys as the defaults in order to avoid further confusion). If you're using controller navigation I would check to see that you've not enabled any of the "specialized" settings (i.e. Keyboard DirectInput, SlikStik/IPAC Support, Cab Control Friendly, etc.). It might be helpful in detecting anomalies if you post a copy of your GameEx.ini and your log.
  6. In a sense they are the meta-game within Steam itself. A lot of games on Steam include digital trading cards. You start to earn trading cards by playing the game associated with that set of trading cards. Once you've got a complete set of cards for that game you can use them to create a badge for that game. Badges are sort of like achievements except less specific. ... But the catch is that you pretty much can't earn a complete set of cards by simply playing the game. This is where trading, selling, and buying cards comes into it. Ultimately it amounts to a bunch of digital trinkets with no real value or meaning. But once you start getting into it, it's pretty fun and addictive! Naturally Dazzle explained it all in a knowledgeable and thorough manner before I finished this post, but I just kept on typing anyway! Edit: And of course as Dazz pointed out, some of the items you can earn through creating badges have the potential to earn some real dough if you're dedicated enough! As an example check out this bad boy!
  7. Please upload a new copy of your log and/or your config, so that we might take a look at what settings you changed and wherther we're still looking at the same issue. One thing I noticed is that you still have a lot of the Demo media (gameplay videos, snaps, etc, included with GameEx for demonstration purposes) enabled on your machine (for Atari 5200, Super Nintendo, N64, and also MAME in this case). It should be noted that GameEx does not include any emulators or games with the frontend. The demo media that plays through the frontend is strictly for demonstration purposes, and will not launch an emulator from the frontend as such. If you try to launch a game from the demonstration media, it will behave exactly as you describe.
  8. Nah I meant Adultery. I was trading off some of my Summer Sale dupes, and looking for other folks that had dupes of the cards I needed. Adultery was part of that group of other folks. Having said that I'm always up for some trades! (Although when I do so I'm generally looking to part with duplicate cards and pick up others from the same set) Edit: Argh! Now all the Summer Sale cards display with the message, "This trading card has expired, and can no longer be used". So the trade offers I sent out this morning are now null and void. ... And yet Steam lets them sit around cluttering up my inventory ... Thanks Obama Steam!
  9. Yep, just as thurmansevolution suggests, your first stop will likely be the HTPC / Multimedia Settings screen in the Setup Wizard.
  10. Hmm ... you've got a a few different things going on here in terms of arcade emulators. In your log you're launching MAME though, so let's get right to the most conspicuous issue I'm seeing in your setup: You've got your MAME executable set to look for Sleep.exe (which is likely mapped as part of your System Paths for Windows). At any rate, that one should point at mame.exe equivalent.
  11. I'm more of a trader than a seller ... but I got so many duplicates of the summer sale cards I'm considering unloading them on the marketplace proper. And speaking of trading ... I actually offered you a card trade just today.
  12. In addition to those already mentioned I think that Ys 1 & 2 as well as Ys III were defining games for the Turbo Grafx CD add on. At the time of release they were certainly pushed as the killer apps for the system. For fans of shmups, Gates of Thunder and Lords of Thunder are also pretty crucial releases.
  13. Your log still seems to indicate that you have MAME configured as a "standard emulator" rather than setup through the integrated MAME functionality (your log also seems to be missing some of the standard MAME information one would expect to see). When you have a moment please refer back to the MAME settings screen to insure that you've configured everything according to your own setup. Also please note that MAME has it's own top level menu in GameEx when you're using the default menu structure (i.e. it won't appear under 'Emulated Games' by default).
  14. That makes good sense Stigzler, and thanks for the clarification. I suppose if one were uploading vector images it should be their responsibility to convert the image and upload in both bitmap and vector formats. Under that circumstance what's the general recommendation on image size for bitmap versions of vector images? The bigger the better? Is there an upper limit? (Like say no larger than 4000px on the longest edge or something?)
  15. I may have a suggestion on this, but it will help immensely to know the lay of the land before diving in. The usual adage applies: When reporting a possible GameEx bug or error, please ensure you submit a copy of your log.txt and gameex.ini file so we may quickly assist you. Please refer to this link for additional information. Thanks!
  16. Thanks for updating the main post Stigz! I plan to be jumping back into this project in full once I get my fence built, and return from my upcoming trips. I'll have to get the updated links and whatnot, so I'm posting images to the proper places! Hey I have a suggestion that I've been mulling over in terms of this project. It seems to me that if you have an image in a vector format that it's slightly redundant to try and maintain that image in both a vector format and a separate bitmap format. The vector image can arbitrarily be scaled and converted to any size of bitmap (without loss of quality), so it just seems that at that point it only introduces extra overhead (not to mention HD space) to try and maintain both formats. In any case, you've been doing an excellent job as project manager on this project, so feel free to bin this suggestion at will. Just something I'd been thinking about. Carry on! Onward and upward to even greater peanuts!
  17. Wow, this is really cool rockyrocket! Thanks for sharing your pioneering endeavors to get this up and running!
  18. That collage is an awesome touch Stigz! Looks great. Apologies for my recent absence . I have a RL project going on (assigned by the wife no less!), and two trips to prepare for within the next 3 weeks. I've been a bit strapped for time, but I've not forgotten. Thanks all for doing such a fabulous job on this project!
  19. This might be dependent on your theme and/or your view settings. The Create Snaps option should appear in the same selection group that allows you to sort games by By Name, By Category, By Developer, By Publisher, By Year, etc. There is one other anomaly to consider though. If you're browsing an emulator group the Create Snaps option will not appear. So for instance, I have 3 emulator slots in use for Nintendo 64 (Project64, 1964, and Mupen64). Then I've grouped all the games together into a single list using the Emulator Groups feature. Once I've grouped the games for three separate emulators into a single list, the Create Snaps option will no longer appear. It will come back for each individual emulator if I un-group them (but then I have three Nintendo 64 menu items).
  20. Thanks for your contribution Uberpubert69!
  21. Just out of curiosity, what emulators are you attempting to make snaps for? The reason I ask is that I've found that this feature doesn't work for some emulators. Especially if we're talking about full screen DirectX applications, Create Snaps will likely not be able to effectively capture screen images. Basically if you can press Print Screen while the emulator is running and have it work (when you paste it into an editor like Paint), the Create Snaps feature should work for that emulator. If the Print Screen test doesn't work, then that's a good indicator that Create Snaps will not effectively capture screen images for that emulator.
  22. Steam's annual blowout sale (and notorious wallet drain) has officially started for 2014! It looks like it will go until June 30th this year. So here's a question for you guys that I've been pondering lately. Are the big annual Steam sales still relevant (or at least as relevant as they used to be)? I still get a thrill when the sales go live, being that it's something of a tradition, but these days digital games store fronts have popped up all over the place, and it seems that they all have their own big summer blowouts. And they also generally sell Steam codes. So what say you? Steam sales ... Still a big deal or no? (Or maybe you never cared in the first place which is also totally understandable)
  23. Great job on these sigma! Adding the preview GIF is a real stroke of genius as well. Keep up the good work!
  24. I have a pretty good feeling that the Steam Summer Sale is right around the corner. It's hard to know with any degree of certainty, but recently "Mystery Trading Cards" were put into Steam circulation (as in the digital variety - the same thing happened a couple of weeks prior to last years Steam sale). Also for some reason the number of games on offer for the Steam weekly sale this week is greatly reduced from the normal amount. So if you're looking to jump in on Steam, the Summer Sale is a good time to do so.
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