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Everything posted by Adultery

  1. Is that during verifying sets that it hangs at 55%? A log file would also be helpful..
  2. I am also seeing this. I changed the thread title to escalate it.
  3. We got it for PS4. It's pretty good for sure, but it's not the same of course... But that's just the old man in me probably. Nice to know I can still beat the tar out of my kids.
  4. That's a steal! We're a bit too tangled up in MK X to have time for this right now. Haha!
  5. Updated to 1.1.4 Moved the Emulator INI parsing to the EmulatorLoad eventFixed a bug where some info was being called for before it was setFixed some events not being handled if not being completed which was crashing the pluginSnag it from the usual places.
  6. As I said before, it's probably your mame.exe.
  7. Yeah that's my guess too. Which typically doesn't work.
  8. No worries, I just moved the emulator parsing to a different event. More efficient that way anyhow.
  9. I'm a bit confused.. How can you use the same rom set and point two different mame builds at it and have both be proper to the version? I'm guessing that there's an issue with the mame.exe since the list comes from there.
  10. Nope I meant internally. I can see it's set in the launch after. I should have been more specific. I'll fix it.
  11. It looks like whichever emulator that is didn't have a database set for it and it's trying to replace an empty string. I'll fix that right now.
  12. Try this one in debug mode. This should at least prevent the plugin from crashing if it's a specific game that's causing this and provide me with better insight.
  13. Yeah it's crashing on the game run again. I'll look at it again. I wish I could reproduce it.
  14. He was in hospice for a while. It really is a sad thing.
  15. Can you post your GameEx log after it fails and also the plugin settings.xml?
  16. Ohhh cloud syncing your settings! Good idea! I may need to borrow that!
  17. Well for Map File Maker, you point the app at your rom directory, select your naming convention and generate the map file that way as opposed to importing one that's already been made.
  18. Looks nice HK! Nice touch on the MAME logo in the status strip! I'm psyched to use this over the weekend!
  19. Updated the downloads all to 1.1.3
  20. Yeah, some of this is likely due to your downgrade. You should be able to get the latest version from the draclabs installer or on the download page. I'll double check when I get home though. If not let me know.
  21. Sorry, no idea. I usually am the one who took it to goodwill in the first place.
  22. That's correct, my threads are a bit behind. Ahh yeah, that may be. Not sure I ever encapsulated the exe with quotes before either? I can fix that. Probably not until tomorrow though, I'm at a mother's day thing.
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