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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Yeah I sent you a voice message, didn't know if you had actually got it or not. If you were having headset trouble, that would explain it. I was going to start up a private chat/party chat if other people showed up, but since you didn't reply to the message, I figured you were having some trouble. @Adultery; I sent you a friend request, but I got a reply back that you didn't know who I was. Apparently one of your kids got it. Hopefully you'll still approve the request. My Xbox Live name is "ChewVodka".
  2. Thanks as always Tom!
  3. Cool... I think perhaps you should make a more prominent First Message post, with the Game and Details, so we can keep chatting in the thread and not lose the game/time.
  4. I figured it out. Searched the programmer's website for command line options, and found them: Altirra /? The Full Screen command line option is /f I just edited the GEMUS to include that.
  5. Does this mean nobody has any suggestions for me? I'm probably going to try a different emulator other than Altirrra. Would like some feedback though.. which Atari 800 emulator to use?
  6. Grrr.. don't have that game! Buncha losers, get some Halo Reach! I'll probably still log in and chat with you guys in a party if you want.
  7. Take THAT bug! Good job Tom.
  8. Well, the benefit of the GEMUS is the functions where it detects how much memory to use for a given game. Depending on the format of the ROM (disk, cartridge, tape), there is different memory requirements and sizes needed. The GEMUS detect this, and properlly setup the emulator with the correct requirements.
  9. GameBase extras.... Currently GameEx links to all the extras available for a given game, like Snaps, Titles, Box, etc when available. I'd like to see another ability to have VIDEOS, and be able to use Circo's EmuMovies. Right now, there's no direct (or indirect?) way to map a Video Snap path through GameEx since it is just using the GameBase frontend database. Also, a feature to have a controller's image appear when loading a game, similar to other emulators. I'd like to be able to know what key's I've mapped to my gamepad for options like (On the Atari 800) System Reset, Option, Select, Start, etc.
  10. Found out the problem. Since the emulator doesn't launch in Fulls Screen, and is instead just a maximized window, the game doesn't display. If I do the ALT+ENTER keystroke when the screen is black, I find the game is running. Is there anyway to send this keystroke, or to enable the emulator to run in full screen? So far, Altirra is the only emulator to run.
  11. Wow, I'm glad I'm uber smart.... First thing; Enabling Full Screen. Open the GEMUS menu in GameBase Click the 1st option (1. WinVICE v2.2...) Scroll down and look for "Set_INI_Value(1||C64||FullscreenEnabled||1)" and remove the ; delimiter. Click [OK] button. Second thing; Disabling Automatic Joystick Mapping Open the GEMUS menu in GameBase Click the 1st option (1. WinVICE v2.2...) Scroll down and look for ";set the game controls" Put a ; delimiter before each and every line until you get to ";REU (Ram Expansion Unit) = 128,256,512,1024,2048,4086,8192 or 16384 kB" (it's the last "End If" statement in that group) Clik [OK] button. Or, just copy and paste this: Turns out, the problem with the controllers being disabled wasn't the emulator causing it, but GameBase. Everytime I loaded up the emulator outside of GameBase, it had the controllers enabled as I wanted. But once I loaded up GameBase, it reset the controllers, disabling my gamepad. When I exited GameBase and loaded the emulator separately, it was reset. Re-enabled, exited. Re-opened the emulator; enabled. Exited, launched GameBase; disabled. So I found the lines in the GameBase's GEMUS that controlled this, and disabled them. I also found the line that enabled the full screen mode, which was disabled by default, even though I had the emulator saving in full screen. All better now!
  12. Yeah I have the Save Settings on Exit enabled, but it doesn't save the enabled joysticks. I'm poking around with it more right now; lunch time gotta go get food. I'm off all day so it's not like i'm in a rush. Thanks for offering your help AlphaUMi!
  13. I think I figured it out. The info on some of the games says the Joystick goes in port 2, which I didn't have enabled. That did the trick. Now I need some help getting the enabled port to SAVE. Seems like everytime I load up a game, it isn't enabled, so I have to re-enabled it EVERYTIME. Is this just something I have to live with?
  14. Hey guys, I'm really desperate. I've read the documentation over at the VICE website, and tried to figure it out on my own, but I'm just coming up short. I'm setting up my computer emulations now, and using GameBase when I can. WinVice is the recommended best emulator for the C64, so I'm using that. Using GameBase, I can launch a game fine, and it runs perfectly. However, I can't figure out how to setup my gamepad controller to work with the emulator. I've enabled it in the joystick settings, but it doesn't work. The only thing that seems to work is the buttons. That's all good, but I need to be able to make the D-Pad control the stick! Could somebody walk me through, perhaps with screenshots, on how to set this up? RESOLVED... Edit the GEMUS ini file to disable automatic mapping of controllers, and configure controller inside WinVICE directly, mapping it to port #2 and not #1.
