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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Got your score! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  2. I'm not sure either. I've seen people play it but I've not really had much motivation to do so myself. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  3. From what I understand, there will probably never be a small form factor device that can do N64 emulation. It would require a much beefier GPU than what is available. The only way we can get it would be if Nintendo were to release a N64-Classic, and they did some fancy work on a custom board. Then maybe we can hack it and add more games to it. As it is right now, I can't even play N64 very well on my PC, let alone a device like a Pi. I do (finally) have N64 working about 50% on my NesPi. It's at extremely low, pixelated resolution, with no sound. But I can play Super Mario 64 and earn cheevos.
  4. What are all the extra buttons for? The white one I guess you could use for coin or start, or universal exit. But what about the 2 at the bottom? I've only ever needed 6 buttons total, and even then it was for fighting games that actually really only needed 5. I guess some NeoGeo games use 4 buttons. But 8+1? Anyway, I'll probably go that same route some day, and maybe just include an externally accessible USB port/hub for Keyboard/Mouse and stuff.
  5. I'm glad you're getting so much enjoyment out of it. I probably would too if I was better at it lol Updated OP, DB, RSS
  6. This has brought me back to emulation after a lull. So happy it exists and is working!
  7. Yup, tinker more than play. lol I'm still holding out hope for some pinball. Maybe those guys over at RetroArch can make a port of VisualPinball into their future builds.
  8. I read that too, and you're right. $5 (more than that $1.65) is worth it for more performance. The problem is, the device was never designed and intended to be used as a work force like tool. It wasn't meant to be a computer replacement. It was meant to be a cheap educational tool to allow students in like Elementary School to learn the basics of programming. People jumped on board in the masses once everybody got familiar and ideas started forming of it's potential. I get that we need more performance for our Retro needs, but that's not what it was designed for. There are other more costly solutions. Things with really good processors and tons of ram. I personally would like to see USB3 and GigaBit ethernet. But I'm cool with what is available at the cost. It's for kids, you know? I remember spending $189 on a graphing calculator for high school. This Pi could do circles around that thing for $35 bucks.
  9. Um, you have working PS vibration? Send me the deets!
  10. You guys are just too good. I tried playing this a bit again on my day off yesterday, couldn't even make it to the 2nd stage still. Then for fun, I noticed the PC-Engine version is available over at RetroAchievements, so I play a bit on that. I got farther but still suck. The PCE version is different in that stage layout is different, there aren't nearly as many enemies on the screen, and it seems to run a little slower to let you dodge better. But like I said, I still suck. I think this game was also available on the NES. I'll have to check that one out too. Updated OP, DB, RSS.
  11. I thought about playing this the other day, since I haven't posted a score for it yet. But something came up just as I was about to and never got to. Hope to soon though! Thanks for the score! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  12. Nice! Improved your score before I had a chance to add it! Good job! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  13. Not even gonna click. Nice spam douche.
  14. @rtkiii - I have 2 problems. #1, I'm not picky enough. I'd settle for anything, and dealers can pick up that vibe and will push for something I either don't want or don't need. #2, my anxiety blocks from me going "all in" and make a definitive decision. So at the end of the day, I'm no better off than I was when I started. It's going to end up with me settling on something just to resolve the issue, and getting stuck with something I'm not happy with. Until that day comes, I'm going to keep working and saving. @Mame Offender - Yeah I die too much to enjoy this game. I have no skills. I made it to the first level boss and died instantly. I don't like having 2 hits and death. There needs to be a bigger health bar I think. Good score though, thanks for keeping the competition exciting! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  15. It's true though. It's such a simple thing to do too. A quick backup of your SD card can really make you glad if you screw something up. Especially when playing around in an OS you're not familiar with. Saved me lots of times.
  16. I still hate this game. Tried playing it again recently, I can't make it very far in the game, maybe the 2nd or 3rd stage on a lucky day. Maybe perhaps some day. Updated OP, DB, RSS Ps, sorry rtkiii, looks like you lost your 10th place.
  17. Wow you guys duking it out. Awesome. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  18. Wow LM! Good job. Wish I had your skill. Any tips or secrets you care to share? Updated OP, DB, RSS
  19. Thanks for the confidence boost. I'm sure I'll make the right choice in the end. It's just my anxiety getting in the way of doing the things needed now. Good score though, a lot better than mine! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  20. Not really. I'm too indecisive. Went to like 4 different lots, talked with guys as 2 of them, I sat in like 5 cars. I liked everything I saw. I've just got some work still to do. Research on stuff like features, safety, MPG, etc. Then I gotta figure what's in my budget. I went at this whole car buying thing backwards. My stepmom has been at me for months pressuring me to go look at cars, so I just did it. I needed to look at it from a different perspective. I need to know what I can afford before I look at what's available. I know I make $500 a week, -$80 a week for rent, and maybe $50 for stuff like food. So that's $1,480 a month in the plus for a car. Then I also have to figure the $5,000 for a down payment I've saved. Then there's insurance. I'm a bit overwhelmed at the moment. Still trying to wrap my head around everything.
  21. Here’s my first entry. I don’t know if I can do much better. I actually suck at this game lol. I’ll update the leaderboard in an hour or so. I’m about to go look at cars to buy. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  22. Did you buy a cheap SD card? In my RetroPie machine, I'm using SanDisk. It's been solid since I installed it almost 2 years ago. On my dedicated Kodi box, I've got a cheapy MicroCenter brand card. Literally, MicroCenter sells store brand 32gb cards for $9.99. For Kodi, $.99 for a 4gb card is good enough. I've not had to replace it yet, but do regular backups just in case. I can afford $.99 for a new one. But for a system like RetroPie that demands performance and solidity, I've gone with a more expensive, better quality card.
  23. I think it's just because of the hardware. SD cards probably aren't designed to have power going to them all the time. All the reads and writes happening to it also don't help it's longevity. Still, it's a fun project to to do for sure!
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