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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. It'll be interesting to see what they do for Episode 9. I can see Rey getting trained by Leia. But I don't think we'll get to see a ghost Luke. He shut out the Force until right at the end. How is it somebody that does that is able to disappear into the Force? Rey has no exposure to Yoda, so that probably won't happen either. Now you also got Carrier Fisher no longer with us, so unless they got absolutely EVERYTHING they could ever possibly need out of her, they'll need to do a Rogue One CGI fix on re-shoots. They really wrote themselves into a corner. There's only so much Rey can get out of the books she saved. Luke is out of the picture, Yoda is out, Leia probably won't be much help. If I were the writers, I'd have her return to Jakku and find her parents there. Plot twist that would make sense? We learn her parents are Ezra and Sabine from "Rebels". Now she can have a teacher (although Ezra would have to be old, like ObiWan was). Or we can discover that Ahsoka is still alive in some kind of extreme trance (suspended animation?) on some secret planet, and she trains Rey. As for Kylo, his inability to conquer Luke on his own terms drives him absolutely insane. He goes out and discovers Palpatine's secret cloning facility and makes a new Palpatine. Palpatine in turn destroys Kylo (I'd picture a snap of the finger and he just evaporates into dust or ashes). Palpatine then goes out and finds Rey, tries to convert her to the Dark side but fails. Then we learn Leia and Han had another child..... Yup, fan theories are ALWAYS better than what will actually happen.
  2. I've not been fortunate enough to meet anybody in person, but I feel like you guys are more than friends to me. More like an Extended Family. Love you all!
  3. It'll just take practice I'm sure. At least you posted a score! Thanks. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  4. Got my copy of Solo in the mail and finally watched it last night. Honestly? I'm not sure why it got such bad reviews and was considered a huge financial failure. It like it. Granted, I didn't LOVE it like I did Rogue One. And it's story was well paced and a true action adventure. I actually prefer this movie over the complete lack of fan service The Last Jedi provided. Solo gave us excitement and a bit of backstory to help further flesh out the character, while TLJ killed everybody important to the franchise. I wish it got better reviews and made people wanting more, because I certainly did. If you've not seen the movie, there's a HUGE cliffhanger left near the end that has you thinking "WHAT?" There needs to be further explanation, and it can't be left the way it was. Maybe expanded in a novel at least. At least with TLJ, we know there's an Episode 9 coming that will (hopefully) solve our heartaches. So there are now 10 Star Wars movies. I would rank this one maybe 6/10. Not bad.
  5. Yeah, there are a few sites in my breach list that I've never visited. So I wonder how accurate it truly is. I mean, where do they get their information? Did they some how manage to get their hands on a copy of the data that was breached from all these sites and build their own database from which to compare your email against? That's a bad thing in of itself if true.
  6. .... OR User your pre-existing computer and install GameEx. Or the cheaper option, RetroPie and a Raspberry Pi. The only issue is, you have to do the work yourself.
  7. I'm still waiting on the Atari bit too. I'm starting to be concerned since they took my money and haven't posted ANYTHING about it in months.
  8. Yeah, I saw it. Unless they plan on having REMASTERED or high res versions of the games, I'm not interested. The PS1 wasn't too long ago, not like the NES. This is just a cash grab to get in on the retro craze. You can still play these games. It's not like you have to resort to spending TONS of money buying consoles and games on eBay that aren't made any more, or have to play through emulation of some sort. There is absolutely no benefit to this, other than HDMI. It doesn't even come with an AC adapter.
  9. Not bad! I suck at all the Pac-Man games. Need to get better. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  10. I still haven't watched the movie. But I do have it on pre-order to arrive opening day.
  11. If you guys don't mind... I haven't had the time to make a new game post. Things are a little hectic around my life at the moment. I'm still trying to recover from a massive computer failure and loss of all my GamEx stuff. I have a backup but it's corrupted. Every time I try to restore from it, Windows still fails to boot, with a BSOD. It won't even load Safe Mode. Might be related to the fact I had to get all new hardware, and Windows isn't playing nice with trying to make the drivers work. All I know is, I've basically had to start from scratch again. I have my GameEx stuff installed on a different drive that (as far as I know) wasn't affected by the crash. But it won't run anything until I find the time to install all the various programs and emulators. I have a working/running RetroPie system, but it's not GameEx. I was able to snag another copy of our Database Manager software Adultry wrote, so keeping the forums and scores updated isn't a problem. Right now it's just kind of a limbo until I can find the time to finish getting everything installed properly and can work on creating a new thread for the next feature game. Thanks for understanding guys. Maybe we should change to a GOTQ (Game of the Quarter)? We've already changed from a monthly to a semi-monthly. I just don't think there are very many Triple-A games left that people would expect to see in a competition like this. We already have all the best ones. Not to mention the lack of participation and enthusiasm towards our games. I'm cool with just letting this one ride unless you guys REALLY want another game already.
  12. Lol you didn't have to delete it! I was just saying I don't feel like it's a fair submission without knowing the dips were set the correct way. Dazzle or GC might have voted me out on it.
  13. Nice. I don't know if we can accept the score though unless we know for sure that the settings match the rules.
  14. I still can't see what he thought he saw lol.
  15. Might be cool. I have so many tables in my Pinball FX library already, I hardly ever play more than 2 or 3 at most. I hope they're not going to release the tables at some ridiculous price.
  16. That's not bad though, considering. I mean, at least you posted a score. Not to many people can say that. And so what if you're at the bottom of the list? You're still in 4 place which is worth a heck of a lot more points towards your overall vs if you were in 10th, or never posted a score at all (like me). And we're all about having fun here. Just think of it as your "Personal Best", and strive to do better. By having scores above you, it just proves it can be done. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  17. Not a bad improvement. And thanks for the tips! I've been getting there with my computer. Maybe here in the the next week or so I should be able to try and post a score! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  18. Not a bad jump. Looks like you really wanted 3rd place. :) Updated OP, DB, RSS
  19. Welcome back GC. Thanks for helping pick up my slack.
  20. Got your score added buddy. Good job! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  21. Back in business! Thanks for holding out! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  22. Thanks. I thought something was weird with that.
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