  15. You can update 2 different ways. The easiest way is the built in updater from within GameEx. Just let it do it's thing. It will update, then return to GameEx. The other way is to download the installer again from the GameEx homepage. This will require you to install overtop of your current installation. Just let it overwrite anything it needs to. The individual settings are kept, like your emulator settings, keymaps, theme choice, etc. This just updates the core program files.
  16. Now it's my turn! I'm trying to get the Atari 800 database to work with GameEx. I have been able to successfully load up the system outside of GameEx. I tested with "Jungle Hunt". It loads the Altirra emulator. I've got my keys remapped the way I like it. One problem; it doesn't launch into full screen, just a full window. The game plays fine, and is much enjoyable! Setting up in GameEx... I enabled the GameBase support in the setup wizard, pointed both paths to the GameBase folder. Using custom menus, I created a menu item called "Atari 800" and mapped it to GameBase System, and then to GameBase System 1 (assuming that Atari 800 would be 1, since it's the only one installed right now). GameEx loads up, displays the games, displays the art. However, when I attempt to launch the game (Jungle Hunt again, since I knew it worked), it just sits there on a black screen. I use my Global Exit to return to GameEx. Here's the runitgame.bat it created: Since this isn't an "emulator", I can't ajust the setting I would normally use to show desktop and debug. Any ideas? EDIT... I just tried that command line in a cmd prompt, and it worked perfectly. So why doesn't it work in GameEx?
  17. Thanks Tom!
  18. This is an old post, but I have a new problem. I extracted everything and imported just like you said. GameEx doesn't run the rom. Checked runitgame.bat and copied the command line. Opened command prompt and ran the line. I get a window that pops up and says the unzip program is incompatible with x64 Windows. Is there anyway to replace unzip32.exe with an "unzip64.exe"? I tried googling it, but I'm not coming up with anything. Of course, if I could find an unzip64, i'd just rename it to unzip32.exe so the bat/cmd file would run properly.
  19. Wish I could help. I don't use GameEx to watch DVD's or videos. Maybe somebody else out there could lend a hand with this. It sounds like it could be a bug, especially if it all worked fine before the latest version. Only, if it DOES work, just doesn't show, it's probably related to the theme. Try changing to one of the more recent themes, as this may be a problem with the theme rendering version (I think we're on version 4 now, and there's a lot of older themes that might have been broken with newer versions of GameEx).
  20. This question is a bit off topic, but somewhat related. It's not just "any old thing" to put in the social area. Here goes: When emulating computers in MESS, you're required to have use of a full keyboard. That means your TAB key is locked out from being able to access the in-program settings of MESS. Is there a different keystroke or way to enable a different key via the ini to bring up this window? I'm using MESS right now to run the Apple II. It works great, but I wanted to change the button my gamepad uses for the joystick button. Pressing TAB is like pressing TAB on the real keyboard! Little help? RESOLVED.. Press SCROLL-LOCK to switch mode to "Partial Keyboard Emulation" then the MESS UI will work with the TAB key.
  21. Sweet! I'll work on that some tonight/tomorrow! Thanks Adultery!
  22. So if I install the GameBase software, and then add the necessary settings for the given database I'm using, then GameEx will just list each game and it's artwork directly?
  23. Just re-pasting this from the other thread: Also, is there any planned functionality to have a setup somewhat like X-Box Live's messaging service? I think it'd be really cool if you could press a button, and have it pop up a window that displays information, like what friends are online, what they're currently playing, an ability to join them, an internal messaging system, etc. Just think, I load up GameEx, and it alerts me that Adultery has sent me a message. Then I can read it, reply back, and go on my way. Then while navigating around in the menus, it can pop up an alert that he's online. Then later that he wants to play a game with me, which would then have the ability to link right to that game so I don't have to find it. What would REALLY make this shine is if there was a way to have it popup during a game, but probably MAME would be the only possible option for this. UNLESS you could have an audio alert that GameEx plays regardless of what emulator is running. Then when you return to GameEx you could see the indication.
  24. Well, I'll put it there, but I don't know if it's already on there or not.
  25. Hey all; Before I venture into setting up some of my systems, I noted that a lot of my PC games are in a Gamebase. I remember some time ago, the only real way to make these work was to either rip out all the games and associated art and point GX to them directly, or to load up an External Application that launches the Gamebase application separately and then you have to use your mouse to select the game to play. I saw there is a GameBase section in the setup wizard, and Tom has been actively working on disabling the ESCAPE key from exiting the Gamebase applications. So my question is.. how does all this come in to play now with the latest versions of GX? Has the implementation advanced to the point yet where it just recognizes the games directly without needing to externally launch the Gamebase front end? What's the best way to set all this up?
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