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Everything posted by Adultery

  1. I'll have to look at #1. I cant see the post attachments on my mobile. For #2, the plugin isn't set up to use multiple drives. I might be able to work with that though, let me look at the code. Either way that would be new functionality.
  2. 1. No 2. Not that I'm aware of 3. The configuration shouldn't be saved over, but typically there is a config.ini backup in the GameEx > Config folder. Is it possible that you have it installed on two different locations somehow? You're playing a dangerous game not keeping your GameEx up to date, but I'll spare you the lecture.
  3. My cab used to be a (broken) Big Buck Hunter machine! The CP space is a little different though.
  4. Hey stigz! Hope it was epic!! Sorry for the late greetz!!
  5. "Guess what, we're shitty people Joel. It's been that way for a long time." It's from a popular PS3 game, and Tess said it. That should be a good clue!
  6. Ouch... Maybe it's my age but the consoles these days are just too much, and without having all day to devote to playing games the online component loses me. We have a PS4 and two Xbox Ones (one for each of my kids) and I'm not interested in either. Nintendo games are more my speed. I can pick up and play, and in most cases the story is more than 10% of the game (or should I say I can get my money's worth without having to play online, campaigns are a fuggin joke nowadays). For kids? Sure, maybe. But I also approve on behalf of old people and family game night people.
  7. That's what makes the switch great, it's not like every other cookie cutter game system, and the games aren't the same as all the other offerings out there. ...and VR is probably a fad. /my 2c
  8. It's not that it would be impossible, just really hard. There is a file that is saved to your computer with the hi-score saved on it. One could maybe make that centrally available, but if more than one person plays at a time the whole thing is a wash. Maybe something in their new LUA engine though...
  9. If you see snapshots with initials and stuff, that's probably my hi-score snapshot plugin.
  10. No way! I will own a Switch and love it! Dragon Quest FTW! But admittedly most of my gaming is on break from work or traveling.
  11. Drac is probably right. If you think about it, there's really not much overhead for Nintendo for this, especially for content. I'm sure based on its success, there will be an SNES Mini and an n64 Mini at some point. I highly doubt you'll ever see a storefront for it, because they can release a v2 with different games and goose you for the $60 again. And people will buy it. I'm more surprised that they added a USB port, since it made it easy to hack it. It's a novelty, so why would you expect Nintendo to invest in it as if it were a 'new' system?
  12. Do you have the database files? You can download them using the asset manager in the GameEx start menu folder.
  13. I feel like I've heard Vader say that (or something close to it) in a Star Wars movie I recently watched over holiday break, but no idea on the game. We sat and watched IV, V and VI on Christmas day, so it would have berm one of those.
  14. I saw, but I'm away from home so I can't fix it yet. I'll jump on it as soon as I can though!
  15. 2016's last victim? Mariah Carey's career. Best part of my night! https://www.google.com/amp/s/dailydot.relaymedia.com/amp/upstream/mariah-carey-new-years-eve-performance-disaster/
  16. "It is good you are not afraid child, fear is a heavy burden."
  17. Well my son got it, so let me ask him for the next quote. This should be fun! Due to his age, you can bet it's gonna be 360 or PS3 at earliest!
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